Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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QI Fei Hu ) ZHAO Tong ) Horace H S Ip )
2002, 21(5):327-331.
Abstract:A new concept of control parameter, order vector, based on SNN was proposed. More specifically, its associate properties for image retrieval was studied. Based on the properties, an efficient element based affine invariance similarity measurement was proposed for retrieval of trademark images. The experiments indicate that the retrieval method is good in against noisy and occluded images, and the method has affine invariance in translated, rotated and scaled images.
CHEN Chen Jia WANG Xue Zhong LIANG Xiao Gan LI Hai Tao
2002, 21(5):332-336.
Abstract:Photoreflectance spectra of Cd 1- x Mn x Te?CdTe superlattices with high compositions x =0.4,0.8 were carried out at room temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature. The samples were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) technique. Exciton transitions of heavy and light holes related to 11H,22H,33H and 11L were observed. After taking into consideration the strain induced and quantum confinement effects, the theoretical calculations are in very good agreement with our photo reflectance measurement results except 33H of x =0.8. Photoluminescence spectra were also performed at room temperature and low temperature in order to compare with our photoreflectance results.
LIU Xiao Dong , ) LI Shu Guang ) HOU Lan Tian ) WANG Hui Tian )
2002, 21(5):337-341.
Abstract:Photon localization of random media containing anomalous dispersive dielectric materials and metal scatterers, was investigated theoretically. Based on the Mie scattering theory in mid infrared region at low concentration(10%), photon localization of random media with some anomalous dispersive dielectric spheres as scatterers, was realized, and strong photon localization was appeared in reststrahelm band freqances. Investigations of random optical media with metal scatterers was finished, and discovered that scattered behaviours of different metals in mid infrared region at different freqences were very similar. The results show that it is almost impossible that photon localization in the whole mid infrared region.
ZHANG Ji Cai DAI Lun QIN Guo Gang
2002, 21(5):342-346.
Abstract:The influence of Si ion implantation in GaN and post implantation thermal annealing on yellow luminescence(YL) by using two types of GaN samples with strong YL and without YL were studied. As the thermal annealing temperatures increased, the YL intensity and the intensity ratio of YL to near band edge(BE) emission ( I Y? I BE ) for both types of implanted GaN samples enhanced. After Si ion implantation and post implantation thermal annealing, the YL of the GaN sample with strong YL decreased markedly, while that of the GaN sample without YL increased markedly. These experimental results show that the ion implantation together with appropriate post annealing can produce YL related deep acceptor defects, and can increase YL intensity, besides, the GaN surface can adsorb two kinds of point defects, one is caused from ion implantation, another is native and related to YL. This adsorption action of GaN surface becomes strong as ion implantation dose increases.
WU Jun WU Yan CHEN Lu YU Mei Fang QIAO Yi Min HE Li
2002, 21(5):347-350.
Abstract:报道了用二次离子质谱分析 (SIMS)方法对As在碲镉汞分子束外延中的掺入行为的研究结果 .发现As在CdTe、HgCdTe表面的粘附系数很低 ,并与Hg的介入密切相关 .对于单晶HgCdTe外延 ,在 170℃生长温度下As的粘附率相对于多晶室温淀积仅为 3× 10 -4,在此生长温度下 ,通过优化生长条件获得了表面形貌良好的外延材料 .通过控制As束源炉的温度可以很好地控制As在HgCdTe层中的原子浓度 .
BAO Eerdunchaolu XIAO Jing Lin
2002, 21(5):351-355.
Abstract:The effect of thermal lattice vibration on the system in semi infinite polar crystal within the magnetic field, which is weak coupling with bulk LO phonons and strong coupling with SO phonons, were studied. An expressions for the self trapping energy of the surface magnetopolaron as a function of the depth from the crystal surface, magnetic field and temperature were derived by using Huybrechts' linear combination operator and variational method. The numerical results of the self trapping energy for AgCl show that the contribution of interaction between the electron and the different branch of phonons to the self trapping energy and the it's changing with the depth from the crystal surface, magnetic field and temperature are greatly different.
2002, 21(5):356-360.
Abstract:The reflection and transmission of coaxial waveguide partially filled with chiral media were solved by a method which combined the multimode network theory with a rigorous mode matching procedure. Equivalent radial transmission lines in the transveral cross section and multimode transmission lines in the longitudinal direction were introduced. The symmetrical property of the structure in the longitudinal direction was considered so that the whole analysis could be simplified. Effect of chirality and permittivity on the reflection and transmission was discussed.
WANG Guo Tian WANG Ru Li FU Yan Hong LI Jia
2002, 21(5):361-366.
Abstract:A new optoelectronic hybrid system used for automatic target recognition was described. And based on the traditional Binary Phase only Filters, a optimal Binary Phase only Filter algorithm was discussed. Using the optic digital hybrid system with the algorithm, distortion invariable target identification experiment was finished. Computer simulation and quasi practicality experiment show that the system has the capability of detecting and identifying a target.
2002, 21(5):367-371.
Abstract:A high speed recognition system of plane infrared image used for missile was presented. Base on the neighborhood parallel theory, this system was adopted by parallel processing structure with multi processor, and combined parallel inputting, parallel processing, parallel storing. The neighborhood image processor was used for the frame processing of the long distance image, the recognition of the target and the state of the missile target engagement could be realized. The large scale parallel digital circuit with the one detector to one processor structure was used for the near distance image, the recognition of the part of plane could be realized. This system can meet the need of real time recognition during the high speed engaging of missile and target.
MEI Lin ) WU Li De ) WANG Yu Wen )
2002, 21(5):372-376.
Abstract:According to the peculiarity of infrared nondestructive test, image processing and analysis approach suited for that test was proposed. As two focal points, the correction problem of infrared image under non uniform heating condition, and defect separation problem of infrared image under different location contrast condition, both were solved. The results show that both approaches can improve the evaluation ability of the infrared vision testing system, make it visual,intelligent and automatic.
LU Yan Qing ) WANG Zhang Ye ) DONG Yan Bing ) JIANG Zhao Yi ) PENG Qun Sheng )
2002, 21(5):377-381.
Abstract:Multi layer finite difference method and other methods were used to calculate the surface temperature changes of different parts of city buildings and their surrounding parts with time in different seasons in a year considering the effect of outer meteorological factors. Using methods of Computer Graphics, modelings and realistic IR images of buildings in different seasons and at different time in a day were realized and drawn.
LIN San Hu SUN Ji Ye ZHAO Yi Gong
2002, 21(5):382-384.
Abstract:A multi purpose real time sequence scene generator based on PC was presented. The hardware architecture and the operation styles of the system were described in detail. The functions, performances and the typical application situations of the system were shown in this paper.
HOU Biao LIU Fang JIAO Li Cheng
2002, 21(5):385-389.
Abstract:Based on analysis of the features of SAR images, a novel algorithm for automatic segmentation of ports in high resolution SAR images was proposed according to the idea of detecting the targets along the edges of the image. At the same time, wavelet analysis was successfully used in pre filtering, denoising and recognition of real and false targets, and good segmentation results are thus obtained.
LI Zhong Hui , ) DING Xiao Min ) YANG Zhi Jian ) YU Tong Jun ) ZHANG Guo Yi )
2002, 21(5):390-392.
Abstract:利用自行研制的InGaN GaNSQW蓝光LED芯片和YAG :Ge3 + 荧光粉制作了高亮度白光LED(Φ3) ,并对其发光强度、色度坐标、I V、色温及显色性等特性进行了研究 .实验结果表明 :室温下 ,正向电流为 2 0mA时 ,白光LED的轴向发光强度为 1 1~ 2 3cd ,正向电压小于 3 5V ,色度坐标为 (0 2 8,0 34) ,显色指数约为 70 .
ZHANG Tian Jin WANG Wei YANG Xiang Rong
2002, 21(5):393-396.
LOU Jing Yi ) TONG Li Min , ) XU Yun Fei )
2002, 21(5):397-400.
Abstract:通过精确的切割和良好的抛光 ,从Y2 O3 稳定的ZrO2 块状单晶制得可用于红外激光传输及光纤高温传感的高品质Y2 O3 ZrO2 单晶矩形光波导 .获得的矩形波导截面大于 1mm× 1mm ,长度在 4 5mm~ 6 5mm之间 .波导的光学性能比用常规LHPG系统生长的Y2 O3 ZrO2 单晶光纤优越得多 ,在 90 0nm波长处的光学损耗小于 0 .0 3dB cm ,对 1.0 6 μmNd :YAG激光脉冲的损伤阈值为 0 .98MW cm2 ,并且能耐受 2 30 0℃的高温 .实验结果表明 ,这些波导有望在红外激光传输和 2 0 0 0℃以上的高温光纤传感等领域得到应用 .
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335