Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Z.F.Ivasiv F.F.Sizov V.V.Tetyorkin E.V.Andreeva
2002, 21(2):81-86.
Abstract:IntroductionMostofmodernHg1-xCdxTeternarycompoundIRphotodetectorsaremanufacturedfromLPEfilmsgrownonCdTeandCdZnTesubstrates[1~ 4 ] .Compo sitionaldepthnonuniformityseemstobeaninherentfeatureofthesefilms[5,6 ] .Itcausesthevariationsofband gapwiththedepth ,thusaff…
YU Qian Rong ) YANG Jian Rong ) HUANG Gen Sheng ) CHEN Xin Qiang ) XIA Yi Ben ) HE Li )
2002, 21(2):91-94.
Abstract:SIMS (secondary ion mass spectrum) and variable temperature Hall measurement were employed to study the doping of Ag and the electrical properties of Ag doped HgCdTe films grown by LPE. The results show that the Ag doping in HgCdTe by soaking HgCdTe in AgNO 3 solution is effective and the dopant concentration is equal to the Hg vacancy concentration of undoped HgCdTe film. After Ag doping, the acceptor energy of p type HgCdTe has an obvious decrease. It was also found that the electrical properties of Ag doped HgCdTe films can keep stable at room temperature.
2002, 21(2):104-108.
2002, 21(2):109-113.
Abstract:By assuming that a linearly polarized plane wave was incident obliquely onto a small F number lens, ray tracing and Stratton Chu diffraction formula were used to calculate the vectorial diffracted field in the focal space of the lens. Phase distribution of the field over the exit surface of the lens, which determined the pattern of the diffracted field, was illustrated. The power distributions of the diffracted field in the focal plane of a hyperbolic lens were calculated for different incident angles, which agreed well with the experiments. The vectorial characteristics of the diffracted field were examined. Calculation and experiments were carried out in millimeter wavelength range.
LIANG Jian Xun HU Bo LING Xie Ting
2002, 21(2):114-118.
Abstract:Digital watermarking has become one of the effective solutions to the protection of copyright of multimedia data. Imperceptibility and robustness, which are the basic requirements of digital watermark, conflict with each other. So, looking for a trade off of the pair has become one of the keys in watermarking. A scenario of multidimensional watermark for resolving rightful ownership of digital images was proposed in this paper. The multidimensional watermark, whose vectors are mutually independent, was embedded into image in the DCT domain in parallel by using spread spectrum technology. The robustness of multidimensional watermark was improved without enhancing the watermark energy.
2002, 21(2):119-123.
Abstract:The classification mechanism of support vector machine (SVM) was analyzed in detail. The one dimensional image of radar target was recognized by SVM. The results of the simulation show the advantage of SVM over other methods.
2002, 21(2):124-128.
YANG Kun FANG Yu De ZHANG Li Xia YANG Chang Chun JU Song Qing
2002, 21(2):129-132.
Abstract:The design of the high power millimeter wave transmission line for Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) system on the HT 7 Tokamak was given. The waves output from the gyrotron with peak power of 200kW, frequency 60GHz and pulse length around 100ms was transmitted for several tens of meters through this line. In the transmission process, the wave's mode was converted from initial TE 02 mode to TE 01 and then to the semi linear TE 11 mode by two mode converters. In the end of the transmission line, the wave was coupled to the semi optical antenna and then was launched into plasmas along a special angle.
XUAN Yi Min LI De Cang HAN Yu Ge
2002, 21(2):133-136.
Abstract:A new method was presented for synthesis of infrared images of complicated terrain background and an image segmentation model was established based on the theory of Markov random field. By taking the effects of ambient and meteorological factors into account, the infrared features of different terrain scenes were simulated and calculated. The segmented visible pictures and the calculated values of the infrared features were synthesized by assigning the different gray scales to the pixels of the corresponding regions of the segmented pictures in order to obtain the infrared images of the complicated terrain scenes.
2002, 21(2):137-141.
WU Qiu Sheng YAN Bo XUE Liang Jin
2002, 21(2):142-144.
2002, 21(2):145-147.
Abstract:From the point of view of the data quality collected by remote sensors, the selection and determination of the CCD MTF along track are discussed by combining the geometric and radiometric quality of the image with the MTF along track.
2002, 21(2):148-150.
Abstract:The linear polarization sensitivity of existing scanning systems is comparatively high and changes with the scanning angle. To overcome the above shortcomings, a new design of scanning system was given. It can reduce the effect of the scanning angle on the linear polarization sensitivity while keeping low linear polarization sensitivity.
2002, 21(2):151-155.
2002, 21(2):157-160.
Abstract:The Domain Decomposition Method(DDM) in conjunction with FDFD and Modes Expansion was used to analyze the discontinuity of the rectangular recangular waveguide. In the regular part of the rectangular waveguide, the electromagnetic field was analytically developed by the waveguide modes and in the irregular part the equations of the discrete points were built by FDFD method. The Depres transmission condition was used to connect the adjacent subdomains and the whole domain's solution was achieved by the iterative procedure. Several examples of waveguide discontinuity were calculated. The agreement between the results and that from other methods verifies its accuracy.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335