Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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C.J.Summers , B.K.Wagner , R.G. Benz II , D. Rajavel
1992, 11(1):1-8.
Yuan Haoxin , Tong Feiming , Tang Dingyuan
1992, 11(1):11-20.
Abstract:Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe ion-implanted N~+-P gate-controlled photodiodes are fabricated.Measurements show that the P-N junction characteristics are limited seriously by surface channel leakage current due to strong inversion of P-side surface. A theoretical analysis about this leakage mechanism is carried out in detail. By taking into account the unique features of narrow band-gap Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe, forward and reverse I-V characteristics and the temperature dependence of R_0A product determined by surface channel current are calculated as a function of the gate bias. A qualitative agreement between experimental and the-oretical results is obtained.
Hu Chunyang , Wan Shutang , Zeng Jing , Xia Caihong , He Jun , Zhou Zhou
1992, 11(1):21-26.
Abstract:在理论分析与计算的基础上研制了一种用于140Mb/s长波光纤通信的新型高灵敏度光接收组件,组件采用混合集成电路技术制成,由InGaAs/InP SAGM雪崩光电二极管和硅双极晶体管互阻型前置放大器组成.工作波长为1.3μm时,理论计算的灵敏度为-48.6dBm,实际测量值为-47dBm,优于现有的PIN/FET光接收组件或Ge雪崩光电二极管.
Weng Yumin , Liu Song , Zong Xiangfu
1992, 11(1):27-36.
Abstract:Deep level defects in undoped semi-insulating GaAs are investigated by photo-luminescence (PL) technique. Several PL emissions related to deep level defects and their behaviors have been observed. The emission band at 0.69eV is due to the well known main mid-gap level EL2 and the 0.77eV PL bands attributable to the transition from the con-duction band to the As_(Ga)donor level. It is suggested that the 1.447eV and 1.32eV PL emis-sions are caused by the double acceptors Ga_(As), with levels 78meV and 203meV above the valence band, respectively.
Ma Lin , Wang Yutian , Zhuang Weihua
1992, 11(1):37-42.
Abstract:By using the X-ray diffraction kinematical theory which assumes ideally sharp interfaces, with computer simulation calculation, the accurate values of (GaAlAs)_m(GaAs)_n/GaAs(001) one-dimensional superlattice structure parameters have been obtained. In addition, the influence of asymmetry of the satellite peak intensity and the presence of the transition layer and the strain has also been analyzed and discussed.
Luo Liguo , Chen Jishu , Su Jinwen , Xiong Shouren
1992, 11(1):47-52.
Abstract:The dynamical behaviors of bistability and self-pulsation in optically pumped submillimeter lasers are studied. Bistability emerges in pumping light. It leads to non-existence of partial steady state of submillimeter output. It is easy to give pulsation output. The pulsation frequency increases with increasing pumping intensity.
1992, 11(1):53-58.
Abstract:The effect of dual-edge rotations on beam direction is discussed. The dual-edge physicl mode and the mathematic mode of 2-D precise beam steering are established. From the optical ray refraction theorem, the beam steering formula is deduced. According to this formula, which has been proved by an experiment, the control equation of beam direction is made out and the beam steering speed is analyzed in detail.
Qian Shenen , Li Shuqiu , Wang Ruqin
1992, 11(1):59-64.
Abstract:A new coding method-Difference Base-bit Plus Overflow-bit Coding (DBOC) is proposed. Compared with the Huffman coding, this method does not require the statistical properties of coded data, and it can be realized in real-time. Experiments show that the coding efficiency can reach over 90%. With this coding method an excellent result has been obtained in an on-board data compression system for imaging spectrometer.
Xu Weiliang , Wang Muochang , Rong Xuehu , Zheng Lihua
1992, 11(1):65-68.
Abstract:An electrical unit used to control the interim process of step scan mirror (SSM) in Atmosphere Temperature Profile Sounder (ATPS) of meteorological satellites is propounded.The control method solves the view field variation of each optical channel in its measurement period and ensures identity of 20 optical channels of ATPS in the scan measurement minor frame period of 100 msec.
Gao Chengqun , Huang Wuqun , Shen Qinwan , Chen Tianlun
1992, 11(1):69-75.
Abstract:A model of three-layer optical neural network is proposed for pattern recognition with rotation invariance. As an example, the model is applied to recognize the projective views of four classes of aircrafts. Investigation of computer simulations shows that the model has good capacity of pattern recognition for patterns both inside and outside the training sets, as well as partially shaded patterns.
1992, 11(1):76-80.
Abstract:A new method for readout of the signals from the infrared detectors with high impedance is introduced. The NEP can be reduced to less than half of that in the usual readout electronics of TIA (Trans-Impedance-Amplifier). It also frees the signal readout from some troubles due to the high resistance in TIA.
Sun Wei , Yi Maobin , Wang Yianhui Liu Zhongshun , Jia Gang , Gao Dingsan
1992, 11(1):81-84.
Zhang Shouye , Zhang Zhiliang , Huang Min Guo Yongjian , Cai Wenyon , Xu Zhicheng
1992, 11(1):85-88.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335