Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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GU Jian-Zhong , QIAN Rong , YIN Wen-Yan , WANG Chuang , SUN Xiao-Wei
2006, 25(5):321-324.
YE Zhen-Hua , HU Xiao-Ning , QUAN Zhi-Jue , DING Rui-Jun , HE Li
2006, 25(5):325-328.
Abstract:The research results of dry technique on the etch pattern of forming micro-mesa arrays for HgCdTe IRFPAs(Infrared Focal Plane Arrays) detector were presented.The available RIE equipments and etch principle were analyzed respectively according to the characteristics of HgCdTe epitaxial material in detail.The influences of etching gas ratio,chamber pressure,ICP(inductively coupled plasma) power and RF(radio frequency) power on HgCdTe etch pattern were investigated by using ICP enhanced RIE(reactive ion etching).Then a stable dry etch technique is obtained with clean and smooth etch surface,good pattern profile,good uniformity and high etch rate.
QUAN Zhi-Jue , YE Zheng-Hua , HU Wei-Da , LI Zhi-Feng , LU Wei
2006, 25(5):329-332337.
Abstract:A new structure that can decrease the crosstalk of planar HgCdTe(MCT) Focal Plane Arrays(FPA) was investigated theoretically.In order to improve the property of FPA,the geometry of the FPA's substrate was designed to increase the spectral response and to decrease the crosstalk.The method of structural optimization was established.The two-dimensional simulation of Hg_(0.78)Cd_(0.22)Te devices was performed by using a device simulator.The results of calculation indicate that the spectral response increases 9.6%,and that the crosstalk decreases down to 1.05% from 5.23% when minority carrier lifetime is 10ns.
CAI Shuang-Shuang , WU Bo , XU Hai-Bin , SHEN Jian-Wei , SHEN Yong-Hang
2006, 25(5):338-341.
HUANG Min~ , HE Yong~ , HUANG Lin-Xia~ , LOU Cheng-Fu~
2006, 25(5):342-344.
Abstract:A new method which was based on principal component analysis(PCA) and artificial neural network(ANN) was developed to discriminate the varieties of silkworm eggs nondestructively by visible and near infrared spectroscopy(Vis/NIRS).Principal component analysis(PCA) was used to analyze the clustering of silkworm egg samples,and offered the principal components of silkworm egg samples.The score plots of first and second components show that PCA can provide the reasonable clustering of the varieties of silkworm eggs,and can be used to analyze the silkworm eggs varieties qualitatively.The scores of the first 6 principal components computed by PCA were applied as the inputs of a back propagation neural network with one hidden layer.100 samples from four varieties were selected randomly to build BP-ANN model,and then the model was used to predict the varieties of 20 unknown samples.The discrimination rate of 100% was achieved.It indicates that this model is reliable and practicable.So this model can offer a new approach to the fast discrimination of varieties of silkworm egg.
LI Gang , WANG Yan , LI Qiu-Xia , LIN Ling , LI Xiao-Xia , LIU Yu-Liang
2006, 25(5):345-348.
Abstract:Utilizing near-infrared spectroscopy for non-invasive blood component concentration sensing has been a focusing topic in biomedical optics applications.But,there is no report about any successful detection techniques that can satisfy the requirements of clinic application(except the blood oxygen). One of the most important difficulties is the effect of the individual discrepancy.Dynamic spectrum(DS) is a new detecting method for blood spectrum developed in recent years.The improvement of accuracy by DS was studied compared with the traditional way here.The errors of traditional NIR non-invasive blood component concentration decision were studied based on the measure theory.Then the way of eliminating these errors by DS was analysed.Our conclusion is that the DS method can improve the accuracy of non-invasive blood component concentration measuring.
LU Zhi-Gang , WEI Yan-Yu , GONG Yu-Bin , WANG Wen-Xiang
2006, 25(5):349-354.
Abstract:The step-loaded rectangular waveguide grating slow-wave system, a new type slow-wave structure for mm-millimeter TWT, was presented in this study. And the dispersion equation and coupling impedance of this circuit were obtained by means of the approximate field matching theory, in which the high order terms of the field expansion in the groove region were considered, and the jump conditions at the interface of two neighboring steps and the matching conditions at the interface between the loaded region and the interaction region were employed. The high-frequency characteristics of the fundamental wave were discussed and the influence of various circuit parameters on high-frequency characteristics was also investigated. The results of the numerical calculation show that it is very useful for improving the high-frequency characteristics by loading the steps. The specific design-parameters can be selected according to the different needs. The present analysis will be helpful for further study and design of this kind RF system.
CHEN Hang-Yong , LIU Yong-Xiang , LI Xiang , GUO Gui-Rong
2006, 25(5):360-363.
Abstract:The conception of micro-Doppler rate was introduced. Micro-Doppler was investigated for typical targets of micromotion. Then time-frequency analysis was used to extract micro-Doppler signature, based on which an approach was proposed for estimating motion parameters. A simulation of micro-Doppler was presented for typical targets of micro-motion. The result of emulation validates the theoretical analysis.
WU Bin , JI Hong-Bing , LI Peng
2006, 25(5):364-367.
Abstract:A new algorithm based on third-order cumulant was proposed to detect a moving dim infrared target under heavy background.Because the grey-scale value of a pixel in an image has fluctuation when a target passes by,this fluctuation can be viewed as a non-Gaussian weak transient signal,and its third-order cumulant can be calculated to detect this signal.The process of average-value-subtraction in the estimation of the third-order cumulant also suppresses the background clutter,and leads to a great improvement of the signal to clutter ratio(SCR) and the probability of the detection in single frame.The experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively suppress heavy clutter background and reliably detect dim infrared targets when SCR is larger than 1.
LI Su-Ping , WANG Zi-Hua , LI Ying , LI Shu-Juan
2006, 25(5):368-371.
Abstract:A novel planar dual-mode bandpass filter with double-comer cuts was proposed on the basis of traditional square patch dual-mode filter. The proposed structure has single patch resonator without coupling gaps, and two attenuation poles can be implemented on both sides of passband. The filter can also provide a low loss. An improved novel dual-mode elliptic-function passband filter with a pair of unequal crossed slots was also proposed. The return loss of this filter is 31.53dB at the center frequency of 1.8GHz, and the minimum insertion loss in passband is O. OldB, and the 3dB relative bandwidth is 19.44%. The results show that this filter can reduce loss effectively, and its size is reduced about 40% compared with the traditional filter. It makes miniaturization easy. The bandwidth is also greatly increased. The proposed filters are simulated by Ansoft Ensemble 8.0 software.
WU Jian-Fei , LI Fang-Ming , ZHUANG Liang , LI Zheng
2006, 25(5):372-376.
Abstract:A new method,named 'two point IRFPA nonuniformity correction method based on integration adjustment and noise equilibrium',to correct IRFPA nonuniformity in dim target detection system was presented.This method fully takes advantages of both demarcate-based and scene-based IRFPA nonuniformity correction methods.By considering dark current va-(riance) and noise characteristics of every detector cell into consideration,this method gives optimal S/N performance.Experiment results show that its performance is more perfect than that of two-point correction algorithm.
YANG Lei , YANG Jie , LING Jian-Guo , CHE Guo-Feng , YU Zhen-Hong
2006, 25(5):377-381.
Abstract:In order to detect multi-small targets in infrared large sight field,a new method that includes "rough" phase and "precise" phase was presented here.In the "rough" phase,the rough region of small targets can be primarily obtained in large scale.Then,the small targets will be precisely detected and segmented in the "precise" phase.Experimental results show the effectiveness of our method.
ZHANG Xiao-Hua , ZHANG Ren-Cheng , GONG Xue , HUANG Xiang-Ying
2006, 25(5):382-385.
Abstract:It was proposed that CO could be chosed as a target gas to detect early fires. A specific experiment system was set up based on FTIR technology. By using time series analysis, an auto-regressive models for the concentration of CO can be built. Finally, characteristic parameters of models can distinguish the real fire source from nuisance sources in short times.
2006, 25(5):386-388.
Abstract:Based on the antenna directional characters in two plumb planes, the Shepard method was selected to deduce the space gain distribution of antenna of millimeter wave radiometer on bomb in Cartesian reference frame. The results of the emulational calculation of object signal show that it can supply exact and important criterions for target recognition and imaging.
LI Jun-Ming , ZHANG Zu-Yin , GUO Wei
2006, 25(5):389-392.
Abstract:The principle of mmW passive detecting cement roads was studied. According to the antenna, surface feature and radiometer characteristic of 3-ram and 8-mm waveband, the antenna temperature contrast and the maximal detecting distance of 3-mm and 8-mm radiometers were obtained by different antenna diameters and working conditions. Also, the actual detection effect of these two models was compared.
ZHANG Yi , NIU Zhong-Xia , ZHOU Dong-Fang , REN Xiu-Kun
2006, 25(5):393-396.
Abstract:A novel substructure of millimeter wave equalizer was designed which was based on the analysis of the characteristic of the planar whispering-gallery modes dielectric resonator and the basis equalizing theory when it coupled with the microstrip line. The simulation shows that the quality factor and the coupling can be easily tuned by changing the parameters of the substructure. At last, a novel millimeter wave equalizer was fabricated by cascading this substructure. And it displays good performance.
2006, 25(5):397-400.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335