Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Chen Xiaoshuang Liu Xinquang Lu Wei Shen Xuechu
1997, 16(2):81-85.
1997, 16(2):86-92.
Abstract:For the n type semiconductor quantum well with anisotropic electron effective mass, the analytical expressions of oscillator strength of intersubband transition including both bound to bound and bound to extended excited states for the normal incident radiation were given. Taking the AlAs/Ga 1- x Al x As as an example, the influences of the growth direction of the quantum well and the well width on the absorption wavelength and the oscillator strength were investigated.
1997, 16(2):93-96.
Abstract:Theoretical predictions of polaron effects on the third harmonic generation in a rectangular quantum wire with an additional parabolic potential were presented. The formula for the third harmonic generation along the wire was derived by the density matrix method. The numerical results were presented for a typical GaAs quantum wire.
1997, 16(2):97-101.
Abstract:Hot electron relaxations in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells were studied using photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectroscopy. LO phonon emissions in the quantum wells were observed. A four band Kane model was built to calculate the deformation of sub valence bands due to the mixing effect of heavy and light hole bands. The deformation affects the measured PLE responses. The measured and calculated results show that photo excited electrons can cascade down to the exciton energy state directly by LO phonon emissions.
1997, 16(2):102-106.
Chen Zhanghai Hu Canming Liu Pulin Shi Guoliang Lu Wei Zhang Bo Shi Xiaohong Shen Xuechu
1997, 16(2):107-113.
Hu Canming Chen Zhanghai Shi Guolian Lu Wei Zhang Bo Shi Xiaohong Liu Pulin Shen Xuechu
1997, 16(2):114-120.
Abstract:Rapid scan Fourier transform spectroscopy was used to study the high frequency dynamic properties of the two dimensional electron gases (2DEG) confined at the interface of heterojunctions or in a quantum well. By using a multi channel voltage supply unit controlled by the spectrometer and accumulating alternately a certain number of scans at two different gate voltages, gate voltage ratio spectra were obtained on samples prepared with metallic front gates. Several fundamental infrared excitations, namely, cyclotron resonance, 2D plasmon and the collective intersubband resonance were observed in these low dimensional systems.
Gui Yongsheng Zheng Guozhen Chu Junhao Guo Shaoling Tang Dingyuan
1997, 16(2):121-125.
Abstract:The effect of fixed surface charge density on the performance of HgCdTe photoconductive detectors was presented in this study. The calculations show that the fixed surface charges can influence the characteristics of the detector greatly. Optimum of the fixed surface charges governed by the passivation processes can improve the device performance.
Li Guohua Han Hexiang Wang Zhaoping
1997, 16(2):131-136.
Abstract:The photoluminescence of InAs/GaAs submonolayer structure was measured at 15K under hydrostatic pressure up to 8 GPa. At normal pressure, the peak energies of the heavy hole exciton emission have a blue shift with the decrease of the thickness of the InAs layer, and with a narrowing peak width and weakening peak intensity. The pressure behavior of these peaks is similar to that of the GaAs matrix, indicating that the model of quantum well (quantum wire, quantum dot) structure is still valid for InAs/GaAs submonolayer. The increases of the confined energies for electrons and heavy holes are 23 and 42 meV, respectively, for 1/3 monolayer InAs/GaAs sample due to the additional lateral confinement of carriers.
Zhao Li ) Zhou Bin ) Shen Jun ) Zhu Lei ) Wang Jue ) Li Yufen )
1997, 16(2):142-146.
Abstract:The photoluminescence (PL) properties of C 60 doped silica aerogel samples were reported. The samples were prepared by two different doping methods and were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and time of flight mass spectroscopy. The C 60 doped composites were found to be able to emit intense visible light and its peak was blue shifted obviously compared to that of the pure C 60 , under Ar laser (488nm,10mW) excitation at room temperature. The influence of doping methods and annealing process on the light emitting properties of the samples was also discussed.
Zhang Hongmei Xu Pingmao Feng Chuansheng Liu Xuelan Wei Jianzhong Wu Zisheng
1997, 16(2):152-156.
1997, 16(2):157-160.
Abstract:The properties of the surface polaron weakly coupled with surface optical phonons in magnetic field for the polar crystals were studied. The ground state energy of the surface magnetopolaron was derived by using the perturbation and the linear combination operator method. The influence of the interaction between phonons of different wave vectors in the recoil process on the ground state energy of the surface magnetopolaron was discussed.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335