Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2000, 19(3):161-168.
FENG Guo-Lin , SHAO Yao-Chun , SUN Yao-Dong
2000, 19(3):169-173.
Abstract:By studying the numerical calculation of the stochastic-dynamics equation of the laser-DNA interaction,it was found that with the approximation of small signal and adiabatic hypothesis and under suitable conditions,the stochastic chaos will occur in the laser-DNA interactive system. The appearance of stochastic chaos is related to the intensity of laser. When it is very weak there is no chaos and this suggests that small intensity of laser does not make DNA mutate. When laser intensity reaches a certain value,chaos appears and makes DNA mutate. With the increase of laser intensity,the characteristic of chaos in the evolution process of system becomes more and more significant. However,laser intensity can not be too strong,otherwise it will cause very complex chaos that makes a severe problem of uncertainty in laser breeding and brings uncontrollable results instead of inducing DNA to mutate. The influence of the periodical change of environment on laser-DNA interactive system was discussed,too.
2000, 19(3):174-176.
WANG Xiao-Dong , WANG Hui , WANG Hai-Long , NIU Zhi-Chuan , FENG Song-Lin
2000, 19(3):177-180.
2000, 19(3):181-184.
Abstract:报道了用离子注入方法和组合技术制备的AlGaAs/GaAs单量子阱多波长发光集成芯片,利用量子阱果面混合原理在同一块GaAs衬底片上获得了20多个发光波长从787 ̄724nm的GaAs量子阱发光单元,研究了不同剂量的As和H离子分别单独注入和迭加组合注入对量子阱发光峰位的影响,采用了组事技术和离子注入技术大大筒化了制备工艺过程,这种上发光芯片对于波分复用器件和建立离子注入数据库等方面都有重要的意义
2000, 19(3):185-187.
2000, 19(3):188-190.
Abstract:采用红外椭辰我谱研究了与GaSb衬底近晶格匹配的不同组分GaxIn1-xAsySb1-y样品位于禁带宽度能量位置之上、附近和之下的室温折射率光谱。根据禁带宽度能量位置附近的折射率增强效率确定了GaxIn1-xAsySb1-y样品的禁带宽度,并发现在组分x=0.2 ̄0.3之间禁带宽度随组分x近似于线性变化。
WANG Hai-Long , ZHU Hai-Jun , NING Dong , WANG Hui , WANG Xiao-Dong , GUO Zhong-Sheng , FENG Song-Lin
2000, 19(3):191-193.
HE Zhi-Biao , YI Xin-Jian , HUANG Guang
2000, 19(3):194-196.
Abstract:An adaptive filter is designed in the paper to remove the noise of an image in terms of the principle of least squares and regression model. A method is presented for nonuniformity correction of IR focal plane arrays based on polynomial. The algorithm for the implementation is discussed. Finally effects of correcting image are given.
LI Hui-Qiu , ZHANG Yue-Li , WEN Jin-Hui , YANG Sheng-Hong , MO Dang , XU Yu-Huan , J.D.Mackenize
2000, 19(3):201-204.
Abstract:用溶胶-凝胶技术制备了化学组分为5/50/50的PLZT非晶薄膜。测试其200 ̄800nm波长范围的光学透射谱,和200 ̄670nm波长范围的椭偏光谱。得到了PLZT(5/50/50)非晶薄膜膜厚和光学常数谱(折射率n谱和消光系数κ谱),并与组分为9/65/35的PLZT非晶薄膜的吸收边和折射率进行了比较。
2000, 19(3):205-208.
Abstract:A new iterative learning algorithm based on the superposition of information was proposed. Because the prototype patterns of synergetic neural network (SNN) has the ability of superposition of information, the new algorithm can modify the prototype patterns using the pattern, of which the recognition rate is the lowest during training as the feedback. The test upon the samples from real environment shows that the new algorithm has the characteristic of strong ability of optimal searching and the shorteness of training time. Additionally, the comparison of training performance between the new algorithm and selection algorithm of prototype patterns based on genetic algorithm(SAPPGA) was made.
KANG Xue-Lei , SHAO Lin , ZHANG Li-Min
2000, 19(3):209-214.
2000, 19(3):215-218.
2000, 19(3):219-223.
Abstract:Based upon the maximum fuzzy partition entropy principle, a novel approach for image segmentation was presented. After the concept of fuzzy partition was introduced briefly, a new definition of fuzzy partition entropy was proposed. A threshold selection approach from gray level histogram through maximizing the entropy of fuzzy partition was put forward. It was demonstrated that KSW entropic thresholding method is just a special case of the approach proposed herein. The experiment was conducted on three real object images. The results show that the proposed approach has better performances than some classical threshold selection methods do.
PAN Qiao-Hai , LI Dong-Xiao , YAO Qing-Dong , CHENG Xiao-Chu
2000, 19(3):224-228.
2000, 19(3):229-232.
2000, 19(3):233-236.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335