Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1994, 13(1):1-8.
Abstract:The development of the growth technology of Si/Ge superlattices and the discovery of luminesceilce of porous silicon give rise to intense interest of investiration on .the Si-based low-dimensional structuxe materials. This paper reviews recent progress in this field, including:electronic states and optical properties of Si/Ge superlattices, transport properties of modulatinn doped Si/Ge.Si1-x. heterojunctions, and luminescence mechanism of porous silicon, etc.
Lu Wei , Ou Hapiang , Chen Minhui , Ma Chaohui , Liu Xingquan , Huang Xinliang , Mao Huixing , Jian Wei , Shen Xuechu
1994, 13(1):9-13.
Abstract:The practicality of GaAs/GaAlAs multiple quantum well infrared detector (MQWD) was studied experimentally by the infrared imaging demonstration. The competitiveness of the MQWD was directly demonstrated through the comparison of the iafrared imaging property from the infrared detector array made by MQWD and HgCdTe detector, respectively.
Huang Xingliang , Shen Wenzhong , Lu Wei , Mu Yaoming , Shen Xuechu
1994, 13(1):15-20.
Abstract:The photocurrent spectra of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells infrared detectors under zero bias, small current and large bias were measured, respectively. The characteristics of multi-peaks and abnormal enhancement of the photocurrent spectra are discussed in comparison to the transition energy of theoretical calculation.
1994, 13(1):53-58.
Abstract:提出并生长了晶格匹配的HgSe/ZnTe超晶格系统,红外透射测试表明其禁带宽度落在红外波段的能量范围,将Zhu的关于ZnSe MBE生长模型加以推广,讨论了生长温度和束流条件对HgSe MBE生长的影响,并用分子束外延方法在160~180℃下生长了HgSe单晶薄膜。
Zhou Jie , Feng Songlin , Lu Liwu , Sun Jinglan
1994, 13(1):65-68.
Abstract:The electrical behavior of light modulator in GaAs/GaAlAs single quantum wen was investigated by using admittance spectroscopy technique. The physical phenomenon of delocalization in the electron and hole subbands of quantum well under electric field was observed.
1994, 13(1):69-72.
Abstract:Electron tunneling escape time from a biased quantum well was calculated with the wave-packet method. The result agrees with the experiment reasonably, but considerable discrepancy was found when the usual semiselassical model was applied By comparillg the two approaches, the authors pointed out that the wave function can penetrate some distance into the barriers, which was ignored by the usual semi-classicla model. And thus a modified model was given to simplify the calculation of tunneling escape time.
Xu Shijie , Liu Jian , Li Guohua , Zheng Houzhi , Jiang Desheng
1994, 13(1):77-80.
Abstract:Photoluminescence spectra at various temperatures of GaAs/AlGaAs asymmetric coupled double quantum wells pin structure are reported. Different temperature dependence of heavy-hole excitonic peaks intensity in narrow-and wide-well was observed.The results show that the thermionic emission of the electrons in the narrow-well results in more rapid decreasing of the luminescence intensity. The special temperature dependence of light-hole excitonic peaks intellsity in the wide-well and its mechanism were studied, too.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335