Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2003, 22(5):321-326.
Abstract:A complete set of Zernike moment correlation functions is used to capture spatial structure of a color texture. The set of moment correlation functions is grouped into moment correlation matrices to be used in illumination invariant recognition of color texture. For any change in the illumination, the moment correlation matrices are related by a linear transformation. Comparisons between suggested color covariance functions with circular and non circular correlations have been carried out using about 600 textured images in different illuminations and rotations conditions. Our suggested method can promise in high computation efficiency as well as recognition accuracy.
2003, 22(5):327-330.
Abstract:A novel face recognition approach based on the DCT and the LDA is proposed. First the DCT is used for dimension reduction,then LDA transform is performed on the lower space to extract feature. The ORL face database and the SJTU IPPR face database are used to test our approach and the correct recognition rates of 97.5% and 92.6% are obtained respectively,which shows that our approach is comparable with other approaches.
YUAN Xiao Hui JIN Li Zuo LI Jiu Xian XIA Liang Zheng
2003, 22(5):331-336.
Abstract:To recognize large bridges over water under complicated background from optic images of natural scenes, a novel two step knowledge based strategy was presented. First, all regions in accord with the contextual description of the scenarjo about bridges over water, regions of interest, were detected from the field of view. Then, image segmentation and feature extraction were performed over all sub images of the detected regions of interest. Finally, based on the geometric characters of bridges, targets were identified by utilizing fuzzy reasoning approach and either the central pier of the bridge or the middle of the bridge body was selected as aimpoint furthermore. Experiments were conducted over different optic images of different kinds of large bridges over water in natural scenes, and the results demonstrated that the approach brought forth herein performed well in recognition accuracy and computational efficiency.
YU Nong WU Chang Yong TANG Xin Yi LI Fan Ming
2003, 22(5):337-340.
Abstract:Key issues about extraction of target character in creation of IR image environment is studied. It presents a multi stage data flow that consists of three level functional modules, which are adaptive background perception and subtracting operation, selection of automatic threshold used for clutter suppression, shape analyzing and target character recognition. A morphology based data processing approach proposed in this paper is applied to background estimation. Experimental results show that the method is able to provide good filtering results and robust adaptability to image environment with clutter background.
2003, 22(5):341-345.
Abstract:根据自然红外纹理在空间的统计分布特性,利用随机场模型可以有效地合成红外纹理,由于物体表面的温度场分布具有马尔可夫性,可以利用GLC(Generalized Long—Correlation)随机场模型模拟自然地物表面的红外辐射温度场分布情况,并利用普明克黑体辐射定律计算地表的辐出度场分布,通过辐出度场进行显示定标和量化,可以有效生成不同的红外纹理。模拟结果表明:GLC模型可以有效模拟3~5μm和8~12μm波段的红外纹理。
XU Tao CHENG Zhi Qun SUN Xiao Wei XIA Guan Qun
2003, 22(5):346-348.
Abstract:A mixer employing a planar flip chip GaAs Schottky diode has been designed and tested at 24GHz. Using a planar diode eliminates the disadvantages of mechanical instability and large parasitical parameters associated with conventional whisker contacted diodes. The realized mixer provides conversion loss lower than 10dB and LO -to -RF isolation higher than 35dB. It is specially suitable for applications in automotive electronic system because of its simple structure and low cost.
CHEN Nai Bo ) QIU Dong Jiang ) WU Hui Zhen , ) ZHANG Han Jie ) BAO Shi Ning ) HE Pi Mo )
2003, 22(5):349-352.
Abstract:Low temperature epitaxy of wurtzite ZnO and cubic MgZnO films is achieved on Si(111) by reactive electron beam evaporation. Mg content in MgZnO film is measured by X ray photoelectron spectroscopy and is larger than that in the evaporation source. Ultraviolet photoluminescence (UVPL) measurements show the emission peak of ZnO is at 393nm, while the peak of MaZnO is at 373nm. It is found that the UVPL peak of ZnO film grown under no O 2 environment is red shifted compared with that of ZnO film grown in the reaction chamber with additional O 2.
LI Hong ZHENG Cheng Yong GAO Jing Li
2003, 22(5):353-356.
YANG Yao , ) WU Zhen Sen ) YAO Lian Xing )
2003, 22(5):357-360.
Abstract:In order to obtain real time input of sea surface temperature in infrared simulation of sea surface, the heat balance equation of infrared radiation at the sea surface are given, and every term in the equation, such as the solar radiation, the radiation from the sky, the self emission radiation of sea surface, heat exchange between the sea surface and the atmosphere are expressed as a function of temperature, then the sea surface temperature is calculated by solving the equation. Finally the changes of sea surface temperature along with the variation of solar radiation, radiation from the sky, wind speed, and relative humidity are simulated, which shows that the model is correct and reliable.
WAN You Bao , ) ZHAO Qiang ) GUO Xu Guang ) CHEN Jing ) CHU Jun Hao ) Sang Im Yoo )
2003, 22(5):361-364.
Abstract:用提拉法生长了完整透明的铁电铌酸钾锂晶体 .利用X 射线荧光光谱法测量分析了晶体的组成 .采用X 射线测量了晶体的结构 .用结构完整、组分均匀 ,尺寸为 6× 6× 7(a×b×c)mm3 的晶体样品 ,测量了晶体的拉曼光谱和红外折射光谱 .与其它钨青铜类晶体的晶格振动光谱进行比较 ,铌酸钾锂晶体中对称弯曲振动模式v5在拉曼光谱中分裂为 3个拉曼峰 ,反对称伸缩振动模式v3 和反对称弯曲振动模式v4在红外反射光谱中所对应的峰被加宽 ,v4被轻微分裂 .这表明晶体中这位于C格位的Li离子对晶体中铌氧八面体的拉曼光谱和红外反射光谱有较大的影响
TONG Mo Ying CHANG Ben Kang QIAN Yun Sheng LIU Lei
2003, 22(5):365-367.
Abstract:The factors affecting the modulation transfer function(MTF) of infrared focal plane arrays are analyzed in the paper, and a model of imaging transfer for infrared focal plane arrays is constructed. On the basis of the model, the paper also discusses the method measuring MTF of infrared focal plane arrays.
2003, 22(5):368-372.
XIAO Qing , ) LIU Qin Huo ) LI Xiao Wen , ) CHEN Liang Fu ) LIU Qiang ) XIN Xiao Zhou )
2003, 22(5):373-378.
HUANG Lan TIAN Feng Hua DING Hai Shu WANG Guang Zhi TENG Yi Chao
2003, 22(5):379-383.
Abstract:Based on the model of multilayered biological tissue, a method to measure tissue oxygenation saturation by using noninvasive near infrared spectroscopy was present. For the subjects with different constructions and scales of their overlaying tissue, the correction method which make results reliable and comparable in semi quantitative measuring change in tissue blood oxygenation was proposed. A new compact monitoring instrument which includes a probe with a dual wavelength LED and two integrated optical detectors at different distance from light source was designed and developed. During the ischaemia of forearm induced by 240mmHg pressure with inflating cuff, the result of concentration changes in oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin and the value of tSO 2 is consistent with the foreign reports by TRS methods. It shows that the monitoring system is very stable and feasible.
ZHANG Dong Xian ZHANG Hai Jun LIN Xiao Feng
2003, 22(5):384-388.
Abstract:给出了自制的 3mm× 3mm位置敏感元件 (PSD)的光谱响应特性 ,覆盖从紫外光、可见光到红外光 (32 0~115 0nm)的广阔区域 .采用光束偏转法对其时间响应特性和位置敏感特性进行测定 .阐述了PSD在卧式原子力显微镜 (AFM)系统中的应用 ,介绍了卧式AFM的工作原理和控制系统 ,提供了部分样品的AFM扫描图像 .结果表明 ,该AFM系统具有较高的成像效率以及良好的工作稳定性、图像重复性和对比度 ,系统的最大扫描范围为 5 μm× 5 μm ,分辨率达到 1nm量级 ,表明PSD在光谱响应、时间响应和位置敏感特性等方面具有优良性能
CHENG Zhi Qun SUN Xiao Wei QIAN Rong
2003, 22(5):389-392.
Abstract:用HP ADS软件优化设计了 8mm集成环形倒扣混频器电路 ,在射频频率为 35 .1GHz,本振频率为 35GHz时 ,三端口具有良好的隔离特性 ;计算机仿真最佳本振功率为 6~ 15dBm ,变频损耗小于 5dB .研制了集成倒扣 8mm混频器芯片面积为 3× 3.75 μm2 ,实测结果与设计结果吻合较好
YANG Chun Ling QI Chao DAI Jing Min HU Yan
2003, 22(5):393-397.
Abstract:By using the technique of wavelet transform for pretreatment and flitting the weak radiation signal has been accurately detected. Moreover, a new method for modeling the emissivity and wavelength of a multiwavelength pyrometer has been proposed and developed for obtaining accurately spectral emissivity and wavelength. In this method, it was unnecessary to give sample data of fixed emissivity model. Then, the detailed aglorithem was described and the simulation was done for checking the validity of algorithm.
2003, 22(5):398-400.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335