Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Zhao Jun Guo Shiping Fang Jiaxiong
1996, 15(2):87-92.
Abstract:Admittance voltage characteristics of Hg 0.66 Cd 0.34 Te CdTe heterostructures were studied by using a wide band admittance measurement system.HgCdTe heterostructures were grown by MBE technology.An energy band structure was established according to the analysis of C V and G V results.It was shown that,holes are accumulated at the HgCdTe surface while depleted at the CdTe surface and the barriers formed at the interface make the carriers confined in HgCdTe.The photovoltaic response spectrum shows two peaks,which are located at 2970cm -1 and 3650cm -1 respectively.The former peak is due to the intrinsic photovoltaic effect of HgCdTe,and the latter peak is due to the effect that holes in the accumulation layer are excited by photons and then overpass the hole barrier at the interface, i.e. ,the hole barrier height is about 0.41eV.
Shi Xiaohong Liu Pulin Chen Zhanghai Shi Guoliang Shen Xuechu
1996, 15(2):98-102.
1996, 15(2):103-106.
Abstract:The PL properties of asymmetric coupled double quantum wells (ACDQW) structures were studied.The dependence of nonresonant tunneling rate on excitation power for different interbarrier thickness was discussed in detail.The competition between the intersubband relaxations was analyzed.
Cai Yi , ) Zheng Guozhen ) Zhu Xicheng ) Guo Shaoling ) Tang Dingyuan )
1996, 15(2):118-122.
Abstract:The temperature dependence of the resistivity for the long wave photoconductive HgCdTe linear array detectors was measured at the temperature from 1.2 to 300K.The experimental results show that there exists a significant difference in the temperature dependence of the resistivity between high and low performance detective elements.The temperature dependence of the resistivity of high performance detective elements is similar to that of the normal HgCdTe material,whereas the temperature dependence of the resistivity of low performance detective elements is similar to that of the degenerate HgCdTe material.There is a correlation between the detector performance and the temperature at which the detector has its maximal resistance.
1996, 15(2):123-127.
Abstract:A new wavelet transform approach was presented for local feature extraction (mainly contour extraction and corner extraction),and the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach were demonstrated experimentally.
1996, 15(2):128-134.
Abstract:A novel Vector Quantizer (VQ),which is suited for Wavelet Transform (WT) coefficients,named Wavelet/Classified Vector Quantizer (W/CVQ) is proposed.It is proved that the information related to image edges is the zero crossing segment in image WT result.According to zero crossing segments in vectors,vectors can be classified into several classes,and a subcode book corresponding to each class is generated,respectively.Primary experimental results show that W/CVQ can overcome the shortcoming of traditional VQ that information related to edges in WT coefficients can not be preserved perfectly.The applicatoin of the results to real time optical fingerprint recognition system shows that this method can preserve information enough to make sure the correctness of recognition of the system.
Li Yuhua Sun Ying Zhang Yanxin
1996, 15(2):135-139.
Abstract:Kohonen self organized neural network was used in optimal selection of training set in pattern recognition.The increment algorithm was used to test the results.Computer simulation indicated that although fewer training samples were adopted,the recognition ratio and the generalization of this neural network was high enough.
Wang Kangwen Wang Ruli Yan Yixun
1996, 15(2):140-144.
Abstract:An optoelectronic hybrid system based on acoustic optical correlator is presented,which can implement the full search block matching motion compensation algorithm (FS BMA) in real time.Compared with full digital circuits,it has the following advantages:(1) it has enough bandwidth to perform highly parallel operations;(2) circuits which the system requires are not complicated.So the required power,cost and complexity of the system are reduced.The limitations of the system are also discussed.
Wang Wenlu Yang Yingbai Jin Guofan Wu Minxian
1996, 15(2):145-150.
1996, 15(2):151-155.
Abstract:The scattering of the sheet shaped particles was studied by using the diffraction theory of geometrical optics.The apparent emissivity of the coating layer with sheet shaped particles was obtained by the use of the transfer equations of the thermal radiation for the inhomogeneous coating layer.The influence of the sheet size,the volume fraction occupied by the particles and the layer thickness,etc.on the radiation properties of the coating was discussed. The radiation properties of coatings with sheet shaped and spherical particles were compared.
Zhai Hongchen Peng Chaoqun Fang Zhiliang Liu Fulai Lu Mingzhe Mu Guoguang
1996, 15(2):156-160.
Abstract:An optoelectronic morphological system using Fourier holographic filter is introduced,in which all the basic operations of dilation,erosion,opening,and closing of an image about its construction element are executed based on the convolution of the image with the construciton element by Fourier holography.A computer controlled electronically addressed SLM is employed in the iteration process.The system is simple in construction,easy for multiple iteration,design and exchange of the construction element,and using computer generated hologram,as well as printing the output by computer directly.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335