Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2004, 23(2):81-85.
YE Zhen Hua HU Xiao Ning ZHANG Hai Yan LIAO Qing Jun LI Yan Jing HE li
2004, 23(2):86-90.
Abstract:The dark current mechanism of B + implanted n on p planar photodiode and Indium doped n + n p hetero junction mesa photodiode formed in situ by molecular beam epitaxy for Mercury Cadmium Telluride long wavelength detector was compared and analyzed.It was found that n + n p hetero juction mesa photodiode doped in situ had higher zero bias resistance area product ( R 0A ) than n on p planar photodiode in our experiment. By fitting with experimental data, R 0A at different temperature and the dark current at different bias voltage of the two long wavelength devices were calculated theoretically, and some correlated parameters were also achieved.
2004, 23(2):91-94.
Abstract:A new and rapid heat treatment process for fabricating lead zirconate titanate, Pb(Zr 0.52 Ti 0.48 )O 3(PZT), ferroelectric thin films was developed. The main equipment of this heat treatment process is termed caterpillar furnace. The furnace is composed of three parts, including preheating, heating and cooling. The precursor solution were prepared by using a modified sol gel process, in which solid precursors of PZT were prepared through reduced pressure distillation first, and then the precursor was dissolved in 2 methoxyethanol(2 MOE) to form the sols for the spin coating deposition. The precursor was investigated by DSC TG, and the PZT thin film was investigated by XRD. XRD analysis shows that the thin film possesses single phase perovskite type structure. A dielectric constant and loss tangent of thin film were 235 and 0.02 at 10KHz, respectively. The capacitance voltage(C V) and Hysteresis loops of PZT films show that the films possess fine ferroelectric properties.
ZHAO Qiang , HU Zhi Gao , HUANG Zhi Ming , WANG Gen Shui , CHU Jun Hao
2004, 23(2):95-98.
Abstract:采用射频磁控溅射和组合靶在260℃的(111)Si上制备了不同Ni、La含量比的La-Ni-O薄膜.通过拟合2~12.5μm波长范围的反射和透射光谱,得出了薄膜在此区间的折射率和消光系数.薄膜的折射率随波长的增长均呈现单调增大的变化趋势,并且随组分的变化,此趋势没有大的变化.而消光系数的邑散却对薄膜的组分具有很大的依赖性.实验结果同时表明,在La含量较高时,薄膜为无定型结构,并且具有较大的电阻率.当Ni、La含量比大于1:1.44后,薄膜具有(100)择优取向的赝立方钙钛矿结构,同时具有金属导电性.薄膜的晶面间距、电导率、折射率和消光系数随着Ni含量的增加具有相似的变化规律.并在Ni:La=1:1时,晶面问距和电阻率达到最小值.对所有实验现象,文中从LaNiO3薄膜的导电机理出发给出了理论分析,并取得了比较一致 的结果.
WANG Hong Chen , YI Xin Jian , CHEN Si Hai , HUANG Guang , XIAO Jing ,
2004, 23(2):99-102.
Abstract:采用新工艺在氮化硅衬底上制备了室温时电阻温度系数为 - 0 .0 2 1K-1的氧化钒薄膜 ,以此为基础 ,利用光刻和反应离子刻蚀工艺在硅衬底上制作了 12 8元氧化钒红外探测器 .为了降低探测器敏感元与衬底间的热导 ,设计制作了自支撑的微桥结构阵列 .测试结果显示探测器的响应率和探测率在 8~ 12 μm的长波红外波段处分别达到10 4V/W和 2× 10 8cmHz1/ 2 W-1.
YAN Jian Feng , LIANG Hong Wei , LU You Ming , LIU Yi Chun , LI Bing Hui , SHEN De Zhen , ZHANG Ji Ying , FAN Xi Wu
2004, 23(2):103-106.
LI Zhen Min , ZHANG Rui , YIN He Jun
2004, 23(2):107-112.
Abstract:Infrared thermal imaging technique, a new non contact detection method, was introduced into reliability detection and faults diagnosis of spaceborne TWTA and its detection principle was also presented. Then, a new effective model, which basess on methematical statistics and matrix norm theory and uses infrared thermal imaging technique, was put forward for PCB reliability detection. On the basis of the model, a PCB faults diagnosis method, which bases on examples database, was advanced. Finally, applications of the PCB reliability detection model and faults diagnosis method to spaceborne TWTA were presented.
2004, 23(2):113-118.
Abstract:The genetic algorithm was used to optimize the full structure radial basis probabilistic neural networks(RBPNN), including selecting the hidden centers vectors of the first hidden layer and determining the matching controlling parameters of kernel function of RBPNN. The proposed genetic encoding method not only completely embodies the space distribution characterizes of pattern samples, but also simultaneously achieves the optimum number of the selected hidden centers vectors and the matching controlling parameters of the kernel function. The novelly constructed fitting function can efficiently control the error accuracy of the RBPNN output. The experimental results show that the algorithm effectivelfies simpliy the structure of PBPNN.
ZHANG Chang Jiang , FU Meng Yin , JIN Mei , ZHANG Qi Hong
2004, 23(2):119-124.
Abstract:A new method to enhance the contrast of infrared image was given, which was based on discrete stationary wavelet transform and non linear gain. After making discrete stationary wavelet transform to an infrared image, de noising is done in the high frequency sub bands with better resolution. Enhancement effect is obvious by combining de noising method with non linear gain method in the high frequency sub bands with worse resolution. A new criterion to evaluate quality of image was given. Experimental results show that the new method can reduce colored noise, additive gauss white noise and speckle noise in infrared image effectively while it also enhances the contrast of infrared image well.
FENG Fei , JIAO Ji Wei , XIONG Bin , WANG Yue Lin
2004, 23(2):125-130.
Abstract:提出了一种新颖的光读出红外热成像系统设计 .该系统利用光学读出技术将红外图像直接转化为可见光图像 ,其核心部件是一个基于微电子机械技术 (MEMS)制作的法布里 泊罗 (Fabry Perot)微腔红外探测器列阵 (F PMCIRDA) .通过对Au/SiNx双材料体系的理论分析 ,得出了可动微镜的最大热 机械灵敏度、机械 光灵敏度及其温度响应分别为 6 .4 7× 10 -9m/K、1.5 3× 10 8m-1、2 .0 5× 10 -4.对系统噪声分析表明 :在目前的设计中 ,系统的噪声等效温差 (NETD)为 5 .1K ,而其极限值有望达到 5 8mK .采用体硅MEMS工艺 ,制作出了 5 0× 5 0的Fabry Perot微腔列阵 .实验表明 ,在红外辐射作用下 ,可动微镜有明显的位移 ,验证了工作原理
HUANG Ye , FANG Yong Hua , XUN Yu Long , XIONG Wei , QIAO Yan Li
2004, 23(2):131-134.
Abstract:In calibration of a infrared spectrum radiometer, we calibrate an infrared radiometer by measuring on various temperatures of the blackbody in order to reduce error. For the radiometer measuring weak radiation, the background temperature has unavoidable effect on calibration. The methods of calibration by measuring the standard blackbody at different temperature was discussed. The experimentation results were analysed, and the effect of the background temperature on the calibration result was given.
LIU Hai Wen , SUN Xiao Wei , LI Zheng Fan
2004, 23(2):135-138.
Abstract:Two novel low pass filters(LPFS) of wide stop band based on the structure of photonic band gap(PBG) and the structure of microstrip are proposed. The proposed filters were made of a PBG microstrip structure with T junction opened stubs and cross junction opened stubs, respectively. The transmission characteristics of the proposed filters were also discussed. The new LPFs are easy to design and fabricate. Finally, The simulated and experimental results verify the validity of the proposed LPFs.
2004, 23(2):139-142.
Abstract:By decomposing polyhedron each into a set of several individual convex sub sets. A general optimization matching method was proposed. The matching process was divided into two steps for optimal mapping: topoligic relationship matching and structure relationship matching. And the relax iteration was used to reduce the matching error. This method can solve the morbid problem of two non homotopic objects matching. The experiments show that the method is a topologic relationship matching and it can be widely used in objects recognition, 3D object construction and medical image analysis.
FAN Wei Jun , XIA Liang Zhen , ZHOU Bi Fang
2004, 23(2):143-147.
Abstract:According to image plane interference status of optical aperture synthesis(OAS) and Huyges Fresnel theory, a mathematical method is set up which fits with the true condition. By dividing telescope mirror into many small fragments with pinhole interference conditions, OAS image plane interference formula is deduced according to fragments interference with each other, and OAS image plane interference computer simulation is done. The influence of wavefront tilt and optical path difference is analyzed and simulated in the end.
KOU Wei , YANG Li , SUN Feng Rui
2004, 23(2):148-152.
Abstract:The real time simulation of the infrared (IR) signature for the naval vessels is studied. Based on the single element method (SEM) and the status space method (SSM), the block is separated into several layers. A simple and convenient calculation method is offered, and the result of the simulation is satisfying. This method is not only helpful to the enhancement of the capability of infrared countermeasure and the subsistence of the naval vassels, but also to the concealment design.
2004, 23(2):153-156.
Abstract:An algorithm of reconstructing a high resolution image from noisy static low resolution was presented. It is suitable for the case where all images are taken from the similar conditions. Using the aliasing relationship between the high resolution image and the observed images, we described the reconstruction as a typical inverse problem of a linear system, constrained the ill conditions by regularization of total variation. The results of experiments demonstrate dramatic improvements both in spatial resolution and noise removal.
LI Yi , LI Jian Bao , HE Xiao Wa
2004, 23(2):157-160.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335