Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2004, 23(3):161-163168.
Abstract:Two gradient-based optimization schemes were investigated for continuous wave near infrared optical tomography. The reason of slow convergence rate and low spatial resolution for conventional optimization schemes was analyzed. A spatial location weighted gradient-based optimization scheme was adopted to reduce the computation burden and increase the reconstruction precision. The reconstruction results confirm that the spatial location weighted optimization method offers a more efficient approach to the continuous wave optical imaging problem than conventional methods.
WANG Hong , JING Zhong-Liang , LI Jian-Xun
2004, 23(3):164-168.
Abstract:An image fusion method was proposed based on the filter banks for merging a high-resolution panchromatic image with a low-resolution multispectral image. The panchromatic image was first decomposed into sub-images by using analysis filters and then the low-frequency sub-image of the panchromatic image was directly substituted by the multispectral image to merge a high-resolution panchromatic image with a low-resolution multispectral image. Finally, the fused image was reconstructed by using the synthesis filters. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach can obtain the better trade-off between the spectral information of low- resolution multispectral sensor and the spatial properties of high-resolution panchromatic sensor by adjusting the channel number.
CHEN Yu-Wei , ZHANG Li , HU Yi-Hua , ZHANG Hai-Hong , SHU Rong , WANG Jian-Yu
2004, 23(3):169-171175.
Abstract:Laser echo array detection technology has the characteristics of high speed and low-power-consumption, which has been paid more and more attention. Arraying the single component and array component are the main applied technology. The method to choose the parameters of such system was introduced. A prototype system was designed. And some important questions about such application were discussed.
QIAO Hui , JIA Jia , CHEN Xin-Yu , LI Xiang-Yang , GONG Hai-Mei
2004, 23(3):172-175.
LI Yu-Jie , SHI Peng-Bo , DUAN Ran , ZHANG Bo-Rui , QIAO Yong-Ping , QIN Guo-Gang , HUANG Lan
2004, 23(3):176-180.
Abstract:Crystalline ZnO nano-particles were synthesized on Si substrate with and without Au catalyst through chemical vapor deposition(CVD) method with ZnS as the source material for the first time. The growth morphology of ZnO particles is strongly affected by the flow rate, the temperature of the Si substrate and the catalyst. Without Au catalyst, the nano-particles are round in shape with the average sizes in the range of 30-200nm and the density of 10 4-10 9cm -2. In the presence of Au catalyst, ZnO particles grow into hexagonal shape. The average particle sizes are smaller, in the range of 10-100nm, while the particle density becomes larger, in the order of 10 8-10 10cm -2, than those of the ZnO particles grown without Au. Strong and relatively weak photoluminescence peaks around 497nm and 376nm are found for the as-synthesized ZnO nano-particles.
HU Zhi-Gao , LAI Zhen-Quan , HUANG Zhi-Ming , WANG Gen-Shui SHI Fu-Wen , CHU Jun-Hao
2004, 23(3):181-184188.
XU Xiao-Feng , ZHANG Feng-Shan , FAN Bin , ZHANG Min-Hao
2004, 23(3):185-188.
ZHANG Lin , DU Hong-Ya , LIU Yun-Cai
2004, 23(3):189-192.
Abstract:The original image was properly divided into unoverlapped blocks according to the small change of texture in local areas of the remote senses image, each of which associated with a uniform texture. Then texture feature of each block was formed by calculating the mean and variance of Gabor filtered image. Rotation normalization was realized by circular shift of the feature elements to get the invariant texture feature vector. The classification of image blocks was also completed by using a simple unsupervised clustering algorithm. The experiments of the real images show that the method is effective.
YE Zhen-Hua , WU Jun , HU Xiao-Ning , WU Yan , WANG Jian-Xing , DING Rui-Jun , HE Li
2004, 23(3):193-196.
Abstract:首次报道了集成中波 1/中波 2 (MW1/MW2 )的HgCdTe红外双色探测器的材料生长、器件制备及其性能 .采用分子束外延 (MBE)技术 ,生长了p p P N型Hg1-xCdxTe多层异质结材料 .通过B+ 注入、台面腐蚀、爬坡金属化、台面侧向钝化及互连等工艺 ,得到了 80元的原理型HgCdTe红外双色探测器 .纵向上背靠背的 2个光电二极管分别有电极输出 ,确保了空间上同步和时间上同时的探测 ,并能独立地选择最佳工作偏压 .它适于常规的背照射工作方式 ,且有大的空间填充因子 .在液氮温度下 ,2个波段的光电二极管截止波长λc 分别为 3.0 4 μm和 5 .74 μm ,对应的R0 A值为 3.85× 10 5Ωcm2 和 3.0 2× 10 2 Ωcm2 .测得MW1、MW2的峰值探测率Dλp 分别为 1.5 7× 10 11cmHz1/2 /W和 5 .6 3×10 10 cmHz1/2 /W .得到 2个波段的光谱响应 ,且MW2光电二极管的光谱串音为 0 .4 6 % ,MW1光电二极管的光谱串音为 6 .34% .
2004, 23(3):197-200204.
Abstract:Several important factors, including Gaussian blurring,finite imaging region, and discrete computation, were considered to study the stability of moment invariants in practical application. The effect and rules of each factor to the moment invariants were investigated. The stability of moment invariant on the discrete data case was analyzed. The experiments show that it is possible to recognize the blurred and rotated images accurately by the suggested invariants. All these researches will provide important theoretical and experimental foundations for practical imaging recognition systems.
2004, 23(3):201-204.
BIAN Song-Bao , LI Gui-Rong , TANG Yan , HU Bing , LI Yue-Xia , YANG Fu-Hua , ZHENG Hou-Zhi
2004, 23(3):205-207.
LIU Jing , ZHONG Wei-Cai , LIU Fang , JIAO Li-Cheng
2004, 23(3):208-212.
Abstract:An organizational coevolutionary classification algorithm was proposed for recognition based on 1-D images of radar targets. It is different from available EA-based techniques mainly in that its evolutionary operations are performed on the examples directly, but not on the rules. It uses a bottom-up search mechanism, that is, it makes groups of examples evolved, and then rules are extracted from these groups of examples at the end of evolution. This method can avoid generating meaningless rules during the evolutionary process. The proposed method needs not extract the features and reduces the dimensions for high dimensional data previously. It has not complicated computations, with high training and recognition speeds result. Experimental results on the data of 3 airplanes obtained in a microwave anechoic chamber show that the proposed method has a stable performance and outperforms the methods based on SVMs and wavelet kernels. Its predictive accuracy is higher than 96%. In addition, its ability in resisting the noise is also tested, and a good result is obtained.
YUAN Bo , ZHAO Hai-Ying , HUANG Mei-Zhen , DOU Xiao-Ming
2004, 23(3):213-216.
Abstract:利用傅立叶变化红外(FT-IR)二维样本和波数相关光谱研究了水溶液中牛血清白蛋白(Bovine serum albumin)的热动力学过程.二维样本相关分析的结果给出了牛血清白蛋白随温度变化的趋势,表明牛血清白蛋白剧烈的结构变化开始于66℃;而二维波数相关分析提供了在升温过程中牛血清白蛋白结构上变化和各结构变化次序的细节.研究显示了二维相关光谱在蛋白质热变性分析中的重大作用.
HUANG Yong , LIANG Xin-Gang , XIA Xin-Lin , TAN He-Ping
2004, 23(3):217-220.
MIAO Chen , LOU Guo-Wei , LI Xing-Guo
2004, 23(3):221-224.
Abstract:Based on the theory of electromagnetic field, the emissivity of 3mm coating stealth material was deduced.Then the radiometer antenna temperature of coating stealth material was modeled.This model proposes the quantitative relations among the antenna temperature, material thickness, material relative permittivity and material relative permeability. The results of numerical calculation agree well with the measured results. So this model is effective.
LIU Yu-Dong , ZHANG Gang , CUI Jian-Guo , MA Ju-Sheng
2004, 23(3):225-228.
ZANG Wei-Ping , LIU Zhi-Bo , ZHOU Wen-Yuan , TIAN Jian-Guo , ZHANG Chun-Ping , ZHANG Guang-Yin
2004, 23(3):229-232.
Abstract:A theoretical analysis of nonlinear optical absorption in thick nonlinear media was given by slicing a thick media into a stack of thin media. And the result is also suitable for the strongly nonlinear regime. The comprehensive analysis for near field case was given, It is very valuable for the design of optical limiters and analysis of Z-scan experiments.
2004, 23(3):233-236.
Abstract:To segment targets under complicated background from infrared images of natural scenes, an infrared image segmentation algorithm based on mathematical morphology was presented. First, the noise and small interferential regions are removed with morphological filters. Second, a multiscale algorithm for computing morphological gradient images is proposed and the gradients are derived. Third, the images are segmented by improved watersheds and the problem of over-segmentation regions is settled well by an effective region merging method. The experiment results show that the approach performs well in target segmentation in infrared images.
TIAN Yan , LIU Jian , TIAN Jin Wen
2004, 23(3):237-240.
Abstract:Image Super-resolution technique is the process of obtaining an image at a resolution higher than that afforded by the physical sensor. For optical images, a novel super-resolution method based on delaminating idea was proposed. To implement the new algorithm easily, an ally-template algorithm was suggested. Experiment results indicate the efficiency and feasibility of the novel method.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335