Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1996, 15(5):321-326.
Abstract:The variations of the energy in optically excited C 60 and C 60 doped with alkali metal were studied with the tight binding model. It was found that the lattice deformation induced by optical excitation or alkali metal doping decreases the elastic energy and increases the electronic energy. This phenomenon is contrary to the energy variation in the lattice deformation induced by Peierls instability.
Yang Jianrong , Wang Shanli , Guo Shiping , He Li
1996, 15(5):327-332.
1996, 15(5):338-342.
Abstract:A new type of millimeter wave integrated circuit antenna with high gain and simple structure designed based on the Fresnel zone plate was introduced. With the spectrum domain analysis,the formulae for radiation field and curves for antenna gain were discussed.Zoning of the plate considering the extra phase change from substrate was given hereafter.
1996, 15(5):343-346.
Abstract:A broadband millimeter wave omnidirectional asymmetrical biconical horn antenna was investigated. A ridge waveguide coax line transition structure was designed to solve the feed problem of biconical horn antenna in millimeter wave band and to meet the engineering requirement that the input port of antenna must be a waveguide. The measurement data of omni directivity and input VSWR in the 26 40GHz band show good agreement with the design.
Qin Jiayin Zheng Xingshi Luo Xizhang Lin Yikun
1996, 15(5):347-352.
1996, 15(5):353-357.
Abstract:The shortening length of chaff was derived based on the shortening effect of chaff by two methods.The theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental results.The error distribution of chaff length was discussed, too.
Liu Pulin Lu Wei Lu Xiaofeng Chen Zhanghai Shi Xiaohong Shi Guoliang
1996, 15(5):358-362.
1996, 15(5):367-371.
Abstract:Taking the output signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) of systems as a criterion, the relationships among the detecting distance R , the noise equivalent temperature difference NETD , the minimal resolvable temperature difference MRTD , the minimal detectable temperature difference MDTD and the modulation transfer function of IR scanning detecting systems ( SDS ) were established. The testing methods for these figures of merit were also studied.As a result, the bases of the synthetic performance evaluation and the practical testing methods of IR SDS were provided.
1996, 15(5):375-378.
1996, 15(5):379-385.
Zhang Jixion Zhou Zuoping Fang Yudong
1996, 15(5):386-390.
Abstract:A new sensing method was presented, which is advantageous for selective detection of liquid density. The anomalous dispersion which is the theoretical basis of the new sensing method was discussed. The dependence of complex refractive index of matter having absorption band on wavelength was analyzed. The attenuation of reflectivity and the attenuated total reflection were studied. Initial experiments show that the sensing method is feasible.
Xie Songqiang Chen Guilin Shi Meiyao
1996, 15(5):391-396.
Abstract:Several problems in developing two axis gimbaled mirror system of geostationary, three axis body stabilized meteorological satellite imager were studied and analyzed such as material and structure of the scanning mirror, driving manner choice system design and control.
1996, 15(5):397-399.
Abstract:It was found that there are dual higher order modes which have the same circulation direction at W band based on the calculation of boundary value of electromagnetic field. The dual modes are close to each other. They can be used to realize dual frequency circulator,or to get broadband performance by partially staggering them. Experiments given in this paper verified the theoretical prediction. A broadband waveguide junction circulator at W band was developed. The performance of 8 GHz bandwidth with 18 dB isolation was obtained by staggering the dual higher order modes.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335