Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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WU Yang YANG Jian Rong FANG Wei Zheng WANG Shan Li YU Mei Fang QIAO Yi Ming CHEN Xin Qiang HE Li
1999, 18(2):103-107.
HU Xin Wen LI Xiang Yang WANG Qin LU Hui Qin ZHAO Jun FANG Jia Xiong
1999, 18(2):108-112.
Abstract:The defect levels in Hg 1 x Cd x Te( x =0.6)n on p junction photodiodes were studied by using the admittance spectroscopy. Measurements identified a hole trap located at 0.15eV above the valence band. The trap density and majority carrier capture cross section were given, with results suggecting hole capture at a neutral trapping center. It was estimated as a Hg vacancy or some composite defects related with it. The minority lifetime of the devices and the product R 0A of area times the dynamic resistance at zero bias were calculated and the results were discussed, too.
1999, 18(2):120-124.
Abstract:The principle of adaptive thresholding detection method in undulant background was introduced,and its modified methods given. The methods can be used to detect small targets in undulant background effectively and it was proved by the experiment results.
XING Ting WANG Mo Chang GONG Hui Xing
1999, 18(2):133-137.
Abstract:The advantage of efficient computation of Fourier transform spectrum by using Winograd Fourier transform algorithm was discussed. The computation results prove that the Winograd algorithm can improve the efficiency remarkably when applied to and combined with the spectrum calculation routine.
LUO Qing Ming , ) DENG Hui ) GONG Hui ) ZENG Shao Qun ) CHEN Wei Guo )
1999, 18(2):138-144.
Abstract:Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is one of the main parameters that reveal the brain function. In this paper, fundamentals for the measurement of CBF with near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) were introduced. Results of relative changes of blood flow in a brain model were measured by a dual wavelength NIRS system that has specifications of real time sampling, data processing and displaying. An in vivo measurement of relative changes of blood flow in frontal cortex was reported.
1999, 18(2):145-150.
Abstract:The problem of image correlative matching was studied by means of genetic algorithm and a fast image correlative matching algorithm was presented. With the condition of optimum matching, the computation amount of the algorithm was reduced more than 10 times compared with SSDA algorithm. The NPROD matching criterion can be employed in this algorithm to improve the matching precision for the case of low image contrast. The computation time is nearly constant for matching each frame of images in the presented algorithm, which brings convenience to the practical application.
1999, 18(2):151-155.
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the generating mechanism of nonuniformity noise in the infrared image, the principle of nonuniformity correction for infrared imaging system was presented. The correction method using digital image processing technique was discussed. A factor weighted correction circuit architecture and its hardware implementation were presented.By adopting the technique in the infrared imaging system, the nonuniform interference of the infrared image was suppressed effectively, and the visual quality of the infrared image improved greatly.
ZHANG Yong LI Xing Guo LI Yue Hua
1999, 18(2):157-162.
Abstract:After introducing the theory of millimeter wave focal plane array imaging, the structure of the system, cognizance of the parameters and circuit components for the developed seven element parallel scan mode were offered, and a few key techniques were discussed at the same time.
1999, 18(2):163-166.
Abstract:采用分域基(分段正弦函数)Galerkin法计算了多散射单元一体化结构在8mm和3mm两个波段的雷达散射截面σ ̄θ(散射角)曲线。结果表明:由于散射单元间的耦合作用,存在适当的结构形式,其雷达散射截面在毫米波段远大于单一谐振单元的散射效果;而且单元间间隙极小,具有较高的散射效率。
1999, 18(2):167-170.
Abstract:Based on the mathematical model of target signal of millimeter wave radiometer on bomb, the digital simulation was made on the target signal.On this basis, a partial physical simulation system on target signal was built.By use of this system, good measurement results were achieved. The simulation results are rather in accordance with the actual measurement ones.
XU Hai Feng LI Jiao Yang HUI Xiao Shi LIU Xian De
1999, 18(2):171-176.
Abstract:For the purpose of evaluation of the characteristics of the infrared wireless communication channel, the mathematical equations of the impulse response and time delay of infrared channel were defined. The diffuse characteristics of the surfaces of the room were described by Lambertian law.The magnitudes of light of sight and diffuse response of channel, the characteristics of several channels were analyzed and simulated. The results demonstrated that the change of FOV and the change of the position of receiver have serious effects to the characteristics of the channel. The methods of this paper are contributed to the design of a robust infrared communication channel.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335