Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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WANG Jun Fa GAO Xiao Ping CHEN Zhi Fen XIAO Jin Cai YANG Fan
2001, 20(5):329-334.
Abstract:From the concept of multi angle remote sensing, the method of designing an airborne multi angle TIR/VNIR imaging system (AMTIS) was introduced. The design was validated by flight experiments. Some useful high quality multi angle and multi spectra image data were obtained.
HU Yi Hua , ) FANG Kang Mei ) SHU Rong ) XUE Yong Qi )
2001, 20(5):335-339.
Abstract:The overlap regression of instantaneous field of view (IFOV) arising from dynamic laser scanning sounding was put forth and a concept of dynamic overlap factor,which describes the dynamic sounding effect of scanning laser, was presented. The relation between the dynamic overlap factor and operation parameters, system specifications and its influence on the sounding effect were analyzed in detail. Some special examples were discussed to explain the obtained results. Finally some suggestions were given for designing laser scanning imaging system with better sounding effect in earth observation.
LI Zheng Dong YE Yu Tang WU Yun Feng SHU Hai Hong HE Ling Ling LI De Zhi WU Ze Ming
2001, 20(5):353-355.
Abstract:A simple method for characterizing effective intensity of Franz Keldysh effect of (HgCd)Te detectors was presented.It is using the output ratio of different bias voltage instead of wavelength shift to characterize effective intensity of Franz Keldysh effect. The experimental result shows this method is effective and practical.
KONG Xiang Wei HUANG Jing SHI Hao
2001, 20(5):365-369.
Abstract:By considering the features of targets in infrared images, a new image segmentation algorithm based on the pulse coupled neural network (PCNN) and histogram method was presented. The proposed algorithm entirely abandons the mechanism of the time exponential decaying function and uses the results of the gray level histogram analysis as the interior thresholds of PCNN. Meanwhile,it reserves the advantage of bridging small spatial gaps and minor intensity variations.Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can get more complete region and edge information of infrared images. It is also of much lower complexity and of higher speed than the original one.
LI Shun Shan YANG Ming Xing ZHUANG Tian Ge
2001, 20(5):370-374.
Abstract:A new method was presented to retrieve medical image, which is based on mutual information method. A database of ultrasonic images was retrieved by the method. The result shows that this method not only has the features of translation invarant, rotation invariant and scale invariant, but also avoids image segmentation which may lead to a complex calculation. The method has the advantage that the speed of retrieval will not get slow with the increase of the number of images. This new method can also be used to retrieve similar non medical image.
ZHAN Yi Qiang QI Fei Hu ZHAN Jing Feng ZHANG Wen Jie
2001, 20(5):381-386.
Abstract:A global motion estimation technology based on MPEG was put forward. First, a four parameter model, which is used to describe the global motion yielded by camera motion, was proposed. Then these parameters were obtained by using an algorithm which is based on block matching, and the global motion could be compensated by these four parameters. Since the motion vectors include the information of the optimum match blocking, these information can be used without completely decoding the MPEG video sequence. The experiment shows that the algorithm is fast, and feint motion field can be excluded by global motion compensation.
2001, 20(5):395-397.
Abstract:By considering the effects of weather and background as well as the structure of trees,a 3 D model for calculating the transient temperature field of single trees was established by using the principle of heat transfer. The temperature distribution and IR feature of single trees were obtained by resolving the model with the finite difference method.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335