Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2007, 26(6):401-404.
Abstract:A new stopband filter consisted of dielectric grating waveguide was proposed and its filter characteristics were carefully examined by an approach of combining the muhimode network theory with the rigorous mode-matching method. The Brillouin diagram for the dominant TM mode and the variations of the normalized center frequency and the band width as well as the maximum attenuation constant of the stopband with the geometry parameters were presented. By comparing with the traditional dielectric grating stopband filter, it has been found that the new filter structure not only has the advantage of lower conductor loss, but also is of larger stopband bandwidth and maximum attenuation in the band than those of the traditional ones. The numerical results presented here are of guiding significance for the design of new band-rejected filters.
LIU Ai-Yun , XUE Jian-Qiang , HOU Yun , GE Yu-Jian , HUANG Zhi-Ming , CHU Jun-Hao
2007, 26(6):405-408.
Abstract:通过对不同组分的铌镁钛酸铅(PMNT)薄膜的紫外-可见透射光谱以及红外椭圆偏振光谱的分析,利用Tauc-Lorentz(T-L) Cauchy色散关系和经典中红外色散关系,得到了该材料在可见和中红外区的光学常数,发现在可见和中红外区,薄膜的折射率随着PT(PbTiO3)含量的增加而增大,但是薄膜的光学禁带宽度随之而减小.
ZHANG Tian-Xu , SHI Chang-Cheng , LI Jie-Jun , LIU Hui-Na , YUAN Ya-Jing , ZHOU Yang
2007, 26(6):409-413.
LI Qiong-Fei , YANG Zeng-Ling , HAN Lu-Jia
2007, 26(6):414-418.
Abstract:为了切断疯牛病的传播途径保证饲料安全,开展非反刍动物肉骨粉中反刍动物成分含量的检测方法研究十分必要.本文探讨了利用近红外漫反射光谱(MRS)分析技术快速检测非反刍动物(猪鸡)肉骨粉中反刍动物(牛羊)成分含量的可行性.收集了不同地区不同种类的肉骨粉样本,在猪和鸡肉骨粉中分别掺入0~48 %的牛或羊肉骨粉,制备了200个样本.针对含牛羊源的猪肉骨粉、含牛羊源的鸡肉骨粉和含牛羊源的猪鸡肉骨粉三类样本,以掺入的牛羊源成分的质量比例作为真值,分别采用改进的偏最小二乘回归(MPLS)、偏最小二乘回归(PLS)和主成分回归(PCR)三种不同建模方法建立了MRS定标模型.用独立的验证集对模型进行了验证,最优模型验证集的决定系数(R2)均大于0.90,相对分析误差(RPD)均大于3.0.结果表明,利用NIRS分析技术可以快速检测出猪鸡肉骨粉中牛羊源成分的含量.
YANG Xiao-Hui , JIN Hai-Yan , JIAO Li-Cheng
2007, 26(6):419-424.
Abstract:Aiming at the characteristics of low visible light images and infrared images, a novel adaptive image fusion scheme based on DT-CWT was presented. The technique has good shift-invariance and directional selectivity, and is more suitable for human vision. The DT-CWT was firstly used to perform a muhiresolution decomposition of source images. By taking advantage of the characters of the coefficients, the immune clonal selection algorithm was introduced in low-pass subbands and almost optimal fused weights were obtained adaptively. To high-pass subbands, the local directive contrast was defined, which was based on human visual system. And then the contrast of fused images was enhanced and the detail information of source images was protected. The experimental results show that our fused technique is effective and the fused images have a better visual quality than their wavelet counterparts.
ZHANG Guang-Ming , SUN Sheng-Li , ZHANG Wei , PEI Yun-Tian , FAN Shi-Wei
2007, 26(6):425-428.
SONG Xin , WANG Lu-Ping , Wang Ping , SHEN Zhen-Kang
2007, 26(6):429-432.
Abstract:For target rotation in IR image sequence, an improved Mean shift tracking method was approached. Mean shift vector was established by Gaussian kernel with bandwidth matrix, and recursive equations were given in EM like manner. Flexibility of algorithm was improved by motion compensation of image sequence. Robustness of algorithm was improved by combining with Kalman filter. Experiments show that our method achieves success in IR target tracking, at same time the method can be adapted to the transformations of rotation and zooming.
SHAO Yong-Ni , CAO Fang , HE Yong
2007, 26(6):433-436.
2007, 26(6):437-442.
Abstract:对红外序列图像中的人体检测问题进行了研究,提出一种新的人体检测方法.首先采用自适应高斯混合模型对序列图像中背景进行建模,在准确分割出前景运动目标的基础上,提出了一种新的人体形状表达模型,充分考虑了多个人体发生粘连或互相遮挡的情况,并用亮度投影的方法对其进行分离;以人体表达模型作为输入向量,构建支持向量机(SVM,Support Vector Machine)对人体进行分类判别.不同红外视频序列的检测结果表明了所提出算法在单个人体和多人体情况下均具有较好的鲁棒性和可行性.
2007, 26(6):443-446.
GONG Cai-Lan , YIN Qiu , KUANG Ding-Bo
2007, 26(6):447-450.
Abstract:By considering the urban entironment effect and remote sensing interpretation ability synthetically, the urban entironment basal status was classified into eight classes. Taking the Shanghai within outer line as a case, information extraction methods of urban entironment basal status from remote sensing images were studied. By taking TM and SPOT fusion image as the remote sensing data sources, and based on the knowledge of eight classes identification from high resolution remote sensing images with eyes in the GIS database, classification and regression tree recognition methods were built for different types of urban entironment basal status from the fused images and the fusion data ratio images. Four classes information including residential areas, water bodies, urban virescence and agriculture were extracted from the remote sensing data for a large area of city.
HU Ying , WANG Shuang , HOU Biao , JIAO Li-Cheng
2007, 26(6):451-455.
Abstract:方向信息提取与小样本问题是遥感目标识别与应用的瓶颈,基于平稳小波的Contourlet变换(Stationary Wavelet Based Contourlet Transform,简称SWBCT)与投影特征相结合,本文提出了一种新的遥感目标特征提取与识别方法.首先采用改进的Contourlet变换SWBCT对遥感图像进行分解,然后对分解子带进行方向投影并求投影向量的统计特性作为目标特征,进而利用K近邻分类器进行目标识别.与小波、Contourlet等代表性方法进行比较,实验结果与分析表明,该方法不仅具有较高的识别率,而且在小样本情况下,依然可以得到较好的结果.
WANG Li-Wen , NIU Zheng , WEI Ya-Xing
2007, 26(6):456-460.
Abstract:Detecting desertification by using remote sensing is an important task for China and other semi - arid and arid areas in the world. In this study, MODIS 1 km NDVI time series data of 2002 were used to classify land cover type in Xinjiang province and surrounding regions. During the classification, sparse areas, which are the areas at risk of desertification, are emphasized. A classification method, which is adapted to various land cover type and makes sparse vegetation emphasis, is introduced. This method better synthesizes seasonal influence factors and variable factors of natural conditions. Research results indicate that 0.24 million km^2 in Xinjiang and surrounding regions are potential desertification regions.
ZHANG Guang-Feng , LI Xing-Guo , LOU Guo-Wei
2007, 26(6):461-464.
Abstract:Unlike the traditional direct current millimeter-wave radiometric imaging, an alternating current radiometer was first presented for the passive millimeter-wave imaging with simple and integrated structure in China. On basis of discussing the special structure and energy spectrum, the energy compensation mechanism and image description of an alternating current radiometric imaging were also analyzed. Lots of indoor and outdoor experiments were carried out for the different application such as safety inspection. The imaging results of 3mm band alternating current radiometer show that the alternating current radiometric image possesses its own characteristic different from the direct current radiometer. The alternating current radiometer is easy to realize passive millimeter-wave multi-channels focal plane imaging.
WANG Zhi-He , SHU Rong , HE Zhi-Ping , LV Gang , WANG Jian-Yu
2007, 26(6):465-468.
Abstract:A new method to calibrate CCD camera was proposed. It consists of two-dimension rotate instrument, collimator and CCD camera. At first, through Hough translation and least squares image matching, the intersection point of crisscross fixed on collimator, which imaged on the CCD focus plane, was found, And then a linear regression of least squares was used to calibrate the inner orientation elements and the distorted parameters based on the non-linear distortion model of camera. Experimental results of this method reveal good performance in the application of aerial triangulation operation and digital mapping.
LI Jia-Yu , DONG Shi-Kui , HE Zhi-Hong , TAN He-Ping
2007, 26(6):469-472.
CHEN Xi-Quan , WANG Ru-Li , ZU Xiao-Tao , JIANG Xiao-Dong , ZHENG Wan-Guo
2007, 26(6):473-475.
2007, 26(6):476-480.
Abstract:针对同一场景红外图像与可见光图像的融合问题,提出了一种基于非采样Contourlet变换(Nonsubsampled Contourlet Transform,NSCT)图像融合算法.算法首先采用NSCT对源图像进行多尺度、多方向分解,得到低频子带系数和各带通方向子带系数.然后,针对低频子带系数的选择,提出了一种基于红外图像与可见光图像物理特征的"加权平均"系数选择方案;针对各带通方向子带系数的选择,结合人眼视觉特性,提出了一种基于区域能量匹配的系数选择方案,得到融合图像的NSCT系数.最后经过NSCT逆变换得到融合图像.实验结果表明该算法可获得较理想的融合图像,其融合效果优于传统的基于离散小波变换以及离散小波框架变换的图像融合算法.
2007, 26(6):481-483.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335