Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Yang Yu , Liu Xiaohan , Lu Xuekun , Huang Daming , Jiang Zuimin , Gong Dawei , Wang Xun
1995, 14(3):175-181.
Abstract:Deep level impurities in the background were found to be vital for the luminescence of QW,grown by solid source Si MBE.The samples grown on undoped and heavily doped substrates,i.e.Sb-doped in QW and B-doped in cap layers were studied.Impurity contamination causes deep levels,which severely reduces radiative efficiency of SiGe/Si QWs.
1995, 14(3):182-188.
Abstract:The technology proposed in the image target recognition consists of image segmentation,invariant feature extraction and target classification. In this paper,a knowledge-based approach is proposed for adaptive image segmentation. Invariant features about image targets are extracted by Zernike moments.object classification is completed by the MPNN model.The experimental results show that the proposed system can be used to recognize objects from the complicated background.
Chen Shida , Lin Li , He Xianzhong
1995, 14(3):189-194.
1995, 14(3):201-205.
Abstract:采用3个特征频率的声子模型,较好地拟合了CdTe的0 ̄30K反常线膨胀系数a和0 ̄300K能隙Ek的温度关系实验曲线,结果表明TA声子是导致CdTe低温线膨胀系数反常的原因,能隙随温度的漂移主要受电子-TA声子相互作用的影响。
Zhang Jianming , Liu Ying , Liu Fulai , Fang Zhiliang , Lu Mingzhe , Mu Guoguang
1995, 14(3):206-210.
Abstract:An optical incoherent shadow-casting system based on programmable LEDs arrays is proposed to implement median filtering of binary images.By time-sequential threshold decomposition,this system can perform median filtering of gray-scale images.The system is compact and convenient in changing the median filtering function and thresholding.
Zhang Xianmin , Ye Xianfeng , Chen Kangsheng
1995, 14(3):223-228.
Yao Qingdong , Liu Jinn , Xu Shengrong , Hua Zhong
1995, 14(3):229-236.
Abstract:The knowledge-based system Vision Language,its feature,performance and application are presented
Jin Shirong , Luo Jinsheng , Chu Junhao
1995, 14(3):237-240.
Abstract:The dynamics of the intersubband relaxation of carriers in the InGaAs/GaAs and InGaAs/AIGaAs quantum wells with different well-widths was investigated with the use of time-resolved spectroscopy in the temperature range from 11 to 90K.The different scattering mechanisms,which are dominant in the carriers relaxation processes in the quantum wells of the two systems were discussed.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335