Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2004, 23(5):321-324.
Abstract:The terrain model based on fractal character can sufficiently represent the statistical texture features of the terrain. Better model and higher resolution DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data can be obtained from the lower resolution data by using fractal interpolation. The determination of fractal scaleless range is very important for computing the fractal characteristic parameters and modeling the digital elevation. The traditional method for determining the fractal scaleless range usually adopts the mutual test between people and compute. However, this method tends to be too subjective. Hence, we offer an auto-determining method, which has been proved to be concise, effective and efficient by experimental results.
FANG Wei-Zheng , WANG Yuan-Zhang , WU Yan , LIU Cong-Feng WEI Yan-Feng , WANG Qing-Xue , YANG Jian-Rong , HE Li
2004, 23(5):325-328332.
Abstract:The tilt relation and lattice misfit phenomenon between MBE-HgCdTe layers and different substrates were studied by employing reciprocal lattice mappings technology. The precise fit zinc composition in Cd 1-yZn yTe substrates was determined by analyzing the elastic deformation in MBE-HgCdTe layers. The result shows that MBE-HgCdTe epitaxial layers and substrates are tilted with respect to each other, and the tilt angle increases with the lattice mismatch. In the case of little mismatch between substrate and layer, the layer is strained with partially relaxation of stress. While the layer is full relaxed, the lattice mismatch becomes large. In this case, the HgCdTe layers have more misfit dislocations and larger width of half maximum.
QIU Zhi-Jun , GUI Yong-Sheng , CUI Li-Jie , ZENG Yi-Ping HUANG Zhi-Ming , SHU Xiao-Zhou , DAI Ning , GUO Shao-Ling , CHU Jun-Hao
2004, 23(5):329-332.
Abstract:Beating patterns in longitudinal resistance caused by the symmetric and antisymmetric states were observed in a heavily doped InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well by using variable temperature Hall measurement. The energy gap of symmetric and antisymmetric states is estimated to be 4meV from the analysis of beating node positions. In addition, the temperature dependences of the subband electron mobility and concentration were also studied from the mobility spectrum and multicarrier fitting procedure.
GU Chun-Ming , LIU Rui , HE Li-Rong , SHEN Wen-Zhong
2004, 23(5):333-336.
Abstract:在实验上研究了探测光的偏振方向对ZnTe晶体THz探测的影响 .在一周 36 0°范围内 ,测量出现两次零值 ,角度间隔为 180° ,在两个零值之间的 90°处出现不为零的小值 ,4 5°处不为最大值 .将ZnTe晶体在THz辐射电脉冲作用下产生的电光效应等效于瞬间任意波片 ,用琼斯矩阵法模拟实验过程 ,结果表明除在 90 0 处出现零值外其余模拟结果与实验结果相符 .用THz光子与横光学声子相互作用模型对此进行了定性解释 .
2004, 23(5):337-340344.
2004, 23(5):341-344.
2004, 23(5):345-348.
Abstract:Because of the high data dimensionality of hyperspectral data, conventional methods are difficult to obtain satisfied results in the study of hyperspectral classification for materials on the ground. In the process of feature images extraction based on wavelet multiresolution fusion, a new method, which uses a feature vector consisting of multiple spacious salient features to determine fusion weights, wass presented. The algorithm can effectively reduce the hyperspectral data dimensionality and obtain the feature images for the successive classification. The experiments on AVIRIS data show that classification accuracy by using the new method is higher than that of using the conventional methods in determining weights.
WU Ying-Qian , FANG-Tao , SHI Peng-Fei
2004, 23(5):349-352356.
Abstract:An approach for compression of hyper-spectral image based on classification of sub-bands was proposed firstly. The wavelet decomposition was carried out and the sub-bands were partitioned into sub-blocks. Then sub-blocks were classified based on their activity. Based on classification, the algorithm uses prediction to remove the spectral redundancy, in which the algorithm computes the predictor for each class to reflect local correlation in sub-band images. Then the uniform trellis-coded quantization is used to quantize the error images. At last, entropy encoding of the quantized codeword is performed by adaptive arithmetic encoding. To optimally allocate bits through all series of coefficients, an algorithm for bit allocation based on statistic characteristic of the series of coefficients and R-D characteristic of trellis-coded quantizer was proposed. The experiments show that the approach can efficiently compress hyper-spectral remote sensing images, and the excellent performance of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated.
2004, 23(5):353-356.
GE Yu-Ping , GUO Fang-Min , WANG Wei-Ming , XU Xin YOU Shu-Zhen , SHAO Li , YU Shao-Xin , ZHU Zi-Qiang , LU Wei
2004, 23(5):357-359.
Abstract:在厚膜多孔硅 (PS) /氧化多孔硅 (OPS)衬底上 ,结合聚酰亚胺涂层改善表面 ,研制低损耗、高性能射频 (RF) /微波 (MW)共平面波导CPW(CoplanarWaveguide) .通过在N和P型硅上形成不同厚度PS膜 ,并对其上的CPW进行分析比较 ,厚膜PS与石英的共面波导插入损耗非常接近 ,远小于在 2 0 0 0Ω·cm高阻硅上形成的多晶硅 -氧化硅组合衬底 :在 0 33GHz范围 ,插入损耗小于 5dB/ 1.2cm ;33 4 0GHz范围 ,小于 7.5dB/ 1.2cm .
ZHOU Qin-Ling , LIU Li-Ying , XU Lei , WANG Wen-Cheng QIU Jian-Rong , ZHU Cong-Shan , GAN Fu-Xi ,
2004, 23(5):360-362366.
Abstract:聚焦的近红外飞秒激光在纯石英玻璃中诱导产生Si E‘心,在宏观破坏前,色心含量随激光功率密度、辐照脉冲数呈线性关系增长.通过飞秒激光辐照前后石英玻璃的吸收光谱、电子自旋共振谱、荧光谱分析,提出了超短脉冲激光作用下Si E’心的形成过程,并认为激子自陷是色心形成的主要原因。
LIU Shao-Bin , MO Jin-Jun , YUAN Nai-Chang
2004, 23(5):363-366.
Abstract:The alternating direction implicit finite-difference time-domain (ADI-FDTD) formulation was extended to dispersive media-collisionless unmagnetized plasma for the first time. Electromagnetic interactions of collisionless unmagnetized plasma and electromagnetic wave were calculated by using the method. The update equations for collisionless plasma were proposed by using the principle of ADI technique. The unconditional stability of the ADI-FDTD formulation for plasma was analytically derived. The results of numerical experiment confirm that the plasma ADI-FDTD method is consistent with the conventional FDTD method, and its efficiency is higher.
CHEN Yun-Lin , LUO Yong-Feng , GUO Juan , YUAN Jian-Wei ZHANG Wan-Lin , LIU Xiao-Juan , XU Jing-Jun , ZHANG Guang-Yin
2004, 23(5):367-370.
Abstract:Periodically poled LiNbO 3(PPLN) waveguide quasi-phase-matched all-optical wavelength conversion was studied theoretically. The analysis suggests useful criteria for the optimization of the fabrication parameters in order to enhance the efficiency of quasi-phase-matched wavelength conversion processes.
TIAN Jia-Sheng , DONG Tian-Lin , ZHAN La-Ming , SHI Jian
2004, 23(5):371-373.
Abstract:Dielectric fiber bunched waveguide is a kind of cylindric dielectric waveguide array(CDWA). Based on the established theory for two-dimensionally periodic medium, electromagnetic wave propagation in cylindric dielectric waveguide array which was arrayed by a rectanglar array was calculated and analysized. The characteristics of wave propagation in cylindric dielectric waveguide array were presented. Besides, these characteristics were compared with those of wave propagation in rectangle dielectric waveguide array. And the results are satisfying.
JIANG Ze , , DU Hui-ping , RUAN Ying-Zheng
2004, 23(5):374-376.
Abstract:A novel multi-beam adaptive antenna was investigated by considering the spatially distributed source model for local scattering radio propagation in cellular mobile communications. This antenna is consisted of a focusing configuration with Fresnel zone phase-correcting plate (FZP) and feeding array. The robust estimation of parameters (direction-of-arrival (DOA) and angular spread) was studied based on the generalized MUSIC algorithm and the maximum likelihood estimation in the case of coherently and incoherently spatially distributed source respectively. Simulation results show that the FZP configuration outperforms the uniformly linear array (ULA) in reducing the estimation errors of the RMS in the considered propagation environment. Therefore a robust estimation of DOA can be achieved with this novel adaptive antenna.
NIE Jian-Ying , LI Xing-Guo , LOU Guo-Wei
2004, 23(5):377-379383.
SHAO Yao-Chun , YANG Xiao-Feng , DING Hai-Dong
2004, 23(5):380-383.
Abstract:Some nonlinear phenomena of nonlinear resonance, chaos, stochastic resonance and stochastic chaos occur in the laser-DNA interactive system, which make DNA mutated and broken up. The laser-radiated exogenous DNA was introduced into the tomato. It is beneficial to the expression of some characters of dominant genes of the donor and the improvement of the descendents qualities of receptors. The peroxidase isoenzyme of the donor, the receptor, and their descendents were analyzed. Our result shows that the peroxidase isoenzyme zymograms of most descendents are very similar to the donor but rather different from the recepor. The similarity of isoenzyme zymograms between descendents and donor, and the expression of external characters of donor in descendents indicate that the exogenous DNA has been saccessfals introduced into the receptor with the expression of exogenous DNA in descendents.
HONG Guang-Lie , ZHANG Yin-Chao , HU Shun-Xin
2004, 23(5):384-388.
YANG Qing-Hui , LIU Ying-Li , ZHANG Huai-Wu , SHI Yu
2004, 23(5):389-392.
Abstract:根据静磁表面波的基本理论建立了静磁表面波带通滤波器的设计模型 ,以实用化的静磁表面波带通滤波器为目标 ,重点考虑了静磁表面波带通滤波器的中心频率与带宽控制问题 .依据模型对滤波器进行了设计、制作和测试 .实际制作的滤波器性能指标为 :中心频率调谐范围为 4 .2~ 5 .2GHz、3dB带宽 180MHz± 6MHz、插损 11dB左右、带外抑制大于 30dB ,与理论设计结果基本一致 ,从而得到了实用化静磁表面波静磁波带通滤波器的原形 .进一步提高器件的中心调谐频率 ,在毫米波段将有广阔的发展前景 .
LIN Bing , YU Tian-Yan , LIU Ding-Quan , ZHANG Feng-Shang
2004, 23(5):393-395.
Abstract:Infrared/visible color separation filters take an important role in imaging spectrum technique. We applied the concept of induced transmission to design the filter, and combined optical distinguish method and quartz crystal monitor XTC-2 technique to control the thickness of each coating accurately. Finally the satisfied wide bandwidth filter was obtained. Its spectrum result is in the front of the same kind of filters reported before.
SHI De-Heng , LIU Yu-Fang , SUN Jin-Feng , ZHU Zun-Lue
2004, 23(5):396-400.
Abstract:Based on the Kirchhoff law, a practical temperature real-time measurement system using laser diode and LiTaO 3 pyroelectric detector was developed. According to the infrared radiation characteristics of the measurement surface, surroundings, transmission features of atmosphere and the temperature measurement system itself, detailed analyses were given on the factors of influencing temperature measurement accuracy. And the measures on improving the temperature measurement accuracy were put forward. Experimental results show that the temperature measurement inaccuracy is within 0.3%, and it is suitable for the requirements.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335