Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Zhang Jianming Lu Mingzhe Liu Ying Fang Zhiliang. Liu Fulai Mu Guoguang
1994, 13(5):322-327.
Abstract:A compact incoherent optical processor based on multifocus lenses and real-time devices is proposed to implement real-time optical morphological transforms. Dilation, erosion, opening and closing, which are the basic operations in morphology, are performed optically. Inputs with pepper and salt noise are processed through this processor and noiseless outputs are obtained. The experimental results of the fingerprint skeletonization are also given.
Ma Zhaohui Lu Wei Liu Xingquan Mao Huibing Qiu Yueming Shen Xuechu
1994, 13(5):328-332.
Abstract:The model calculation of the reflection spectroscopy for the multi-layer film system is discussed in detail. Considering the effect of interference length on the film system and the substrate, a simple and useful method to calculate the reflection spectroscopy is presented, and the predominance of this method can be seen from the calculation for the experimental spectroscopy.
1994, 13(5):333-339.
Abstract:A new coherent model for calculating the resonant tunneling of electrons in double quantum wells is presented. The validity of the model is comfirmed by the experiments reported elsewhere. The discussion in this paper shows that the contrast A of the RT valley is in striking contrast to the Fabry-Perot analogy where a monotonous decrease of A is usually predicted.
Li Feng Zhang Yaohui Jiang Desheng
1994, 13(5):340-346.
Abstract:Structures have been observed in the photoluminescence (PL) and the photoreflectance (PR) spectra of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs (x = 0.1) strained-layer multiple quantum-wells (QWs) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs (100)-oriented substrate. The properties of the ground state transitions and the excited state transitions are discussed. The band offset ratio Qc = 0.69 (Qv = 1 - Qc = 0.31) is given based on the analysis of PL, PR experimental results. An important evidence, which indicates that the light holes are confined in the GaAs layer forming a type II superlattice, is provided.
Zheng Guozhen Wei Yayi Shen Jinxi Guo Shaoling Shen Jie Tang Dingyuan
1994, 13(5):347-351.
Abstract:Magnetotransport measurement is reported on five bulk n-Hg1-xCdxTe (x = 0.17 ~ 0.22) samples at low temperature from 0.3 K to 4.2K and high magnetic field up to 7T. With the decrease of temperature from 4.2 K, Hall resistance gradually deviates from its classical value and shows quantum behavior. The authors' experiments reveal that there is an incipient, nonquantized "Hall plateau", which coincides with the minima of the SdH oscillations near 0.4 T. This phenomenon is quite similar to the quantum Hall effect in two-dimensional systems. The 90?phase difference between Hall oscillation and SdH oscillation was observed, and the anomalous temperature effect of SdH oscillation was also discovered. Using the model of localization, the experimental data can be explained quite well.
1994, 13(5):359-363.
Abstract:The defect levels in Hg1-xCdxTe p+n junction photodiodes were studied by using Deep Levels Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS). Two electron traps, E(0.06), and E (0.15) and two hole traps, H (0.075) and H (0.29), were obtained, respectively. Their concentrations are only a few percent of shallow levels. According to these characteristic parameters, the minority lifetime of the devices and the product of area times the dynamic resistance at zero bias are estimated. The nature of some defect levels is suggested, too.
Liu Kun Chu Junhao Ou Haijiang Tang Dingyuan
1994, 13(5):369-375.
Abstract:The capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristic of InSb metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) device was measured at 100 K. In the inversion region, the second capacitance plateau was observed for the first time, which can be attributed to the electron filling in the second subband. At the same time, a resonant defect state was found for the first time. By using the previously presented C - V model in the non-quantum limit condition, the subband structure in the inversion layer has been obtained.
Li Jinmin Zheng Haiqun Zeng Yiping Kong Meiying
1994, 13(5):377-380.
Cai Yi , ) Zheng Guozhen) Zhu Xichen) Jiang Jianhua) Tang Dingyuan)
1994, 13(5):385-390.
Abstract:High-resolution topographs of long-wave multi-element HgCdTe PC detector arrays were taken with synchrotron radiation white-beam topography. A number of crystal defects were revealed in the detecting elements of the multi-element detector arrays, such as lattice distortion zones, subgrain boundaries and slip planes. The experimental results show that there is a correlation between the performances of multi-element detector arrays and the defects in their active areas; that the stress state of HgCdTe device chips is greatly affected by device technologies; and that the lattice perfection of the detecting elements of multi-element detector arrays reflects the effect of device technologies on the stress state of HgCdTe device chips.
1994, 13(5):391-395.
Abstract:A new method to calculate the optical constants of inhomogeneous mediums is presented. This method is to consider the absorption and scattering of light in the medium carefully. The influence of the layer thickness of the inhomogeneous medium, the size of particles in the medium and the reflectivity of the substrate on the optical constants is discussed, which will be useful for comparison with the related measurement.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335