Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Cheng Shiping , Yan Yixun , Zhang Fengshan , Xu Buyun , Zhu Cuiyuan
1994, 13(6):401-404.
Abstract:The multi-pass band micro-filters array was fabricated by the techniques of masking and lifting-off or etching of the films. The spectrally distingulshable detectors array is composed of the detectors array and the micro-filters array.The design and fabrication of the threer-channel short wave infrared filters array,and the development of the spectrum distinguishable detectors array are reported.
1994, 13(6):409-417.
Abstract:讨论了将Kohonen自组织神经网络用于成像光谱仪高光谱分辨率遥感图像无监督分类的结果。用于研究的是0.46-0.76um15个波段的高光谱分辨率的原始航空遥感图像. 该图像复盖了澳大利亚达尔文市周围约200km^2的试验区,包括了海湾、岛屿、海滩、河流、城市与旷野等各种地物类型。神经网络分类的结果提供了试验区内地物分布符合实际的预测和 估计,它与传统的分类方法的结果相比较,用神经网络所得到的结果更准确可信。
Zhang Jianqi , Fang Xiaoping , Zhang Haming , Bai Changcheng , Yang Yihe
1994, 13(6):418-424.
Abstract:The theoretical model to calculate the thermal IR radiative characteristics of different background,based on a system of energy equation,is established.By using the temperature-moisture coupling theory,the van at ions of the thermal and radiative characteristics of the natural background with the moisture are considered.Simulated radiative diurnal average surface temperatures of different background in the same environmental condition are compared with each other.The results show that there is some difference between IR radiative characteristics of different background.In daytime,the difference between natural and artificial surfaces is relatively distinct.
Deng Mingde , Cui Chengyu , Geng Naiguang , Zhi Yiqiao
1994, 13(6):425-430.
Abstract:The physical concept of the band radiation characteristics is put forward and its measurement and study have been performed on the infrared band radiation characteristics of rocks,from which satisfactory results have been obtained.These results are of great significance to the selection of the remote sensing wave bands,setting up of the judging marks of remote sensing information and building up of the quantitative relationship between the variation of infrared radiation energy of rocks due to the change of stress exerted on them and the corresponding stress.
1994, 13(6):431-435.
Abstract:利用IRE-1型红外辐射测量仪对不同粒度砂纸样品进行了(法向)光谱比辐射率的测试;测试波段为8-14um;测试温度分别为40℃、50℃ 和70℃ ,通过对测试结果的分析,指出在粒度尺寸大于测试波长时,随着颗粒尺寸的减小,样品的光谱比辐射率将减小,相应的8-14um的平均 比辐射也有减小的趋势。
1994, 13(6):436-442.
Abstract:按照PIS-A 型瞬态光谱仪的数据模式,用普朗克公式计算1000-6000K黑体的光谱辐射代替实测辐射,分析了减小线性拟合方案测温误差的方法。研究表明,适当选择参与拟合数据波长的上下限、提高信噪比和A/D转换位数,并对维恩近似带来的系统误差进行 校正补偿等措施,可有效提高测温精度。
1994, 13(6):443-448.
Abstract:通过引进参量β1和β2 ,并测出维恩公式适用的波长λ1和λ2与某一特定波长λ0及相应的0高温T1s,T2s和 T0s,将接近灰体的短波辐射源色温修正为真温。其修正的相对误差比直接由比辐射率测定的相对误差小λ/2△λ倍。
1994, 13(6):455-460.
Abstract:A simplified deterndinstic stray rediation analysis program,capable of meeting the needs of the applications and equipment at Present and operating with a microcomputer is given.
Zhang Jian , Wu Nianle , Wang Jianwei , Zhao Jun , Xu Yizhuang
1994, 13(6):461-466.
Abstract:A new-type device,which has the strong points of both coaxial and transverse CW CO lasers,is reported.The fast-flow and relatively good cooling systems led to 100 watts of laser output power,and the circulating-flow technique resulted in great reduction of the consumption of working gases.
Zhou Zuoping , Xiao Kebo , Mai Yonxian
1994, 13(6):467-470.
Abstract:The method to determine the mode-coupling coefficients by measuring the coupling ratio is proposed and the relationship between the birefringence and the perturbation power spectrum is obtained,from which the information about perturbation in the process of making fibers is given.So it is an effective method to develop polarized fibers.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335