Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Zheng Baozhen , Sai Na , Xu Jizong , Zhang Penghua , Yang Xiaoping , Xu Zhongying
1996, 15(6):407-411.
Abstract:Ga ion implantation followed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) was utilized to enhance the interdiffusion in GaAs/AlGaAs single QWs. In low temperature photoluminescence a blue shift of emission energy from 30 to 90meV was observed. The shift was found to be dependent on the implantation damage and as a function of the annealing temperature and time. The interdiffusion coefficient of 10 -15 10 -17 cm 2/s by RTA was calculated.
Zhang Xinchang Zhang Qinyao Xu Zhen
1996, 15(6):417-422.
Zhang Zhaoxiang Pan Nansheng Xi Zhonghe Shi Ziguang
1996, 15(6):423-427.
Abstract:Electrically tunable filters using liquid crystal as the cavity material were described. The transmission characteristic in the infrared wave band was measured under different conditions. It was shown that the tunable range is about 100nm, and the free spectral range is about 40nm. Through measurement and calculation of the transmission spectrum the refractive index of liquid crystal as a function of driving voltage was obtained
Zeng Shaoqun Xu Haifeng Liu Xiande Li Zaiguang
1996, 15(6):428-432.
Abstract:The optical low coherence thermometry (OLT) was proposed for the first time based on the optical low coherence tomography and laser interferometric thermometry (LIT). The backgrounds were restrained by means of the low coherence of the optical source.The measured phase was magnified with optical methods. As a result the precision was greatly improved. This method is very effective for the measurement of thin sample with small temperature rise.
Zhang Hua , Liao Baojian Pan Jiluan
1996, 15(6):433-438.
Abstract:The radiative property of the radiative source, the transmission of the filter and the spectral response of ICCD were considered systematictlly for the temperature field measurement system by means of two color thermal images. The ideal choice of the working wavelength of the system was proposed.
Xiao Shunping Wang Xuesong Zhuang Zhaowen
1996, 15(6):439-444.
Abstract:The polarization scattering properties of aircraft targets were investigated by using depolarization coefficient, one of the polarization invariants, based on wideband millimeter wave polarization radar. Furthermore, the polarization features of targets were extracted and the target recognizer which can classify or recognize effectively five kinds of aircraft targets was designed.
1996, 15(6):445-449.
Abstract:The greenlight output chaos in Nd:YVO 4 microchip laser were studies. The relationship between chaos characters and structure parameters was obtained. The methods to eliminate the fluctuations of chaotic amplitude and frequency were presented.
1996, 15(6):450-454.
Abstract:The Fokker Planck equation of the laser and DNA molecules interaction system was built. By studying the numerical calculation of this equation, it was concluded that the stochastic resonance occurred in this system under adiabatic approximation. The noise strength, laser amplitude and laser frequency were cooperative interactions, which together controlled the behavior of the laser DNA interaction system. The noise strength may play an important role in the genetic variation of biology system.
1996, 15(6):455-460.
Abstract:The subjective and objective measurement methods and the test facilities concerned of thermal imaging systems were systematically summarized. The calibrating methods of the test facilities were expounded. The theoretical basic of the measurement techniqus was briefly analyzed.
1996, 15(6):461-464.
Abstract:A 3mm waveguide Y junction circulator with a ferrite sphere was developed. Based on the derived operating modes and operating frequencies of the waveguide circulator, a numerical solution of the operation characteristics of the novel waveguide circulator was given. Good agreement between the analytical results and experimental measurements was observed.
Cai Xiping Zhao Yuan Dai Yongjiang Sun Dongsong Ge Chunfeng
1996, 15(6):465-468.
Abstract:The principle and the experimental setup to measure the velocity of Moving targets by the CW CO 2 coherent laser radar were described, and the experimental results presented. The accuracy is 0.28m/s and the velocity resolution is 0.05m/s.The outdoor experiments indicate that the working range of the laser radar could attain to 200m when the target is a diffuser.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335