Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2002, 21(6):401-407.
Abstract:A complete quantum mechanical model for GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well infrared photodetectors(QWIPs) was presented. The photocurrent was investigated by the optical transition(absorption coefficient)between the ground state and the excited states due to the nonzero component of the radiation field along the sample growth direction. By studying the inter diffusion of the Al atoms across the GaAs/AlGaAs heterointer faces, the mobility of the drift diffusion carriers in the excited states was calculated. As a result, the measurement results of the dark current and the photocurrent spectra are explained theoretically.
RONG Zhi Guo QIU Kang Mu HU Xiu Qing ZHANG Yu Xiang
2002, 21(6):408-412.
Abstract:The FY 2B is a satellite with the spin stabilized attitude, it is had to make the absolute calibration for its IR channel while the satellite is in orbit. As the satellite's pre launch Lab calibration had a reference on the in orbit environment temperature changes of FY 2A, its calibration is ideal. With the correction on quantitatively relationship of the IR channel by the in orbit electronic calibration, the obtained results are very close to the ones from the simultaneous site radiometric calibration over the Qinghai lake.
YANG Zhen Zhong ZHOU Chong Guang FANG Zhuo Yi CHU Shu Hua LI Jing Ding
2002, 21(6):413-417.
Abstract:Based on absorption phenomena of infrared radiation in medium and CT technology, a two dimensional flame temperature distribution diagnosis method was proposed, which was named as infrared radiation absorption CT technology. The principle and measurement process were introduced in detail. Finally, temperature distribution of a pre mixed plane flame was measured by using the principle.
2002, 21(6):418-422.
Abstract:Through the analysis of the distribution function of the rosette scan infrared subpixel seeker, a fast target detection technology of equalization of resolution of image space was proposed.In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of the image space,by making full use of the information of each pixel, this technology realizes the subpixel target recognition, and improves the target detection probability. The experimental results show that this method is feasible and can be realized in real time in DSP system.
WANG Qi ZHOU Jiong Mao WU Zhong LI Chun Fang
2002, 21(6):423-428.
Abstract:Frequency properties of infrared nonlinear s polarized surface waves, which transmit through the interface between a dielectric and a nonlinear antiferromagnet were studied. The nonlinear dispersion equation was derived. It is found that there is a critical frequency in the nonlinear s polarized surface waves. Below this frequency, the nonlinear s polarized waves on the interface are backward surface waves. Using the dispersion equation and boundary conditions, the frequency region of nonlinear s polarized waves was discussed in detail. The results show that not only the power but also the ratio of dielectric constants of two materials can influence the frequency region significantly.
LI Hong Bo SHU Rong XUE Yong Qi
2002, 21(6):429-433.
Abstract:Pushbroom Hyperspectral Imager(PHI) is a new and special topic of spectral imaging technigue field. It uses high resolution CCD FPA to get hundreds of image data of spectral bands, while keeping a high spatial resolution and high SNR. The PHI, its oceanic remote sensing applications and its perpects are analysed.
2002, 21(6):434-438.
Abstract:A class of non uniform dielectric waveguides with arbitrarily transverse cross sections was analyzed by a method, which combines the staircase approximation with the edge element and mode matching procedure.Non uniform constituent regions were approximated by cascaded step discontimuities. Multi mode microwave networks was introduced to represent the step discontinuities. After the eigenvalue problem of the local waveguide was solved by the edge element method, the scattering parameters of these microwave networks were calculated with mode matching method. The transmission property of the whole non uniform structure then was obtained by the treatment of the cascaded microwave network. Because of the versatility of edge element method, the present approach can be used to analyze non uniform dielectric waveguides with different transverse cross sections.
HUANG Quan Liang ZHANG Zu Yin GUO Wei
2002, 21(6):439-442.
Abstract:Imaging principles of a camera and a grand based millimeter wave radiometer were analyzed. Segmentation and recognition methods of optical images were discussed. The temperature and brightness relations between the terrain surface and sky were discussed .The method of computing the antenna temperature of the terrain was given. Therefore a new technique to generate the grand based millmeter wave radiometric images from visual optic images was presented. The technique was expected to be a useful tool to generate reference images of the matching navigation. Experimental results show that the technique is completely practicable.
WANG Xue Jing ) ZHANG Jian ) WEI Zhong Hui ) HAO Zhi Hang )
2002, 21(6):443-446.
Abstract:The impact of daylight, aerosphere and remote sensing camera sensitivity on the color of remote sensing image was analyzed. Color correction based on remote sensing camera model was presented. Which compensates the erros introduced by daylight, aerosphere and remote sensing camera sensitivity. It can convert color image under different conditions into image under standard lighting, and it is of interest to remote image analysis. Simulated experiment show that this color correction method basically satisfid is the requirements.
WANG Zhi Wu DING Guo Qing YAN Guo Zheng LIN Liang Ming
2002, 21(6):447-450.
Abstract:Adaptive discrete wavelet transform based on the lifting scheme was introduced.The weighed coefficient of Bernstein filter predictor was determined to match adaptively with a desired signal by LMS criteria. The algorithm can be applied to signal denoise by the soft threshold of wavelet. Finally this method was extended to denosing of two dimension images. The numerical experiment shows that the method is a powerful method for denoising image. It can keep the character of edge and texture of the image. The advantages of lifting scheme Lie in its flexible design and simple comput .
2002, 21(6):451-454.
WANG Guo Tian WANG Ru Li FU Yan Hong LI Jia CHAI Zhen Hai
2002, 21(6):455-459.
Abstract:Three new binarization algorithms used for correlation pattern recognition were described, due to the difficulty of realizing correlation pattern recognition by the traditional binarization method. Then were carried out computer simulation and experiment of these algorithms. Experiment results show that these binarization algorithms has respectively better effects for the pattern recognition of different scenes.
Cui Zhi she ZENG Tao LONG Teng
2002, 21(6):460-464.
Abstract:Based on IR/MMW dual-mode, information fusion technology, was provided to improve estimated tracking precision, finally reduce guidance error and enhance performance of weapons. Simulation results show that the technology is effective.
2002, 21(6):465-468.
2002, 21(6):469-472.
Abstract:将渐近波形估计技术应用到矩量法中 ,计算了任意形状二维理想导体目标的宽带雷达散射截面 .计算中使用矩量法和奇异值分解技术求解电场积分方程 ,得到一展开频率点的表面电流密度 ,通过Pad啨近似求出给定频带内任意频率点的表面电流密度分布 ,进而计算出散射场和雷达散射截面 .奇异值分解技术的使用消除了电场积分方程的内谐振问题 .对数值计算结果与矩量法逐点求解的结果进行了比较 ,两者吻合良好 ,且计算效率提高了约一个数量级
SUN Chang Gui LI Xing Guo LOU Guo Wei
2002, 21(6):473-476.
Abstract:A kind of high resolution radar signal (inter pulses Costas freguency hopping,or Costas FH) and a kind of direct digital synthesis (DDS) technique were introduced.A uniform expression of inter pulses Costas FH radar signal and stepped frequency pulsed radar signal was presented. A method to generate Costas FH radar signal from the signal set produced by DDS using so called "frequency selecting matrix"was also presented. The result shows that by using this method, certain flexibility of implementation of radar system, including software and hardware, may be increased.
2002, 21(6):477-480.
Abstract:The design method, manufacture and test results of a Ka band HMIC front end, which has been developed recently in SWIET, were reported. The front end, which is composed of a local oscillator module, a transmitter and a receiver, has not only good electrical performance, but also other merits such as miniature size, light weight and high reliability. Test results show that the output power of the transmitter is higher than 350 MW and the noise figure of the receiver is lower than 3.0dB in the used band.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335