Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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ZHEN Hong-Lou , LI Ning , JIANG Jun , XU Wen-Lan , LU Wei , HUANG Qi , ZHOU Jun-Ming
2006, 25(3):161-164.
Abstract:Epitaxial films of GaAs/AlGaAs multi-quantum wells were lifted-off from its grown substrate and transferred to a Si substrate,a typical infrared optical window material.The lifted-off sample was fabricated into quantum well infrared photodetector(QWIP).The responsivity and photocurrent spectrum of the lifted-off QWIP is shown in similar to that of QWIP processed from the as-grown wafer.It demonstrates that the lift-off process can be used in QWIP process without device performance degradation.The lifted-off process can provide a new possibility to integrate the QWIP devices with other optical device to enhance the detector performance.
CAI Hu , CHENG Zu-Hai , ZHU Hai-Hong , ZUO Du-Luo
2006, 25(3):165-169.
2006, 25(3):170-172.
GONG Yu-Bin , LU Zhi-Gang , WANG Guan-Jun , WEI Yan-Yu , HUANG Min-Zhi , WANG Wen-Xiang
2006, 25(3):173-178.
Abstract:In order to overcome the limit of single-mode approximation(SMA),the dispersion relation was obtained by eigen-function method.The coupling impedance was subsequently derived from the relevant equations.A lot of numerical computations and analysis were done for two typical structures of rectangular waveguide grating: the shallow grating and the deep grating.And the effects of the geometrical dimensions of the grating on high frequency characteristics of system were analyzed.Rectangular gratings models at 3cm band and 8mm band were designed and measured,The experimental values match theoretical values very well.According to linear theory,the "hot" dispersion equations were deduced,and the small-signal gain was achieved.The influences of the radius and current of the electron beam,the acceleration voltage and the geometrical dimensions of the slow-wave structure on the small signal gain were discussed.The results presented in this study provide theoretical basis on designing the rectangular grating traveling wave tube.
HUANG Sheng-Ye , SHI Jun-Feng , WANG Dong-Sheng , LI Wei
2006, 25(3):179-182.
YUAN Ning-Yi , LI Ge , LI Jin-Hua , CHEN Xiao-Shuang
2006, 25(3):183-187.
Abstract:Two-dimensional thermal simulations of the microbolometer with a micro-bridge structure by finite element method were done. The effects of pixel size, suspended film thickness, length and width of suspended leg, down-lead, vacuum package on the temperature changes and thermal time constants of pixels induced by ilffrared radiation were analyzed. To compare, the performance of microbolometer with a cavum structure was also discussed.
JIN Liang-An , ZHAN Xi-Chen , FU Jian-Guo , ZHENG Zhen-Yut , SHI Kant
2006, 25(3):188-191.
Abstract:The special foam screen(SFS) is a new multi-band interference technique.In order to improve its interference effect against IR and MMW guidance,the relevant theories and experiments were studied.The results indicate that the change of bubble's diameter of SFS will lead to the rapid change of the interference effect,and the smaller the bubble's diameter is,the better the interference effect will be.So to make SFS with smaller bubbles will improve the interference effect,and it can be realized by adjusting the working pressure of the equipment to discharge SFS or by changing the material formulations of SFS.
2006, 25(3):192-194212.
Abstract:A new nondestructive method for discriminating varieties of waxberry by visible and near infrared spectroscopy(Vis/NIRS) was developed.First,the spectral data were analyzed by principal component analysis(PCA) for varieties clustering.Then diagnostic information was obtained from original spectra,these informations were used for pattern recognition based on ANN model.The score plot provided the reasonable clustering of the varieties of waxberry.Small quantities of principal components from PCA were used as inputs of a back propagation neural network(BPNN) with one hidden layer.100 samples were selected randomly from four varieties,then they were used to build BPNN model.This model had been used to predict the varieties of 20 unknown samples.The recognition rate of 95% was achieved.This model is reliable and practicable.So this method could offer a new approach to the fast discriminating varieties of waxberry.
JIANG Li-Wen , WANG Lin-Jun , LIU Jian-Ming , RUAN Jian-Feng , SU Qing-Feng , CUI Jiang-Tao , WU Nan-Chun , SHI Wei-Ming , XIA Yi-Ben
2006, 25(3):195-198.
SHEN Nan , LI Yi , YI Xin-jian
2006, 25(3):199-202.
Abstract:A method to deposit a new configuration of thermochromic VO2 films material was described, By ion beam sputtering and annealing in reductive ambient, VO2 films grown onto the glass substrate show an abrupt phase transfomation. Nanometer-scale VO2 grains are found under HRTEM and XRD observation. Four-point-test shows that the films phase transition temperature has shifted towards room temperature. The transmittances measured on different temperatures also reveal that the material owns excellent switching response to infrared light at critical transition temperature. A design of SiO2 anti-refection coating is used to improve low visible transmittance of the films, which obtains a satisfying result in experiments. It is a basic study in the applications of VO2 films to smart windows.
WU Tian-Hong , CHEN Xiao-Wen , LIU Ye-Xin , JIAO Zhong-Xing , LAI Tian-Shu , LIN Wei-Zhu University , Guangzhou , China)
2006, 25(3):203-206.
Abstract:Subpicosecond electrical pulses were generated and characterized in slotlines fabricated on LT-GaAs substrate for the first time, in our knowledge, by using femtosecond photoconductive correlation techniques. The measured pulse width is 0. 7ps at the generation site. The velocity of the pulses propagating in the slotlines is 1/2.3 of the light velocity in vacuum and the estimated attenuation coefficient of the electrical pulses is 20dB/mm. The pulse is broadened to 2.86ps after propagating distance of 420 along the slotlines. The measured parameters are consistent with the predicted values.
MA Bao-Shan , WANG Wen-Jie , SU Fu-Hai , DEN Jia-jun , JIANG Chun-Ping , LIU Hai-Lin , DING Kun , ZHAO Jian-Hua , LI Guo-Hua
2006, 25(3):207-212.
Abstract:Raman spectra of diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs alloy were reported.The coupled plamon-LO-phonon(CPLP) mode has LO-like polarization properties.With increasing Mn concentration,the CPLP mode shifts to low frequency.The hole density in the alloy was determined from the ratio of the intensity of the CPLP mode to that of the unscreened LO mode in the depletion layer.The hole density increases with the increase of the Mn composition.The Raman spectra of GaMnAs alloy were measured at different temperature.It is confirmed that the hole density in the alloy increases with the increase of the temperature.
ZENG Ji-Yong , JIN Guo-Fan , WANG Min-Qiang , YAN Ying-Bai
2006, 25(3):213-216.
ZHANG Zhen-Wei , CUI Wei-Li , ZHANG Yang , ZHANG Cun-Lin
2006, 25(3):217-220.
Abstract:A transmitted scanning terahertz imaging system,which has the <100>-InAs emitter of high power,wide frequency spectrum and the detector of high sensitivity and low noise,is presented.It owns the capacity of detecting something that has been shielded by some opaque dielectric materials.Moreover,spectroscopy data at each point of the sample can be acquired by using this system.Using these data the spectroscopy images can be rebuilt.Lots of THz images of sunflower seed sample by using various data processing methods based on the Fourier transform spectroscopy are given and compared.In addition,the several important factors of the sustem,including setup,measure to the beam,data processing described in detail,which are very essential to further research and application.
FENG Lin , LIU Shuang , ZHAO Kai-Sheng , GUAN An-Quan
2006, 25(3):221-224.
Abstract:Aiming at the nonlinearity of photoresponse characteristic in infrared focal plane arrays,a approach of nonuniformity correction for IRFPA,named "curve-beeline" correction,was proposed,and the correction formula was given.The simulation results show that it has perfect performance of high precision,and less calculation.Only a few parameters are needed to storage and it is easy to implement by hardware circuit.
XU Guan-Lei , WANG Xiao-Tong , XU Xiao-Gang , ZHU Tao
2006, 25(3):225-228.
Abstract:One novel multi-band image fusion algorithm based on neighborhood limited empirical mode decomposition(NLEMD)was proposed.Firstly the images were decomposed by NLEMD,the parts of intrinsic mode functions(IMF's) and remnant correspondingly to each image were obtained.Then in these IMF's and remnant images,the pixel which has the maximal energy was selected for the result IMF images and remnant image.At last,the final result image was reconstructed.With the help of NLEMD,the image's detail can be extracted and the final fusion image is clearer than the source images.Experiments show that the new algorithm has more advantages in achieving high frequency details of source images than the fusion algorithm based on wavelet analysis.
2006, 25(3):229-232.
Abstract:In order to solve the problem the velocity oscillation of oscillating mirror,permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) was used as a drive motor.System transfer function was established.Taking into account that the scan movement is periodical,a modified repetitive contorller was proposed to control the angular velocity of scan motor.This controller used two amplifiers to adjust the system gain.As a result,the tracking accuracy was improved.Experiments show that the controll system can efficiently improve the velocity stability of oscillating mirror,and damp the osccillation of scan motor when the scan direction is changed.
2006, 25(3):233-235.
2006, 25(3):236-240.
Abstract:A new texture-based anomaly detection(TBAD) approach was presented,which segmented one image into different textures and analyzes the distribution of pixel values of the textures.TBAD assumes that the background pixel values within textures can be modeled as Gaussian distributions with mean values that vary texture-to-texture.And the anomalies(man-made objects) have values that deviate significantly from the distribution of the texture.TBAD estimates background statistics over segmented textures,so it can detect objects of any size or shape.Extensive experiments applied to the real images of small target and extend target validate the good performance of the approach.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335