Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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DING Kun LI Guo Hua HAN He Xiang WANG Zhao Ping
1999, 18(6):417-422.
Abstract:报道了用硅离子注入热氧化生长的SiO2 层后热退火的方法制备纳米硅样品,并在室温下测量了样品的光致发光谱及其退火温度的关系.实验结果表明,在800℃以下退火的样品的发光是由于离子注入而引入SiO2 层的缺陷发光.在900℃以上退火,才观察到纳米硅的发生,在1100℃下退火,纳米硅发光达到最强.纳米硅的发光峰随退火温度升高而红移呈量子尺寸效应.在直角散射配置下,首次观察到纳米硅的特征拉曼散射峰,进一步证实了光致发光谱的结果.
WANG Hai Long ZHU Hai Jun LI Qing NING Dong WANG Hui WANG Xiao Dong DENG Yuan Ming FENG Song Lin
1999, 18(6):423-426.
Abstract:The photoluminescence in directly si doped self organized InAs quantum dots was systematically studied. With doping, a decrease in linewidth and a little blue shift in peak were observed by PL measurement. The results show that direct doping when growing InAs layer may be helpful to the formation of uniform small quantum dots. The work will be meaningful for the fabrication of self organized InAs quantum dots semiconductor device.
1999, 18(6):431-437.
Abstract:The IFS spatial structure feature was presented for detecting man made objects in the natural background. The elementary theory of the IFS feature and the algorithm extracting the IFS feature from the practical images were both discussed in detail. Finally, some experimental results for practical infrared images were given to show the effects of the IFS feature in the automatic detection of man made objects in the natural background.
1999, 18(6):438-442.
Abstract:The simple formulas for range estimation of the attacking aircraft and missiles were derived from the angle of accomplishing threat degree ordering by means of combination of IR radiation variation and kinematics.
1999, 18(6):443-448.
Abstract:A passive dynamic infrared generating technique as well as a related device was presented. The time constant, space resolutions and contrast ratio of the transducer were discussed theoretically and measured experimentally. Dynamic infrared images with space resolution of 6 lp/mm, contrast ratio better than 100:1,and time constant of about 6ms were realized in the experiment. The transducer can work for infrared image evaluation, calibration and dynamic infrared image simulation.
YU Xiu Lan QIAN Guo Hui ZHOU Jian Lin JIA Xiao Guang
1999, 18(6):449-454.
Abstract:通过分析多光谱遥感图像学习样本在光谱空间不同位置对BP神经网络分类器分类精度的影响,提出基于x2 分布的学习样本选取方法,并应用于TM 图像分类.对6 种地物应用不同样本选取法训练的BP网分类器和Bayes分类器的分类结果比较表明:本方法分类精度明显高于Bayes分类器和其它样本选取法得到的BP网分类器,并具有学习样本数量少等特点
WANG Li Ping SUN Shao Yuan ZHANG Bao Min
1999, 18(6):455-459.
Abstract:The image fusion method of Laplacian pyramid was described and the fusion rule for dual spectral images in space domain was given, Pyramid technique was used to carry out fusion processing study for random instantaneous laser assistant vision image and low light level (LLL) image.LLL image quality was improved and the war field information from night vision system was increased. False color display technology was used to obtain the color image of good visual sense.
HUANG Gen Sheng ZHANG Xiao Ping CHANG Yong YU Fu Ju YANG Jian Rong HE Li
1999, 18(6):460-464.
Abstract:用X 射线双晶衍射、光致发光谱和红外透射光谱研究了CdZnTe 晶体中的Zn 的组分.研究表明透射光谱的Syllaios经验公式结果与X 射线双晶衍射和光致发光谱精确测量结果对比,偏差小于4% .透射光谱可以做为测量Zn 组分的常规方法
GUAN Yun Feng HU Yong LI Jie Gu
1999, 18(6):465-471.
Abstract:在Chen 的算法的基础上,给出了一种新的频域模板匹配算法,这种算法解决了频域相关中图像尺寸大小不同的问题,在峰值检测中以相关平面局部最大值代替其最大值,提出从图像之间的旋转和缩放参数到平移参数几次迭代使它们之间互相适应的策略.航空照片匹配实验结果表明,这是一种很有发展潜力的算法
FENG Wen Yi YAN Ying Bai JIN Guo Fan WU Min Xian HE Qing Sheng
1999, 18(6):472-478.
Abstract:A novel real time opto electronic system was proposed and constructed for license plate recognition.The extraction of characters in a license plate image was accomplished by a computer, and the recognition of the characters was achieved by a coprocessor based on volume holographic storage and wavelet correlation. The coprocessor has the ability of multi channel processing in a parallel and instant way. The feasibility of the system was testified by experimental results.
YANG Zheng Zhong CHU Shu Hua LI Jin Ding
1999, 18(6):479-484.
Abstract:Based on the theory of exponential wide band model of radiation absorption of gas molecules, the principle formulas of infrared spectroscopy diagnosis for flame temperature and composition concentration were deduced and a kind of practical calculating method was given. An infrared spectroscopy diagnosis system was established, and the experimental research was carried out with the system. The results show that the accuracy is relatively high, Thus, the aim to measure the flame temperature and composition concentration synchronously has been achieved.
1999, 18(6):485-488.
Abstract:用热辅助下的微分调制光谱方法研究了Hg1- xCdxTe 体材料和液相外延材料的E1 和E1 Δ1 临界点.并用三维临界点洛仑兹线性分析了实验光谱结构,通过拟合获得了相应能带参数
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335