Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2000, 19(6):401-406.
Abstract:A method taking multi-samples as sub-modes an d grouping face modes into partial intersection ones was proposed to reduce comput ation and improve system extension property. In combination, the sum rule based on Bayesian theory was used. The face recognition experiments with the ORL and A R face databases showed that the eigenface algorithm using multi-samples reache d a high recognition rate and a reasonable time cost. Grouping face modes makes training become a distributed computation job which reduces time cost for traini ng and brings the convenience of system extension when new face modes are to be added.
CONG Da-Cheng , DAI Jing-Min , SUN Xiao-Gang , CHU Zai-Xiang
2000, 19(6):407-412.
Abstract:A brand-new kind of mid-infrared multi-waveleng th radiation thermometer for the measurement of true temperature and emissivity near room temperature with high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) was presented. By ap plying blazed grating and refractive-reflected optical system with high image q u ality and throughput, the temperature and emissivity were available simultaneous ly by the MCT semiconductor sensor array and electric system. Inner blackbody so urce was installed to compensate the surrounding temperature drift, and the temp erature of field stop and aperture stop was controlled by a heat pipe to reduce th e influence of stray radiation on temperature measurement. The main structures o f optical and electric systems were described in detail.
ZHANG Jian-Hui , LIU Guo-Sui , GU Hong , SU Wei-Min
2000, 19(6):413-418.
Abstract:A stepped-FMC W radar waveform applied for mm-wave automotive collision warning radar systems was proposed, which is easy to be generated digitally and its signal processing reduced the requirement of computational speed compared to conventional hgih-r esolution radars. An error approach algorithm was suggested for multiple vehicl e target detection and its usefulness in eliminating the false target by compute r simulation was confirmed.
2000, 19(6):419-424.
LI Yang , HUANG Jing-Yu , FENG Zheng-He
2000, 19(6):425-429.
2000, 19(6):430-434.
2000, 19(6):435-439.
2000, 19(6):440-444.
Abstract:A method of fingerprint image enhancement based on BEG algorithm and wavelet transformation was introduced to enhance the image quality. First, a method to estimate the local image gradient, called the BEG ( best estimation of gradient) algorithm was proposed to extract the texture o rientation parameters. Then the frequency parameters in local fingerprint window were calculated. At last an adaptive Morlet wavelet filter was used to enhance the fingerprint image according to the parameters in the fore steps. The perform ance test shows that this method is valuable in practical uses.
2000, 19(6):445-448.
Abstract:Several infrared image enhancement methods based on 2D TDI technigne using gray transform were put forward. The test results show that these methods are superior to the simple average method and can be implemented in real time. So they have high practical value.
YU Xiu-Lan , QIAN Guo-Hui , JIA Xiao-Guang
2000, 19(6):449-453.
Abstract:针对多光谱和SAR遥感图像特征层融合分类的特征选取问题,以Landsat卫星的TM图像和JERS-1卫星的SAR图像融合分类为例,给出了一种基于Rough Set理论的最佳分类特征选取方法.
2000, 19(6):454-456.
MEI Lin , WANG Yu-Wen , XUE Jin
2000, 19(6):457-459.
XU Jing-Jun , ZHANG Xin-Zheng , LI Fei-Fei , WEN Hai-Dong , LIU SI-Min , ZHANG Guang-Yin , LU Bing , SHU Mei-Ling
2000, 19(6):460-462.
CHEN Xiao-Jun , YANG Li-Zhong , DENG Zhi-Hu , FAN Wei-Cheng
2000, 19(6):463-466.
WANG Hong-Xia , LI Xiao-Jian , HE Jun-Fa , LIU Chang-Wen
2000, 19(6):467-470.
Abstract:A real time high efficiency nonlinear joint transform correlator was proposed. In this correlator, a multi focus hololens was used to produce joint power spectral array so that the areas of the liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) and the output light energy can be used effectively. The LCLV worked in near saturated state in order to realize nonlinear joint transform correlation. The theoretical analysis and experimental results verified that the optical correlation signal can be enhanced by this correlator.
CHEN Si-Xiang , YI Xin-Jian , ZENG Yan-An , CHEN Si-Hai
2000, 19(6):471-474.
LI Bing , YUAN Xiang-Hui , PAN Yin-Song
2000, 19(6):475-477.
SHEN Guang-De , ZHAO Zhen-Wei , LIN Le-Ke , JIN Yan-Bo
2000, 19(6):478-480.
Abstract:The experiments on 3mm radiowave propagatin attenuation induced by sea fog were carried out. The results show that dense fog induces 7.55dB/km attenuation at 3mm. The sea fog characteristic parameters were calculated. The measured attenuation was compared with that calculated by ITU model at different visibility. Signal scintillation characteristics were analyzed. Key words 3mm communication, attenuation, visibility, scintillation index.um 11211$$$$ YANG Cheng yongSchool of Life Sciences,Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510275,China,ZHOU Shi ning,ZHOU Yi pin,LIN Yong cheng Abstract:Bacterium 11211 which produces chitinase was isolated from the South China Sea.The growth condition and chitinase production of bacteria were investigated.Na was necessary for bacterium 11211 growth.Colloid chiyin could induce bacteria to produce chitinase.The growth of bacteria was slow in the medium containing colloid chitin as main carbon source,and the enzyme activity reached maximum on 7 d of incubation.Following the purification,the enzyme was characterized and its molecular weight was estimated by SDS PAGE.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335