Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1994, 13(4).
Abstract:Presented is a simplified CAD technique for millimeter wave diplexer with E-plane circuits, which includes the equivalent circuit of E-T junction, analysis and optimization of S matrix for the diplexer. The test at V band shows that the results of design by this technique agree wed with the design requirements.
Li Xingguo , Tao Yuming , Xue Xiaoqin , Qian Yuanqin , Xu Jianzhong
1994, 13(4).
Abstract:A concept of the extremely short-range radar is presented. The formula of the operating distance is derived and a novel Doppler-based extremely short-range radar in the 3 millimeter wave band was developed. The result of test indicates that the radar has the advantages of simple structure, low cost and high accuracy in the range determination within the distance from less than one meter to several meters.
Christopher J. Summers Abbas Torabi
1994, 13(4):241-250.
Abstract:A description is given of the development of new geometries for resonant tunneling devices involving tunneling through coupled quantum well states in a variably spaced superlattice energy filter (VSSEF). Resonant tunneling through high energy states in AlAs/GaAs VSSEF devices and excited states in AlGaAs/GaAs superlattices are demonstrated and their application to higher power microwave sources and resonant tunneling transistor described. Potential applications of resonant tunneling structures to optical devices such as avalanche detectors and infrared emitters are discussed.
1994, 13(4):251-255.
Abstract:A new high order edge element approach is discussed. This method not only elimiflates the spurious solutions but also possesses the characteristics of simplicity and high efficiency. The emphasis is laid on the investigation of the space construction of the second-order edge-element approach and the related formulations are given.The computations of the eigenvalues of the dominant and the higher-order modes in the slab loaded waveguide show that the accuracy of the second-order edge-element approach is about one order higher than that of the first-order edge-element approach.The calculations of the dispersion curves for the dominant mode in the block dielectric loaded rectangular waveguide and in the microstrip line with anisotropic substrate verify the accuracy and the extensive suitability of the present method.
Fan Zhengfang , Xu Xiaojian , Zhao Su
1994, 13(4):261-266.
Abstract:The framework and technical specifications of a wideband coherent millimeter wave radar being newly developed in the Beijing Institute of Environmental Features, are introduced. The principle of high resolution imaging is reviewed. Four imaging algorithms are discussed and their performances compared. Experimental results of imaging on a model aircraft are presented.
Zhao Dade , Cao Jinrong , Deng Yanmao Qin Honggui , Tang Binqian , Zhang Wenhui
1994, 13(4):267-272.
1994, 13(4):278-284.
1994, 13(4):285-288.
Abstract:A new technique for diclectric measurement of double-layered dielectric samples using a quasi-optical resonator at millimeter wave bands is proposed. At 8 mm band. a set of quasi-optical resonator measurement system was set up, and a number of double layered dielectric samples were measured.
Chen Hui , Huang Xiangfu , Zhu Junfan
1994, 13(4):289-294.
1994, 13(4):295-298.
Abstract:Two ways to develop vacuum micro-electronic devices (VMED) in the microwave and millimeter wave bands, i.e. the VME distributed amplifiers (VMEDA) and VME microwave tubes (VMEMT) are introduced. A brief review about the development of vacuum and solid state MM-wave devices, a discussion on the two kinds of VMED's merits and problems, and some ideas on developing mm-wave VMED in China are given.
Liu Zhijun , Xiao Liling , Zhang Wenxun
1994, 13(4):299-304.
Abstract:he gap discontinuity of the dielectric strip in the GNRD is analyzed transversely and longitudinally by employing the field-matching method. At first,the dispersion characteristics of the propagating mode and the evanescent mode are discussed, then the curves of reflectivity with respect to the gap are given. Finally, the theoretical and experimental data are compared, and they are in agreement with each other.
Wang Biao , Zhou Baoqing , Bai Linxian
1994, 13(4):305-307.
1994, 13(4):313-316.
Ye Hua , Luo Yongjian , Lin Zhencai , Luo Guixiang
1994, 13(4):317-320.
Abstract:The working parameters of a third-order loop are deduced based on the analysis of a millimeter band digital phase-locked loop. A digital phase-locked 8 mm Gunn oscillator with a heterodyne-loop structure is designed. It is shown by the measurements that the performance of this loop is quite satisfactory. It has the characteristics of being easily locked and having a pure spectrum.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335