Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Shen Jinyuan Zhang Yanxin Li Yuhua Mu Guoguang
1996, 15(4):241-244.
Abstract:The linear combination Clipped method was used to obtain an original binary interconnection weight between the input layer and the middle layer of the WTA neural network model.This interconnection weight makes the WTA model with the rotation invariance.To improve the rate of correct recognition of the system the Local Monte Carlo was used to obtain the optimum interconnection weight.A computer simulation was completed for four kinds of flyers. The results of the experiment demonstrated that the WTA model is suitable for recognizing the rotating objects. A hybrid electro optic system was presented to implement the WTA model.
Zhang GuopingDepartment of Physics , University of Science , Technology of China , Hefei , Anhui , China Ye Jiaxiong Li Zaiguang
1996, 15(4):245-249.
Ye Xiangyun Hu Dongliang Qi Feihu
1996, 15(4):250-256.
Abstract:A feature extracting method based on radius vectors was introduced.By using a directional factor,the proposed feature gives a complete description of the shapes,and it eliminates the ambiguity that may occur in the traditional shape representation of concave shapes.The normalized features can be used for final classification.With the help of a three layer BP neural network,satisfactory results in recognizing characters and military objects were carried out.
1996, 15(4):257-261.
Abstract:An adaptive image segmentation method applied to real time tracking was proposed.Compared with several segmentation approaches considered as better ones currently,the proposed approach possesses some remarkable advantages in the aspects of precision and real time performance,which have been successfully used in whole scene searching and completely implemented in hardware.
Li Yuhua Sun Ying Zhang Yanxin
1996, 15(4):262-266.
Wang Lijun Yang Yihe Zhao Yigong Xiang Jianyong
1996, 15(4):271-274.
Abstract:Man made air target infrared images were analyzed by using fractal theory and lacunarity feature was extracted for recognition,which is a high order fractal feature.In contrast to the traditional image features,recognition by using this feature will have higher reliability and geometric invariation,shown by experiments.
Shi Xiaohong ) Liu Pulin ) Zhang Xiwen ) Chen Zhanghai ) Shi Guoliang ) Shen Xuechu )
1996, 15(4):275-278.
Wang Zhaoping Li Guohua Han Hexiang
1996, 15(4):279-284.
Abstract:Resonant Raman spectra of ZnS 0.02 Te 0.98 mixed crystal were measured at 15K and in the pressure range from l to 3GPa.The sample was grown by the MBE method on a semi insulating GaAs substrate with orientation.The resonant Raman scattering with 488.0 nm line was implemented by using the pressure tuning of the bandgap of the sample.Both ZnTe like and ZnS like LO phonon modes and their overtone and combined modes were observed.The measured pressure coefficient of the ZnTe like LO mode is 4.5 cm -1 /GPa.
1996, 15(4):285-289.
Abstract:Carrier concentration distribution of overlap and non overlap photoconductive detectors was calculated and analyzed by solving the one dimensional ambipolar transport equation , according to the overlap structure proposed by M.A.Kinch. The results show that the overlap structure offers a region storing the minority carriers, which suppresses the sweepout and increases the average photo induced carrier concentration, thus improving the responsivily. The overlap structure was implemented by means of two kinds of technologies, and the measured data were given in this paper.
1996, 15(4):291-296.
Abstract:Temperature dependence of exciton linewidths in GaAs/AlGaAs and InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with very narrow well widths was investigated.The increase of the acoustic phonon linear scattering coefficient was found with decreasing well width in low temperature range.The experimental results were discussed.
1996, 15(4):303-308.
1996, 15(4):309-312.
Abstract:The dynamic process of nonlinear absorption in a semiconductor medium caused by nonlinear optical pulse propagation in the condition of nonresonance was studied.The threshold intensity formula was deduced in the limit of small absorption,which describes the relative size of two photon absorption and free carrier absorption.The effect of the sample thickness on the threshold intensity was analyzed.The main origin of the great disparity in the measured values of two photon absorption coefficient of GaAs was explained.
Qin Jiayin Zheng Xingshi Luo Xizhang Lin Yikun
1996, 15(4):318-320.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335