Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1995, 14(2).
Abstract:A new method is proposed to determine the self-admittance of a slot in a broad wall of the waveguide. By considering the effect of mutual coupling of the slot array,the method transforms the self - admittance measurement into the test of the reflection or transmission coefficient of the slot array and the self-admittance of the single slot is calculated by means of the Newton's iterative method. The result obtained by the present method is in good agreement with that given by Hamadallah.The project supported by the National Naatural Science jFoundation of China and the Foundation of State Educat Commission
Cao Jianqing , Wu Changyong , Zhou Shichun
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:A method with two thresholds for detecting IR point targets is presented. This method is effective for improving the probability of detection and controlling the false alarm rate of IR warning systems.
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:Three kinds of recognition features(position,shape and radiation)and six fuzzy membership functions,which describe these recognition features,are presented through analyzing infrared ship imaging characteristics.With these six fuzzy membership functions,a new method which recognizes forward-looking infrared ship imaging target by overall fuzzy evaluating technique is presented.The method has been used in the emulation experiment for infrared ship images and is proved to be feasible and practical.
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:Comparison is carried out between upward radiance at the top of the atmosphere and downward radiance on the ground calculated with the discrete ordinate method and LOWTRAN7 code at some different wavelengths from infrared to ultraviolet under different atmospheric conditions.In general,the difference between them is less than 20%, indicating that the LOWTRAN7 code has rather good accuracy in radiance calculations.The Key Project of National Fundamental Research supported by the National Natural Scence Foundation of China.
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:In this paper the effects of stratospheric volcanic aerosols on longwave radiation budgets at the top of the atmosphere and on the surface and the infrared cooling rates in the atmosphere were investigated through radiative transfer calculations for different atmospheres under clear and cloudy conditions. It was found that the most pronounced heating role of the stratospheric volcanic aerosol occurs in the stratosphere. Compared with the effect of stratospheric volcanic aerosols on solar radiation,its effect on longwave radiation is relatively small.
Zhang Jianqi , Zhang Haixing , Bai Changcheng , Fang Xiaoping , Yang Yihe
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:The excess resistance is applied to the theoretical modeling of thermal IR exitance of a vegetation canopy.Based on the steady state energy budget equations,the simulated results with excess resistance are compared with that without excess resistance. The projject supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Xiang Anping , Zhu Shide , Ren Ji
1995, 14(2).
1995, 14(2).
Mat Yongxian , Zhou Zuoping , Fan Shiliang
1995, 14(2).
Abstract:A new system of large-diameter waveguide with liquid core for the measurement of liquid density is presented.The main advantage of this system is the relatively high measuring sensitivity. The principle of this system and the effect of construction parameters of the system on the sensitivity are discussed.The results of measurements are nearly in agreement with the theoretical analysis.
1995, 14(2).
1995, 14(2):101-104.
Abstract:in this paper,the single cylinder cavity method,which is much simpler and more practical than other methods,is proposed for the determination of the emissivities of targets both in theory and in experiment.The experimental results are satisfactory.The projject supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335