Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Xu Jing;Chen XiaoShuang;Zhou Mei;Liu Wei
2005, 24(4):241-244.
Chen Lu;Wang YuanZhang;Wu Yan;Wu Jun;Yu MeiFang;Qiao YiMin;He Li
2005, 24(4):245-249.
Abstract:报道了用MBE的方法,在3英寸Si衬底上制备ZnTe/CdTe(211)B复合衬底材料的初步研究结果,该研究结果将能够直接应用于大面积Si基HgCdTe IRFPA材料的生长.经过Si(211)衬底低温表面处理、ZnTe低温成核、高温退火、高温ZnTe、CdTe层的生长研究,用MBE方法成功地获得了3英寸Si基ZnTe/CdTe(211)B复合衬底材料.CdTe厚度大于10μm,XRD FWHM平均值为120arc sec,最好达到100arc sec,无(133)孪晶和其他多晶晶向.
2005, 24(4):250-254.
Abstract:采用Sol-Gel方法,通过快速热处理,在Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si衬底上制备出Pb(Zrx,Ti1-x)O3成分梯度薄膜.经俄歇微探针能谱仪(AES)对制备的"上梯度"薄膜进行了成分深度分析,结果证实其成分梯度的存在.经XRD分析表明,制备的梯度薄膜为四方结构和三方结构的复合结构,但其晶面存在一定的结构畸变.经介电频谱测试表明,梯度薄膜的介电常数比每个单元的介电常数都大,但介电损耗相近.在10 kHz时,上、下梯度薄膜的介电常数分别为206和219.经不同偏压下电滞回线的测试表明,上、下梯度薄膜均表现出良好的铁电性质,其剩余极化强度Pr分别为24.3和26.8 μC·cm-2.经热释电性能测试表明,热释电系数随着温度的升高逐渐增加,室温下上、下梯度薄膜的热释电系数分别为5.78和4.61×10-8 C·cm-2K-1,高于每个单元的热释电系数.
Zhang TianXu;Dan Yan;Cao ZhiGuo
2005, 24(4):255-260.
Abstract:The property of spatial frequency of the nonuniformity noise in IRFPA was studied. And the conclusion is that low frequency noise generally dominates the inherent IRFPA nonuniformity noise. The experiment with real IRFPA data demonstrates the same conclusion. To avoid the disadvantage of the traditional spatial adaptive nonuniformity correction denoising the low frequency dominated nonuniformity noise, a feasible approach for nonuniformity correction of IRFPA, which integrates one-point correction with spatial adaptive correction scheme, was proposed in this study. Experiments show that the proposed scheme can achieve good performance when low frequency noise is dominant.
JIN Wei-Qi , WANG Chun-Yong , ZHANG Nan , WANG Ling-Xue , LU Ping
2005, 24(4):261-264.
2005, 24(4):265-268.
Abstract:A reflecting FIR interferometer and measurement of electronic density in HL-2A tokamak were presented in this paper. The phase shift was calculated by a new kind of computer software compare technique. The way of self-fitting optical design was used to design the reflector in the chamber. To prevent the first mirror polluted, a special buffer was mount in the vacuum chamber and make the mirror work time longer. The results of measurement electron density show that the interaction between plasma and first wall is lower in diverter discharge than that in limit discharge.
Shen Yan;Zhang GuoQuan;Fu Bo;Xu QingJun;Xu JingJun
2005, 24(4):269-272.
Sun Tao;Liang JinSui;Chen XingGuo;Hu XiaoNing;Li YanJin
2005, 24(4):273-276.
Abstract:The Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe photovoltaic detectors with x=0.217 passivated by single ZnS layer ad dual (CdTe+ZnS) layers were fabricated in the same wafer. The fabricated devices were characterized by measurements of the diode low-frequency noise. The diode passivated by dual (CdTe+ZnS) layers show higher performance compared to diode passivated by the single ZnS layer at high reverse bias, and the modeling of diode dark current mechanisms indicate that the performance of the diode passivated by single ZnS is strongly affected by tunneling current related to the surface defects, which is responsible for the low frequency noise characteristics. By the analysis of X-ray reciprocal space map, it was found that the Q_y direction broadening of HgCdTe epitaxial layer passivated by ZnS was wider than the CdTe+ZnS, which confirmed the existence of defects in the surface of HgCdTe epitaxial layer passivated by ZnS.
Tong JinJun;Qiu KangMu;Li XiaoWen
2005, 24(4):277-280.
Abstract:The thermal infrared channels was in-flight calibrated by using surface temperature in Qinhai lake measured by auto buoy and atmospheric profile of NCEP reanalyzed data in Qinhai lake. The calibration results by using this method are consistent with those by using normal experiment method, which can in-flight calibrate the thermal infrared channels of satellite sensors constantly.
2005, 24(4):281-285.
Abstract:The traditional skeletonization algorithms based on distance transform can not guarantee the connectivity property,so saddle points should be added to solve the connectivity problem. However, these methods are complex and inaccurate,and saddle points can hardly be extended to 3D case. In this paper a novel method was presented, the skeleton obtained by growing from the skeleton seed with 1 pixel width restricted by distance transform, and the connectivity was assured by the growing process. Experiments show that the growing process is a skeleton evolvement from coarse to delicate, and the hierarchical skeleton can be easily achieved.
Tang ShiHao;Zhu QiJiang;Su LiHong
2005, 24(4):286-290.
Fang Yong;Qi FeiHu;Pei BingZhe
2005, 24(4):291-295.
Abstract:The PCNN implementation and applications in image processing were discussed, For the specific implementation of PCNNs, a PCNN was forced to be a single pass network. And simplified model, look-up threshold table, and integer operation were used to decrease the time complexity. The time-index image and fingerprint time series were introduced into PCNNs, and a PCNN was combined with the traditional techniques of image processing for automatic image processing, e.g. image enhancement, edge detection, image segmentation and feature extraction, by the time-index image. The applied conditions are derived for perfect image processing, and a practical estimation of the linking coefficient is proposed, which helps to determine PCNN parameters directly.
Xu WeiDong;Yin Qiu;Kuang DingBo
2005, 24(4):296-300.
Abstract:Tree spectral match models including minimums distance (MD), spectral angel model (SAM), spectral correlation fitting (SCF), were calculated and analyzed based on the spectrums taken from the field. However, the difference of the three models is not significant. The SAM was better but far from the best. Under this circumstance, derivative method was used to enhance the ability of discrimination. The match models were recalculated after the first derivative. Better results are achieved and the discriminability is remarkably enhanced, especially to the minimums distance model.
Zhang XiYan;Liu QuanSheng;Wang XiaoChun;Bai ChaoHui;Lu LiPing;Xuan YiFang
2005, 24(4):301-303.
Abstract:Electron trapping infrared up-conversion material (CaS: Eu, Sm) was prepared with the carbon reducing method (CRM). The reaction mechanism, reducing principle, infrared upconversion mechanism and effect of calcined temperature on the lattice formation of CaS and its optical properties were studied. XRD patterns of the samples indicate that CaS: Eu, Sm is with face-center cubic structure. Excitation spectrum is within the range of 200~600nm. Fluorescence emission spectrum is a broadband spectrum peaking at 567nm, 606nm and 630nm respectively. The peak of the up-conversion emission luminescence spectrum is at 625nm. The wavelength response range of the up-conversion luminescence is located at 800~1600nm.
2005, 24(4):304-308.
2005, 24(4):309-311.
Abstract:The infrared radiation characteristic of the missile is an important parameter for evaluating the penetration ability of a missile. Measuring the infrared radiation characteristic is important for us to distinguish a warhead from multiple objects and warn. Studying the infrared radiation characteristic of target has military value. The infrared radiation characteristic of target and atmosphere transmissibility of infrared radiation were analysed, and the way of enhancing the detecting ability of the ground-based LW infrared radiation measuring equipment was discussed.
Yan ChengXin;Sang Nong;Zhang TianXu;Ceng Kun
2005, 24(4):312-316.
Abstract:Traditional transition region extraction methods are based on gradient operator. They are sensitive to noise and restricted by L_(low) and L_(high) . By analyzing properties of transition regions, a novel local complexity based on transition region extraction method (C-TREM) was presented. C-TREM is a direct method to extract transition regions. The filtering ability of local complexity improves the ability of C-TREM to deal with noises. C-TREM depends no more on L_(eow) and L_(high). Experimental results demonstrate that C-TREM significantly outperforms the conventional gradient-based transition region extraction methods (G-TREM)
2005, 24(4):317-320.
Abstract:Gyrotron oscillators with CW moderate power have an important foreground in the industrial field. In this study, a self-consistent nonlinear computation was carried out for a 28GHz CW technology gyrotron. The result shows that a 28GHz technology gyrotron operating at the TE02 mode and second harmonic can obtain an output power of 50kW and efficiency of 28% for beam current 6A and beam voltage 32kV.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335