Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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YUAN Xing-Qi , ZHAO Qi , CHEN Yan-Ru
2005, 24(6):401-404.
ZHONG ChaoWei~ , WANG Hong-Bing~ , PENG Jia-Gen~
2005, 24(6):405-408.
DONG Feng-Liang~ , ZHANG Qing-Chuan~ , WU Xiao-Ping~ , PAN Liang~ , GUO Zhe-Ying~ , CHEN Da-Peng~ , WANG Wei-Bing~ , DUAN Zhi-Hui~
2005, 24(6):409-413.
Abstract:给出了一种用于非制冷光学读出红外探测器的核心器件--双材料微悬臂梁阵列的设计和制作.微梁阵列是无硅基底的SiNx/Au双材料单层膜结构,其制作工艺简单、可以直接放在空气中成像.实验使用了设计制作的140×98微梁阵列和高信噪比的12-bit CCD,得到120℃以上的物体热像,噪声等效温度差(NETD)为7K左右,实验结果与热机械模型预测结果一致.
ZHANG Peng , BRUNEL Pascal , DONG Chao-Hua , ZHANG Wen-Jian
2005, 24(6):414-418.
Abstract:With a well-developed infrared radiation transfer model KCARTA,the effects of spectral resolution,spectral response function shape,spectral calibration accuracy,propagation path and surface emissivity on the detected brightness temperature for hyperspectral sounding were simulated.The results from forward simulation show: 1) improvement of spectral resolution will increase detectable brightness temperature 2) any uncertainties from internal and external factors will lead up to much larger brightness temperature difference for hyperspectral sensor than for low spectral sensor.Results can be taken as the referrence in designing future hyperspectral IR sensors and in developing hyperspectral retrieval algorithm.
HE Zong-Rui , TANG Xiao-Hong , ZHANG Xian-Jing
2005, 24(6):419-421.
Abstract:A 3mm band integrated oscillator is researched,which is consisted of a IMPATT diode,a microstrip resonator,and a fin-line transition.With the theory analysis and research,China's first 3mm band integrated oscillator using the W-band CW IMPATT diode,was made.It delivers a output power of 7mW at 94.78GHz.
ZHANG Guang-Feng~ , ZHANG Zu-Yin~ , GUO Wei~
2005, 24(6):422-426.
Abstract:在研制3mm D icke辐射计的基础上,设计出基于PC-MCU主从控制模式的成像系统.针对运动平台成像系统提高灵敏度与空间分辨率的矛盾,采用软积分调节系统的积分时间,给出了软硬积分级联系统的积分公式,并采用了一种复合形态滤波器改善辐射图像分辨率的方法.实验结果表明:3mm辐射图像明显优于8mm辐射图像的空间分辨率,形态学的处理方法可有效地去除图像的噪声,验证了软积分在一定程度上可替代硬积分的功能.3mmD icke辐射计的指标为中心频率94GHz,灵敏度0.2K,线性度0.999,系统带宽2GHz,卡赛格伦天线3dB波束宽度为0.5°.
2005, 24(6):427-431.
Abstract:An experiment research of large scale neural networks classification was carried out by applying GIS technique synthetically,which took the Spot/vegetation NDVI image in Inner Mongolia as basic information source.A highresolution image database of many years time series was build by integrating GIS software with remote sensing visual interpretation and selecting "pure" sample data in the range of the whole municipality.Land cover's BP artificial neural networks classification of the area was accomplished by combining DTM data and grid climate data with the database.It turns out that with the support of GIS technique,BP artificial neural networks classification of spot/vegetation NDVI image at large scale can reach a higher classification precision.
2005, 24(6):432-436.
Abstract:A new object feature,i.e.,tree descriptor,was used to represent a skeleton tree.And the maximal isomorphic subtree was obtained by searching the longest same substring in the tree descriptors,then a novel method of objects similarity measuring based on matching skeleton tree was presented.During the matching process,a new model was used to measure the similarity between two skeleton branches,furthermore,the shape feature and topology feature were associated perfectly.The problems of cyclic skeleton and noise on the skeleton were discussed.The similarity computing with our method is invariant under rotation,scaling,translation,and the time complexity of the algorithm is o(n~3),n is the number of the skeleton branches in the skeleton tree,and the experiments on a variety of objects get satisfying results.
TAN Ke-Long , WAN Yu-Qing , YANG Yi-De , DUAN Qing-Bo
2005, 24(6):437-440.
Abstract:Compared with traditional remote sensing technologies, hyperspectral remote sensing has a great number of bands from visible to thermal infrared range,it presents a combination of image and spectrum.Normally,ground information of historical relics is not distinct.Contrasted to traditional remote sensing,hyperspectral remote sensing has more advantages in identifying the unclear ground information of historical relics and quantitative research.But at present,hyperspectral remote sensing still has not got effective utilization in archaeology according to our literature review.Taking Qinshuhuang's Mausoleum as an example,this stuey systematically explains these innovative application research results of hyperspectral remote sensing technology in archaeology.These results can be as a successful trial research achievement of hyperspectral remote sensing in archaeology and other new breakthroughs in Archaeology of Qinshuhuang's Mausoleum area by remote sensing such as the discoveries of high thermal anomalies of the Pyramid-shaped Mound,westward mausoleum passage under the Pyramid-shaped Mound,and the function of the Drainage Ditch.A set of effective archaeological remote sensing methodology is explored in this study,which will be beneficial to the application of hyperspectral remote sensing technology in archaeology.
ZHAO Yun-Sheng , WU Tai-Xia , HU Xin-Li , LUO Yang-Jie
2005, 24(6):441-444.
ZHENG Yu-Xiang , XU Cong-Hui , ZHANG Rong-Jun , LI Jin , WANG Song-You , CHEN Liang-Yao
2005, 24(6):445-449.
Abstract:Magneto-optical(MO) storage is an attractive technology for next generation storage.In order to increase the capacity of storage in a single disk,one of the approaches is applying the multi-valued recording and multi-wavelength readout technique,i.e.,so called 3-dimensional(3-D) MO storage.Lasers of different wavelengths are used to read or write data on different recording layers.The difference in the temperature profiles of this kind of MO disk caused by different lasers is expected to be large enough for improving the signal to noise ratio(SNR).In this study,optical matrix method and finite element method were applied to analyze the thermal and magneto-optical responses for a 3-D MO disk.The results show that the MO disk with GaP as interlayers has a potential in improving the thermal and optical performance at two blue wavelengths compared with the MO disk with SiN interlayers.
CHANG Hong-Hua , ZHANG Jian-Qi , LI Yong
2005, 24(6):450-454.
Abstract:Background clutter plays a very important role in the area of human-in-the-loop target acquisition.To model the target acquisition capability of an electro-optic system operated by a human,one should take into account how the clutter in the scene affects the human performance.Based on the classic probability of edge(POE) metrics for quantifying background clutter,and the up-to-date research findings in human visual perception,a new method for modifying NVESD's classic human target acquisition performance was proposed.And the modified model was preliminarily validated.
2005, 24(6):455-458.
YE Zhen-Hua , HU Xiao-Ning , CAI Wei-Ying , CHEN Gui-Bin , LIAO Qing-Jun , ZHANG Hai-Yan , HE Li
2005, 24(6):459-462.
Abstract:The application of laser beam induced current(LBIC)for the technology detecting of Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride(HgCdTe)infrared two-color detector was presented.By LBIC test,it ws found that the area of n-type region derived from p-type HgCdTe having been implanted by Boron ion was larger than the area to be implanted,and the precise transversal distribution of this n region was also obtained.At the same time,the transversal distributions of plasma etching induced n-type doping HgCdTe from p-type material among the side wall of etched mesa was obtained,and the relation between the transversal width of this n-type region and the energy of etching plasma was also achieved.
2005, 24(6):463-466.
Abstract:A new scheme for the detection and classification of subpixel spectral signatures in remote sensing images was presented. By minimizing the energy function with two special constraints, the mixed pixels in muhichannel remote sensing images can be decomposed more precisely. In this study, experiments on the proposed scheme and BP neural network with artificial and real-world data were performed. The experiments show that the proposed scheme can get more precise results and is obviously more robust than BP neural network.
2005, 24(6):467-471.
Abstract:The problem of noise reducing and resolution enhancement of SAR image was discussed.A unified regularization variation model of partial differential equation(PDE) was established,which has the noise reducing merit of PDE model and the resolution enhancement merit of regularization model.On the background of the image,the PDE model was used to reduce the noise of background,and at the targets region of the image,a background equation was used to sharp the targets firstly,then the regularization model was used to enhance the resolution of the targets.Hence,the new model can get better result on the whole image.The diffusivity based on the background of SAR was also constructed,and a forward and backward diffusion equation based on the amplitude of SAR image was obtained,which could reduce the noise of background and sharp the edges of targets.Experimental results show that the new model can enhance the strong scatter points and suppress the speckle of the image effectively.
SHA Yu-Heng , CONG Lin , SUN Qiang , JIAO Li-Cheng
2005, 24(6):472-476.
Abstract:Based on the statistics characteristics of contourlet coefficients,a new multi-scale image segmentation method(CHMTseg)combining Contourlet domain hidden Markov trees model with multiscale Bayesian approaches was presented.A novel weighted neighborhood model was given for preserving more inner-scale information in Contourlet domain.The pixel level segmentation based on Gauss mixture model and the multiscale fusion method based on the new contextual model were provided.In experiments,synthetic mosaic image,aerial image and SAR image were selected to evaluate the performance of the method,and the segmentation results were compared with wavelet domain HMTseg method.For synthetic mosaic texture image,miss classed probability was given as the evaluation of segmentation results.Experiment results show that the method not only has better performance in edges and anisotropy information detection but has lower missed classed probability,and it can achieve satisfied segmentation results for real images.
QIN Qin , CHAI Zhen-Hai , FU Yan-Hong , SHI Hai-Yan , WANG Ru-Li
2005, 24(6):477-480.
Abstract:Because the traditional binary phase-only matched filter(BPOF) has a great loss of information and difficulty in recognition in hybrid optronics scene matching system,ternary amplitude-phase filter(TAPF) was proposed here to try to solve these problems.The computer simulation of infrared scene matching was carried out and the performances of TAPF,BPOF and ACMF were compared.Experiment results show that TAPF can improve SNR and PCE of the correlation pin.So it can greatly enhance the anti-noise performance of the system,and then improve the probability of scene matching effectively.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335