Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Yu Jiaqi , Huang Shihua , Tian Mingzhen , Zhang Jiahua , Don Kai , Luo Baozhu , Zhao Yu , Song Hongwei , Jiang Lianhe
1995, 14(4):241-247.
Abstract:Two kinds of photon-gated spectral hole burning material systems were studied,i.e.the inorganic Sin2+-doped fluoride halide mixed crystals and organic donor-acceptor electron transfer systems.The materials were designed and prepared. The storage properties,such as storage densities,working temperature,writing speed and maintaining durations were discussed.
Don Kai , Jin Chunming , Zhao Jialong , Zhou Fangce , Tian Mingzhen , Huang Shihua , Yu jiaqi
1995, 14(4):248-252.
Abstract:A new method for determining the correlation function of light field was theoretically proposed and experimentally performed. It exhibited a large dynamical range over 5 orders of magnitude and an ultrahigh time resolution of sllbpicosecond. The writing and retrieval of the optical data stored holographically in spectral hole burning material were achieved for the first time by the method.
Zhang Bei , Wang Ruopeng , Ding Xiaomin , Yang Zhijian , Dai Lun , Cui Xiaoming , Wang Shumin
1995, 14(4):253-256.
Abstract:he InGaAsP single quantum well microdisk lasers were successfully fabricated by using the conventional liquid phase epitaxy and micro fabrication techniques for the first time.The single mode oscillation in the condition of a much lower threshoed than that of conventional laser diode was observed experimentally.It demonstrated strong mode-selection capability of the microdisk,reflecting the character of a microcavity.
Yuan Zhiliang , Xu Jizong , Zheng Baozhen , Xu Zhongying
1995, 14(4):257-262.
1995, 14(4):263-270.
Abstract:he properties of the free-exciton transitions in undoped MOCVD GaAs epitaxial layer of thicknesses varying from 4 to 30 Urn were determined by using the photoconductivity measurements.It was found that as the thickness is increased,the binding energy R.increases,and the free exciton peak for n=1 shifts slightly towards lower energies,but both the intensity of the higher excitonic levels and the lifetime T of the excitons decrease.These effects were attributed mainly to the defects and electrical field near the surface of the epilayer.Finally,the photoluminescence results and the influence of the measurement temperature on them were also discussed.
Zhao Jialong , Gao Ying , Liu Xueyan , Don Kai , Huang Shihua , Yu Jiaqi
1995, 14(4):271-276.
Abstract:study of the 1.13eV photoluminescence(PL)band in GaAs epilayers grown on St by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD)was made at various temperatures and excitation intensities. The 1.13eV PL band can be explained in terms of the recombination luminescence of the donor-acceptor pair. Changes in PL emission energy and PL intensity as a function of temperature and excitation intensity lead to the identification of a 295meV deep acceptor and a smeV shallow donor.It was verified that the 1.13 eV PL band originates from the recombination luminescence of a St donor on Ga site and the nextnearest neighbor Ga vacancy acceptor.
Jiang Bingxi , Lin Xinhua , Fang Jianglin
1995, 14(4):277-282.
1995, 14(4):299-304.
Abstract:Based on the effective mass theory, the conditon of normal-incidence absorption of intersubband transitions for n-type semiconductor quantum well(QW)infrared detector was derived by using the expression of matrix element of intersubband transition in the conduction band. Using some simple mathematical methods, the absorption coefficient of normal-incidence radiation can be represented as an analytical function of the growth direction of QWs.The optimization, the limitation of normal-incidence absorption and the comparison between it and parallel-incidence absorption were discussed. By considering the degeneracy and the occupancy of the ellipsoidal constant energy surface, the calculation for four kinds of QWs material was presented for the doping concentration of 1018 cm-3and detecting wavelength of 10pm.Some optimal growth directions of QWs for the largest normal-incidence absorption were proposed,which are useful for the design of the novel QWs infrared detectors.
Wei Zhenqian , Fei Haosheng , Bao Xinxian , Yang Qiguang
1995, 14(4):310-316.
Abstract:The new push-pull azobenzene compound was synthesized and doped into PMMA films.The nonlinear refractive index of this AD-PMMA film material was measured by the Z-scan technique.The optical storage character was expressed by using the DFWM setup.The excellent real-time and short storage of image information was obtained when He-Ne laser was used as the light source.The minimum writing power was less than 0.1 W/cm2 and the nonresonant storage mechanism was analyzed.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335