Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1992, 11(3):169-180.
Abstract:The development, construction, characteristics and applications of airborne scan imaging systems are described.
1992, 11(3):181-188.
Abstract:This paper discusses the concept and the design of the 64-Band Airborne Scan-ning Imaging Spectrometer. The main technical parameters and the primary experiment re-sults are given.
1992, 11(3):195-200.
1992, 11(3):201-206.
Abstract:This paper describes the design and specifications of the Airborne MultispectralScanner (AMS), the calculation of key parameters as well as the relations between them.
1992, 11(3):211-217.
Abstract:This paper describes the optical system of the module airborne image spectro-meter (MAIS), including the essentials of optical design for primary optics, dispersion as-sembly and converging lens. The restriction among the primary optical parameters is ana-lyzed. Some practical problems such as diffraction grating, expansion of spectral coveringrange and the collimator for spectral calibration are also discussed.
1992, 11(3):217-222.
Abstract:The principle, apparatus, calibration methods of the spectral radiometer calibra-tion for airborne multispectral scanners are described. The experimental results and discus-sions are given.
1992, 11(3):227-234.
Abstract:The ground data pre-processing system and its goals have been presented briefly and theprocess of CCT formalization of tape data described. Some methods and their application results forgeometric correction and radiometric correction of the image are given.
1992, 11(3):235-241.
Abstract:The intelligent data acquisition system for airborne multispectral scanner seriescan not only acquire the multiband analogue signals coming from the optical scanner, butalso control all the subsystems of the scanner to make them cooperate with one another. Inaddition, this system can act as the "interface" of scanners, through hand-shaking and ex-changing information, to bring about the centralized control, display, record and transferof remote sensing information as well as the intelligence of the sensor.
1992, 11(3):242-248.
Abstract:This paper describes the principle of operation, hardware system, software de-sign and technical specifications of the multi-function real-time image monitor. It has beensuccessfully used in the fields of real-time on-board monitoring, ground playback andreal-time transmission of images. The monitor is recognized as a new-type image analyzerof the image spectrometer.
Tong Qingxi , Zheng Lanfen , Jin Hao , Wang Jinnian , Tian Qingjiu , Hou Hongfei , Ye Jinshan
1992, 11(3):249-256.
Abstract:TIMS data were acquired on November 1990 in Jinchangyu region. By meansof computer image processing such as principal components transformation and decorrela-tive transformation, etc., some important geological information such as gold mineralizedzone, granitic, plagioclase gneiss, clay grouting, silicification and fault system is taken out,and two gold mineralized zones in the research area found. The results show that the goldmineralization in this region is controlled by the NNE fault system. It is proved that theThermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner (TIMS) data are very efficient in discrimination ofrocks, gold mineralized zones and enhancement of fault information. TIMS remote sensingtechnique has great potential in geological applications.
Xu Guosen , Zhu Longyuan , Jin Xiufang , Tang Jun
1992, 11(3):257-260.
Abstract:The principle, special constructions and performances of HgCdTe PC-typeinfrared detectors for airborne remote sensors have been reported.
1992, 11(3):261-264.
Abstract:The cause of instability of dimensions of metal scanning mirror and its im-provement are discussed in this paper. The cooling-heating circulation method was usedfor processing of dimension stability of metal scanning mirror.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335