Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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LOU Guo Wei LI Xing Guo NING Jun
1998, 17(4):241-246.
Abstract:A 8mm band total power radiometer system with high speed scan was proposed. On the basis of discussing the theory and signal feature of this system, main parameters of the system and its components were calculated, and the performance of experimental prototype was introduced. Research and experimental results show that not only the design of the radiometer is characteristic, but the circuits and the structures are also largely simplified.
LI Yue Hua LI Xin Guo NING Jun WANG Min
1998, 17(4):247-254.
Abstract:The method of 1 D imaging for frequency steppping high range resolution MMW rader was studied. The error of a quadrature coherent I/Q channels was discussed. The error correcting method with SVD of matrix was presented. By use of the echo model, the computer simulation was carried out. The simulation results show that the method is effective.
1998, 17(4):255-261.
Abstract:Based on the working principle of MMW radiometer,an output signal model when detecting the metal target was presented. According to the feature of waveforms, a method of target recognition was advanced, and experimental simulation results were obtained.
XIAO Huai Tie ZHUANG Zhao Wen GUO Xiu Huang HE Song Hua JI Ke Feng XU Feng
1998, 17(4):262-266.
DOU Wen Bin ZENG Gang SUN Zhong Liang
1998, 17(4):267-270.
Abstract:The ray tracing and field integration methods were used to analyze the far field pattern of an extended hemispherical lens/objective lens antenna system. Calculation results were given. It was shown that this antenna system has good radiation property. By changing the extension length of the extended hemispherical lens, the coupling between integrated circuits and various quasi optical systems may be realized.
LI Xiang FU Yao Wen ZHUANG Zhao Wen LIU Yu Lin
1998, 17(4):271-276.
Abstract:The effects of environment and climate on millimeter wave (MMW) radar and infrared(IR) sensor were analyzed, and the environment and climate models of these two kinds of sensors were obtained. Then a strategy auto formation algorithm for MMW/IR fusion based on these two models was presented. The combination performance was estimated and the strategy was auto formed. At the end of this article a simulation result was given, which is in agreement with the preliminary analysis.
1998, 17(4):277-282.
Abstract:Triple correlation peak inspecting technique (TCPIT) was adopted for the signal processing of IR systems in detecting sub pixels or point targets. Investigations show that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) can be improved by about 23dB with the input peak SNR of 0.84 and the input power SNR of -9.73dB. The 2 D graphics method for implementation of TCPIT was recommended. Using this approach,the amplitude information of point targets can be still effectively extracted from noises with the input peak SNR lowered to 0.48 and the input power SNR lowered to -14.24dB.
1998, 17(4):283-286.
Abstract:A new method for small target detection of IR guard system was investigated. According to the environmental characteristics of low contrast, small size, continuously moving target, and the complex background scene, the symmetry difference operation was done in the three frames of image sequences to guarantee the probability of target detecting and probability of false alarming required by the system and real time implementation of hardwares. The software and hardware implementing principle of this algorithm was offered, and the analysis of real time processing was given.
WANG Shan Li YU Mei Fang QIAO Yi Min YANG Jian Rong WU Yan YUAN Shi Xin HE Li
1998, 17(4):287-291.
1998, 17(4):293-298.
Abstract:A new algorithm was presented, which can improve millimeter wave image resolution by directly altering the eigenvalues of the point spread function matrix. The results of computer simulation and actual image processing show good effect of the algorithm.
1998, 17(4):299-302.
Abstract:A unified miniature optically pumped NH 3 FIR laser (unified mini OPFIR cavity laser),including a mini TEA CO 2 pump laser, was developed. The optimum operation of the unified mini-OPFIR cavity laser was studied experimentally. The relations among FIR laser output power, operating gas pressure, length and coupling condition of the cavity were measured. lt was found that the very wide band FIR laser emission was a common feature of the mini OPFIR cavity laser. This will be a new way for wide range frequency tuning of FIR laser.
1998, 17(4):303-307.
Abstract:A fast learning algorithm of neural network for approximation function was presented by analyzing different characters of parameters in network. This method can speed up the rate of network convergence. By approximating various functions, and comparing with other methods, this algorithm is shown to have satisfactory performances.
1998, 17(4):308-312.
Abstract:Wavelet Analysis was introduced into the target recognition of MMW radar, and the scheme of energy characteristic vector was proposed based on the wavelet analysis, which combines the properties of the wavelet analysis and MMW signal of target, overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional methods and improves the target recognition performance of the MMW radar. And it also can be easily and efficiently realized. At last, satisfactory results were achieved.
LIU Jin Xu HAN Wei PENG Ying Ke FENG Rui Zhen SU Xing Man
1998, 17(4):313-316.
Abstract:A new method for the determination of the cancerous cells was proposed. By means of the high resolution of FTIR, the comparison and study on the normal human cells and cells of more than1000 patients suffering from the cervical carcinoma were conducted. It was preliminarily concluded that by this method the obvious difference between the cancer cells and the normal ones can be explained from the molecular level. Moreover, through the interpretation of the spectrum, the main reasons causing the change of the spectrum and the possible mechanism of the cells canceration can be directly explained and thus the course of illness can be forecasted and diagnosing cancer in an early stage can be done.
LU Qi Sheng JIANG Zhi Ping LIU Ze Jin SHU Bo Hong
1998, 17(4):317-320.
Abstract:By measuring the dynamic response in PC type HgCdTe detectors, it was found that at the operating temperature (77K), after laser irradiation, the conductivity of detectors changes (showing memory), and responsibility is raised up. This effect will remain unchanged for a long term at the operating temperature. When the temperature is raised to room temperature, the memory function disappears. Various measurement results were given on this effect and its mechanism was analyzed in this paper.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335