Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1997, 16(1):1-6.
Wu Liangjin ) Liu Kun ) Chu Junhao )
1997, 16(1):7-10.
Abstract:By measuring the magneto capacitance spectroscopy of an n type InSb metal insulator semiconductor (MIS) structure, the 2 dimensional hole subband in the p type channel of the InSb MIS device was investigated under different magnetic fields at 1 2K.It was shown that the on set energy of the p type channel has a strong dependence on the magnetic field. This behavior has been attributed mainly to the dependence of the InSb band gap energy on magnetic field.
Li Biao Chu Junhao Ye Hongjuan Jiang Wei Tang Dingyuan
1997, 16(1):11-15.
Abstract:The vibrational modes in Hg 1- x Cd x Te epitaxial films were investigated by means of far infrared transmission spectra at temperatures from 4 2 to 300K.The observations were put forward in the spectral range from 20cm -1 to 350cm -1 , emphasizing the wavenumber region at the low frequency side of the reststrahlen absorption band.A series of single phonon and two phonon modes, defects induced vibrational modes and impurities levels were observed.
1997, 16(1):17-20.
Abstract:The synthetical application of the oscillator model and Kramers Kronig relation to the far infrared reflection spectrum of the long wavelength optical phonon in crystals was reported. By using the restriction condition between the oscillator model and the Kramers Kronig relation, a method was proposed to reckon the dielectric function from the incomplete far infrared reflection spectrum.
Hao Zhao Chen Xiaobo Zhang Guangyin Li Meixian Mao Yuhong
1997, 16(1):21-26.
Abstract:Properties of the dynamic mechanism of a four level avalanche upconversion system were investigated by using rate equations.
Yu Bo Wang Ruli Chen Gaofeng Hua Tiejun
1997, 16(1):27-32.
Abstract:A method using neural network to recognize targets according to the output of the multichannel optical correlator was proposed. The position of the correlation peaks was found through statistical rules. Not only the self correlation peaks but also the cross correlation peaks were used to be the features of the targets and the complex feature extraction was realized through neural network. The proposed method can effectively exclude the effects of the target background interference and the fluctuation of the device performance so as to realize a real time target recognition.
Song Xiangyu Chen Jianming Qi Feihu
1997, 16(1):33-38.
Chen Xin Xiang Jianyong Yang Yihe
1997, 16(1):39-44.
1997, 16(1):45-50.
Abstract:A method named MACA (Modified Active Contour Algorithm) was suggested.In the general Snake model, there is no required matching between orientation of the contour and edge direction in the gray level image.This kind of Snake model may fail in the images with rich texture or with concave objects.To avoid it, two energy functions based on the above mentioned ideas were proposed to improve the Snake model.To reduce the time cost in the iteration of MACA, a FGA(Fast Greedy Algorithm) was proposed. Also, the first order derivative and the second order, domain of searching area, contour resampling, and conditions of corner locking were redefined. Experimental results show that the proposed method is much better than the general Snake model,especially on searching for concave objects.
1997, 16(1):56-60.
Ye Hongjuan Li Biao Chen Zhanghai Fu Rouli Jiang Wei Chu Junhao
1997, 16(1):61-65.
1997, 16(1):66-72.
Abstract:The value of red shift associated with the Stokes component of Raman scattering arising from the solitons excited in organic protein molecules was given in terms of nonlinear quantum mechanical theory and the partial diagonalization of solitonic Hamiltonian.This value is basically consistent with the experimental data of Raman scattering.The transition probability and the differential cross section of the Raman scattering were also obtained.
Chen Zhanghai Liu Pulin Shi Xiaohong Shi Guoliang Shen Xuechu
1997, 16(1):73-76.
Abstract:Photoconductivity (PC) spectra of Hg 0.6 Cd 0.4 Te were reported. Discrete PC structures of bound excitons at the low energy side of absorption edge were observed for the first time.
1997, 16(1):77-80.
Abstract:An electrical crosstalk model for multi element photoconductive HgCdTe detectors was discussed.The model shows that the electrical crosstalk value of a detective element in a multi element detector is ( N-1)R e/R b . The experimental results are in agreement with the calculation.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335