Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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CHENG Jian , XU Shan-Jia , WU Ke
2007, 26(5):321-325.
Abstract:A new grating leaky wave antenna based on left-handed material was proposed and its radiation characteristics were carefully and rigorously analyzed by using a method Which combined the rigorous mode matching procedure with multimode network method. The variations of the leakage constant with structure parameters were given in this study to show the special properties of this kind of antenna. The numerical results indicate that the new leaky wave antenna has much larger leakage constant than that of conventional one. The reason for this phenomenon is discussed.
QIAO Hui , ZHOU Wen-Hong , YE Zhen-Hua , LI Xiang-Yang , GONG Hai-Mei
2007, 26(5):326-328.
LIN Tie , SUN Jing-Lan , MENG Xiang-Jian , MA Jian-Hua , SHI Fu-Wen , ZHANG Xiao-Dong , WANG Lin , CHEN Jing , CHU Jun-Hao
2007, 26(5):329-331335.
DU Feng-Juan , LIU Yi , TAO Ke-Yu , YANG Sheng-Hong , ZHANG Yue-Li
2007, 26(5):332-335.
Abstract:用化学溶液沉积法分别在Si(100)和石英玻璃衬底上成功制备了一系列Bi4-xLaxTi3O12 (BLT) 铁电薄膜;用X-射线衍射仪测量了不同退火温度和不同掺镧量的BLT薄膜的结晶情况,结果显示随着退火温度的升高BLT薄膜结晶越来越好,镧的掺入并不改变钛酸铋薄膜的钙钛矿结构;用椭偏光谱仪对不同退火温度的BLT薄膜进行了椭偏光谱测量,分析得到了薄膜的光学常数谱;用激光显微拉曼光谱仪对不同掺镧量的BLT薄膜进行激光拉曼谱测量,得到了BLT薄膜振动模式随掺镧量的变化.
CHEN Yong-Ping , LIU Qiang , SHI Yong-Ming , TANG Cheng-Wei , LIANG Ping-Zhi
2007, 26(5):336-339.
Abstract:采用氧化钒薄膜、低应力介质膜和CMOS读出电路技术,研制了单片式128×1非致冷焦平面.氧化钒薄膜的制备采用了一种新的方法,焦平面的信号读出采用了CTIA积分方式.应用一种双频PECVD技术制备了低应力氮化硅薄膜,有效改善了微桥的平整度.通过氮化硅和氧化钒薄膜自身的红外吸收,焦平面在8~14μm波段的平均响应率达到8.2 ×104V/W,平均D·达到2.3×108 cmHz1/2/w.焦平面的均匀性需要进一步改善.
YANG Hong-Qin , XIE Shu-Sen , HU Xiang-Long , CHEN Li , LI Hui , LU Zu-Kang
2007, 26(5):340-343.
Abstract:The infrared radiant of human meridians and acupoints and its time correlation without any disturbance from outside source were investigated by using infrared thermal imaging technology. The results show that the infrared radiant course exists along meridian over human body, and its radiant intensity has time rhythms. Analyzing the temperature distribution of acupoint versus non -acupoint, we find that the heat transfer of acupoint is preferential meridian direction, while non - acupont is nearly isotropic. These facts confirm the objective existence of human meridian acupoints.
ZHANG Ming-Jun , SUN Chang-Zheng , CAI Peng-Fei , XIONG Bing , LUO Yi
2007, 26(5):344-348.
Abstract:针对40Gb/s高速过渡热沉阻抗匹配的要求,对基于Ta2N薄膜的匹配电阻制作工艺进行了系统研究.根据过渡热沉的等效电路模型,分析了Ta2N薄膜电阻与传输线电极间接触电阻对高频反射特性的影响,并通过理论仿真确定了热沉匹配电阻的容差范围.利用磁控反应溅射技术,制作出特性稳定、方阻可调的Ta2N电阻薄膜.通过优化高温退火条件,将电阻薄膜与金属电极间的比接触电阻率降至10-6 Ω·cm2量级.在此基础上,制作出了性能良好稳定、可应用于40Gb/s光电子器件封装的高速过渡热沉.
TAN Ke-Long , ZHOU Ri-Ping , WAN Yu-Qing , LI Xian-Hua
2007, 26(5):349-352358.
Abstract:Human beings are confronted with another grievous disaster coal fire. The monitoring on underground coal bed combustion relied on drilling supervising in the past, but this method is not good. By taking the coal fire of Gulaben mine in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as an example, the monitoring methods of underground coal bed combustion were explored based on the hyperspectra and high-resolution remote sensing technology. By employing the OMIS imaging apparatus developed by Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the airborne hyperspectral images and the characteristic spectra of different types were obtained and the temperature was measured synchronously on the ground. Then according to the correlation of DN value of the thermal infrared band and surface temperature, the image information was processed, the spectral features were analyzed, and the surface temperature retrieval model was built. Finally, by hyperspectral imagery radiation temperature retrieval combining with the field geological surveys and ground test, the quantitative analysis and monitoring on the fires burning intensity were realized. The QUICKBIRD can be used during the whole course, it helps to find out the coal field fire regions distribution. The research result proves that this method can make us monitor the underground coal combustion situation factually and comprehensivly.
2007, 26(5):353-358.
Abstract:A new detection algorithm was presented to detect muhicategory targets of known shape-feature and unknown spectral signature in unknown environment. Firstly, a point spread function was constructed via high-order moments of quadratic form of data samples to obtain adaptive structured background. Then, a priori shape-features of targets were utilized to construct a shape-feature subspace which is matched with high-dimension spectral signature space. Theoretic analysis and the results of experiment verify the effectiveness of the algorithm.
LI Sheng-Xian , FU Jun-Mei , WU Xu-Da
2007, 26(5):359-361.
2007, 26(5):362-365.
CHEN Bei-Ran , WEI Yan-Yu , GONG Yu-Bin , YUE Ling-Na , WANG Wen-Xiang
2007, 26(5):366-371.
Abstract:The open column slow-wave grating structure, which is a novel type slow-wave system for Smith-Purcell FEL and relativistic TWT, was presented. The dispersion equation of the structure was derived by means of an approximate field-theory analysis, in which the continuous profile of the groove was approximately replaced by a series of rectangular steps, and the field continuity at the interface of two neighboring steps and the matching conditions at the interface between the groove region and central region were employed. The dispersion characteristics of the fundamental wave were numerically calculated and the effects of the geometrical dimensions of the grating on dispersion characteristics of system were also analyzed. And the simulation values of the structure, which is performed by using two-dimensional particle-in-cell code MAGIC, match the theoretical values very well.
LUO Lin , FAN Min , WANG Li , SHEN Mang-Zuo
2007, 26(5):372-376392.
Abstract:The resolution of space object images was decreased seriously by the atmospheric turbulence, photon noise and collimating fault of optical track system. The muhiframe blind deconvolution algorithm for improving the resolution of object images based on the maximum-likelihood estimation was presented. From the record images the object function and point spread function were estimated by the conjugation gradient optimization method. The reduction of photon noise was reached by using the smoothing low-pass filter during the algorithm iteration. The restoration results of simulation and real data show that the proposed blind deconvolution algorithm can overcome the effects of the atmospheric turbulence, photon noise and collimating fault of optical system on object images, and improve the resolution of object images to arrive at the level of diffraction-limited.
SUI Xiu-Bao , CHEN Qian , LU Hong-Hong
2007, 26(5):377-379385.
Abstract:The principles of microscan and adaptive dummy electronic microscan were studied for improving spatial resolution of infrared image. The limitation of using microscan only was pointed out. The method of making use of microscan and adaptive dummy electronic microscan was produced. Both the theory and experiments demonstrate that the method can improve the spatial resolution of infrared image greatly.
2007, 26(5):380-385.
Abstract:针对高噪声率红外图像,提出一种基于邻域相关度量的滤波算法(HWF).以图像灰度相关理论为基础,分析了盐椒噪声对红外图像灰度分布和灰度差分布的影响.盐椒噪声改变红外图像灰度直方图的相对幅值,但不改变其基本形状,高噪声率红外图像直方图保留了原始图像的灰度分布信息.定义了邻域相关系数以描述像素作为有效信号点的概率.用邻域相关系数作为滤波处理的强度指数,自适应调整处理窗内各像素在邻域加权滤波算法中的权重.灰度直方图体现了对原始信息的保留,邻域相关系数体现了对有效信号和噪声信号的识别和区别处理.实验表明,对于高噪声率红外图像, HWF算法具有良好去噪效果和细节保持能力.
TIAN Yan , LIU Ji-Jun , XIE Yu-Bo , SHI Wen-Zhong
2007, 26(5):386-389.
Abstract:To obtain a favorable segmented result of an image, a transition region method, based on the difference of local fuzzy variance between transition region and background, was proposed and used for image segmentation. First, the method to construct fuzzy variance based on fuzzy set was extended to the case of two dimensional image; second, a transition region was obtained by the local fuzzy variance; and at last the final segmented result was acquired by a multi-threshold selecting method. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust and it can provide satisfactory segmented result.
ZHANG Xu-Chun , XIE Jun-Wei , WANG Ji-Qin
2007, 26(5):390-392.
YI Qiu-Xiang , HUANG Jing-Feng , WANG Xiu-Zhen
2007, 26(5):393-395400.
Abstract:以不同品种玉米叶片、茎、穗和叶鞘的室内光谱反射率及对应的粗纤维含量为数据源,通过相关性分析发现原始光谱以及一阶导数光谱粗纤维含量光谱诊断的敏感波段分别位于近红外波段的1924nm和2370nm;线性与非线性拟合分析表明以2370nm处的一阶导数光谱所构建的线性模型相对其它模型最优,模型RMSE=3.538,由此模型得到的粗纤维含量理论值与实测值之间极显著相关,相关系数r =0.693.
FAN Zhi-Gang , ZHANG Ya-Ping , PEI Yang-Wei , ZHANG Jun , HE Yan-Lei
2007, 26(5):396-400.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335