

参考文献 1
WANG Yue-Ming, CHEN Jian-Xin, LIU Yin-Nian, et al. Study on two-point multi-section IRFPA nonuniformity correction algorithm [J]. Journal of Infrared millimeter Waves(王跃明,陈建新,刘银年,等. 红外焦平面器件二点多段非均匀性校正算法研究, 红外与毫米波学报), 2003, 22(6): 415-8.
参考文献 2
WANG Yue-Ming, ZHU Qian, WANG Jian-Yu, et al. Characterization of background radiation in SWIR hyperspectral imager [J]. Journal of Infrared Millimeter Waves(王跃明,祝倩,王建宇,等. 短波红外高光谱成像仪背景辐射特征研究), 2011, 30(3): 279-83.
参考文献 3
Cohen M, Wheaton W A, Megeath S T. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. XIV. The absolute calibration of 2MASS [J]. Astron. J., 2003, 126(2): 1090-6.
参考文献 4
Lu N, Smith P S, Engelbracht C W, et al. Absolute calibration and characterization of the multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer. IV. The spectral energy distribution mode [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 2008, 120(865): 328-38.
参考文献 5
Shirahata M, Matsuura S, Hasegawa S, et al. Calibration and performance of the AKARI far-infrared surveyor (FIS) - slow-scan observation mode for point-sources [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2009, 61(4): 737-50.
参考文献 6
Takita S, Ikeda N, Kitamura Y, et al. Slow-scan observations with the infrared camera (IRC) aboard AKARI [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2012, 64(6):1-8.
参考文献 7
Rieke G H, Blaylock M, Decin L, et al. Absolute physical calibration in the infrared [J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2012, 135(6): 2245.
参考文献 8
Schulz B, Huth S, Laureijs R J, et al. ISOPHOT - Photometric calibration of point sources [J]. Astron Astrophys, 2002, 381(3): 1110-30.
参考文献 9
Bohlin R C, Gordon K D, Rieke G H, et al. Absolute flux calibration of the irac instrument on the spitzer space telescope using hubble space telescope flux standards [J]. Astron J., 2011, 141(5):1-12.
参考文献 10
Diaz-Meller R I. Photometric and astrometric calibration of the JWST instrument complement [J]. Astr. Soc. P., 2007, 364:(81-90).
参考文献 11
Cohen M, Witteborn F C, Walker R G, et al. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. IV. 1.2-35 Aim spectra of six standard stars [J]. Astron. J., 1995, 110(1): 275-89.
参考文献 12
Kim M G, Lee H M, Arai T, et al. Low-resolution near-infrared stellar spectra observed by the cosmic infrared background experiment (CIBER) [J]. Astron. J., 2017, 153(2): 1-19.
参考文献 13
Lorenzo-OliveirA D, De Mello G F P, Dutra-Ferreira L, et al. Fine structure of the age-chromospheric activity relation in solar-type stars I. The Ca II infrared triplet: Absolute flux calibration [J]. Astron. Astrophys., 2016, 595:10.1051/0004-6361/201628825
参考文献 14
Karczmarek P, Pietrzynski G, Gorski M, et al. The araucaria project: The distance to the fornax dwarf galaxy from near-infrared photometry of rr lyrae stars [J]. Astron. J., 2017, 154(6): 263-1-8.
参考文献 15
Stewart P N, Tuthill P G, Nicholson P D, et al. An atlas of bright star spectra in the near-infrared from cassini-vims [J]. Astrophys J. Suppl.S, 2015, 221(2):
参考文献 16
Klein C R, Richards J W, Butler N R, et al. Mid-infrared period-luminosity relations of RR Lyrae stars derived from the AllWISE data release [J]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 440(1): L96-L100.
参考文献 17
Lian J H, Zhu Q F, Kong X, et al. Characterizing AGB stars in Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) bands [J]. Astron. Astrophys, 2014, 564
参考文献 18
Wang Y D, Su X F, Zhang W T, et al. Research on camera on orbit radial calibration based on black body and infrared calibration stars [M]. //Pham K D, Chen G. Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Xi. 2018.
参考文献 19
Liu Y, Yang L, Chen F-S. Multispectral registration method based on stellar trajectory fitting [J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2018, 50(4): 189.
参考文献 20
Wen M, Wei L, Zhuang X, et al. High-sensitivity short-wave infrared technology for thermal imaging [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2018, 95(9):3-9.
参考文献 21
Neugebauer G, Habing H J, Van Duinen R, et al. The infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) mission [J]. Astrophys J, 1984, 278(1984): L1-L6.
参考文献 22
Wright E L, Eisenhardt P R M, Mainzer A K, et al. The wide-field infrared survey explorer (WISE): Mission description and initial on-orbit performance [J]. Astron. J., 2010, 140(6): 1868.
参考文献 23
Skrutskie M F, Cutri R M, Stiening R, et al. The two micron all sky survey (2MASS) [J]. Astron. J., 2007, 131(2): 1163-83.
参考文献 24
Cohen M, Walker R G, Barlow M J, et al. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared .1. Ground-based and iras broad-band calibrations [J]. Astron. J., 1992, 104(4): 1650-7.
参考文献 25
Xu C. A flux calibration method for remote sensing satellites using star flux [J]. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2017, 36(5): 581-8.
参考文献 26
Wei L, Xiao X, Wang Y, et al. Research on the shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging technology based on Integrated Stepwise filter [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2017, 86:90-7.
参考文献 27
Wen M, Wang Y, Yao Y, et al. Design and performance of curved prism-based mid-wave infrared hyperspectral imager [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2018, 95:5-11.
参考文献 28
Hu Z, Su X, Li X, et al.A method for the characterization of intra-pixel response of infrared sensor.Optical and quantum electronics[J]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-1790-3.
参考文献 29
Li X Y, Su X F , Hu Z Y, et al. Improved distortion correction method and applications for large aperture infrared tracking cameras[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019.,98:82-88.
目录 contents




    This paper presents a model for extrapolating flux from cross-matching multiple catalogues combining the data of IRAS, WISE and 2MASS, which used the Planck’s law to extrapolate flux to every band. The model simplifies the extrapolation process, and improves the extrapolation efficiency with a high precision of 3% for 70% of the stars. Our finding is in agreement with the independent long-term observation of the Vega and Sirius star reported by Cohen et al. According to the extrapolation results, more suitable multiple data of stars could be selected for star calibration.

  • 引言

    遥感图像获取过程中,由于仪器自身误差以及自然环境(如大气、地形)等各种因素影响,搭载其上的遥感器获取的测量值与实际目标物的光谱反射率或辐射亮度等物理量之间会产生一定的偏差 ,需要通过高精度标定来进行校[1,2]。红外成像遥感器星上定标一般采用黑体作为标准辐射源,国外扫描成像的红外相机,在相机内部都有控温黑体参考源用于星上辐射定标。但相关定标设备的精度和效率会随着时间的推移而降低。针对大口径光学系统,现有的星上定标方法无法满足物方的全口径定标,因此找到一种适合大口径红外面阵探测系统的星上定标方法是十分必要的。


    目前主流的恒星定标方案大都采用固定的几颗光谱测定较为充分的恒星,如Vega和Sirius是采用最多的红外标准星。詹姆斯韦伯空间望远镜和哈勃望远镜的绝对通量定标可溯源至三颗主要的白矮星,相对定标采用光度法进[9],绝对定标校准程序采用太阳模拟的方法,校准精度在10μm和20μm处分别为3%和8%[10]。常用的红外标准星名称及光谱类型见表1[11],其是由Cohen等依据空基望远镜、地基望远镜测光结果和红外光谱仪测量结果建立的,光谱覆盖范围为1.2~35 μm,波长分辨率为0.05 μm,光谱不确定度优于5%[12]。针对恒星能量外推,更多的使用Kurucz在1993年提出的恒星光谱模[13],其使用温度、表面重力场和金属丰度等参数拟合恒星光谱分布,拟合误差分布在3%~5%。Karczmarek等针对77 RR Lyrae星系进行了单独观测,并对Gaia任务中的零点进行大气模型拟合定标,精度达到3%[14]。Stewart等针对65颗定标星对比,得到了相似的校准精[15]。在对星表数据的分析处理中,Klein等使用WISE星表中的129颗恒星的观测结果建立校准星[16],Lian等使用渐近巨星对WISE星表的W1和W2饱和的恒星进行校[17]。Wang等使用WISE星表数据对某型号采用了简单插值方法,实验测得辐射定标精度达到20%[18]。Liu等使用星表数据和观测恒星数据,对相机多通道进行了图像配准,配准精度达到0.2个像[19]

    表1 目前可用的模型和复合光谱

    Table 1 Model and composite spectra currently available

    αLyrA0 VJuly 23, 1991
    αCMaA1 VJuly 29, 1991
    αTauK5 IIIMarch 5, 1992
    βPegM2.5 II-IIIMarch 10, 1992
    αBooK1 IIIApril 28, 1993
    βAndM0 IIIOctober 15, 1993
    βGemK0 IIISeptember 12, 1994
    αHyaK3 II-IIIDecember 12, 1993





  • 1 红外星表和定标星





    根据相机的探测波段与在轨运行环境,本文选择了目前使用最为广泛的IRAS、WISE和2MASS星表作为外推数据源。IRAS星表覆盖了8.5~15 μm、19~30 μm、40~80 μm、83~120 μm四个波段,不确定度优于2%[21],WISE星表覆盖了2.8~3.8 μm、4.1~5.2 μm、7.5~16.5 μm、20~28 μm四个波段,不确定度优于1%[22],2MASS星表工作波段为1.25 μm、1.65 μm、2.17 μm 三个波段,不确定度优于1.8%[23]





  • 2 星等与点源辐照度的计算




    Φ=Iθ dΩ1=IθdA2cosθ2l2                            





    Jy=10-26 Wm-2Hz-1                           





    m2-m1=-2.5lg (E2/E1)                 ,


    Fλ=F010-m/2.5                                   ,



  • 3 外推方法分析



    Mλ=C1λ51exp c2λT-1                         ,   



    Lλ=Mλπ                     ,


    Eλ=Aλ51exp c2λT-1                        ,




    Ei=Aλi51exp( c2λiT)-1.Δλi      ,  i=1,2n     ,



    exp C2λjT-1exp C2λkT-1=Ejλj5ΔλkEkλk5Δλj=αj,k.




    ex=n=0xnn!                     ,


    A=Ei×λi5×exp C2λiT-1Δλi                        ,


    q=Emq-EmEm                       ,



    表2 外推精度分析

    Table 2 Extrapolation accuracy analysis








    表3 Vega和Sirius通量数据

    Table 3 The flux of Vega and Sirius

    通道名称λiso/μmFλ/(W cm-2 μm-1λiso/μmFλ/(W cm-2 μm-1

    (a) Vega数据及外推结果

    (a) Data and extrapolation result of Vega


    (b) Sirius数据及外推结果

    (b) Data and extrapolation result of Sirius

    图 1 通量数据及外推结果对比

    Fig. 1 Comparison of flux and extrapolation result



    表4 部分定标星表(Wcm-2

    Table 4 Catalog of calibration stars(Wcm-2)



  • 4 结论


  • References

    • [1]

      WANG Yue-Ming, CHEN Jian-Xin, LIU Yin-Nian, et al. Study on two-point multi-section IRFPA nonuniformity correction algorithm [J]. Journal of Infrared millimeter Waves(王跃明,陈建新,刘银年,等. 红外焦平面器件二点多段非均匀性校正算法研究, 红外与毫米波学报), 2003, 22(6): 415-8.

    • [2]

      WANG Yue-Ming, ZHU Qian, WANG Jian-Yu, et al. Characterization of background radiation in SWIR hyperspectral imager [J]. Journal of Infrared Millimeter Waves(王跃明,祝倩,王建宇,等. 短波红外高光谱成像仪背景辐射特征研究), 2011, 30(3): 279-83.

    • [3]

      Cohen M, Wheaton W A, Megeath S T. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. XIV. The absolute calibration of 2MASS [J]. Astron. J., 2003, 126(2): 1090-6.

    • [4]

      Lu N, Smith P S, Engelbracht C W, et al. Absolute calibration and characterization of the multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer. IV. The spectral energy distribution mode [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 2008, 120(865): 328-38.

    • [5]

      Shirahata M, Matsuura S, Hasegawa S, et al. Calibration and performance of the AKARI far-infrared surveyor (FIS) - slow-scan observation mode for point-sources [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2009, 61(4): 737-50.

    • [6]

      Takita S, Ikeda N, Kitamura Y, et al. Slow-scan observations with the infrared camera (IRC) aboard AKARI [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2012, 64(6):1-8.

    • [7]

      Rieke G H, Blaylock M, Decin L, et al. Absolute physical calibration in the infrared [J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2012, 135(6): 2245.

    • [8]

      Schulz B, Huth S, Laureijs R J, et al. ISOPHOT - Photometric calibration of point sources [J]. Astron Astrophys, 2002, 381(3): 1110-30.

    • [9]

      Bohlin R C, Gordon K D, Rieke G H, et al. Absolute flux calibration of the irac instrument on the spitzer space telescope using hubble space telescope flux standards [J]. Astron J., 2011, 141(5):1-12.

    • [10]

      Diaz-Meller R I. Photometric and astrometric calibration of the JWST instrument complement [J]. Astr. Soc. P., 2007, 364:(81-90).

    • [11]

      Cohen M, Witteborn F C, Walker R G, et al. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. IV. 1.2-35 Aim spectra of six standard stars [J]. Astron. J., 1995, 110(1): 275-89.

    • [12]

      Kim M G, Lee H M, Arai T, et al. Low-resolution near-infrared stellar spectra observed by the cosmic infrared background experiment (CIBER) [J]. Astron. J., 2017, 153(2): 1-19.

    • [13]

      Lorenzo-OliveirA D, De Mello G F P, Dutra-Ferreira L, et al. Fine structure of the age-chromospheric activity relation in solar-type stars I. The Ca II infrared triplet: Absolute flux calibration [J]. Astron. Astrophys., 2016, 595:10.1051/0004-6361/201628825

    • [14]

      Karczmarek P, Pietrzynski G, Gorski M, et al. The araucaria project: The distance to the fornax dwarf galaxy from near-infrared photometry of rr lyrae stars [J]. Astron. J., 2017, 154(6): 263-1-8.

    • [15]

      Stewart P N, Tuthill P G, Nicholson P D, et al. An atlas of bright star spectra in the near-infrared from cassini-vims [J]. Astrophys J. Suppl.S, 2015, 221(2):

    • [16]

      Klein C R, Richards J W, Butler N R, et al. Mid-infrared period-luminosity relations of RR Lyrae stars derived from the AllWISE data release [J]. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, 440(1): L96-L100.

    • [17]

      Lian J H, Zhu Q F, Kong X, et al. Characterizing AGB stars in Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) bands [J]. Astron. Astrophys, 2014, 564

    • [18]

      Wang Y D, Su X F, Zhang W T, et al. Research on camera on orbit radial calibration based on black body and infrared calibration stars [M]. //Pham K D, Chen G. Sensors and Systems for Space Applications Xi. 2018.

    • [19]

      Liu Y, Yang L, Chen F-S. Multispectral registration method based on stellar trajectory fitting [J]. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2018, 50(4): 189.

    • [20]

      Wen M, Wei L, Zhuang X, et al. High-sensitivity short-wave infrared technology for thermal imaging [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2018, 95(9):3-9.

    • [21]

      Neugebauer G, Habing H J, Van Duinen R, et al. The infrared astronomical satellite (IRAS) mission [J]. Astrophys J, 1984, 278(1984): L1-L6.

    • [22]

      Wright E L, Eisenhardt P R M, Mainzer A K, et al. The wide-field infrared survey explorer (WISE): Mission description and initial on-orbit performance [J]. Astron. J., 2010, 140(6): 1868.

    • [23]

      Skrutskie M F, Cutri R M, Stiening R, et al. The two micron all sky survey (2MASS) [J]. Astron. J., 2007, 131(2): 1163-83.

    • [24]

      Cohen M, Walker R G, Barlow M J, et al. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared .1. Ground-based and iras broad-band calibrations [J]. Astron. J., 1992, 104(4): 1650-7.

    • [25]

      Xu C. A flux calibration method for remote sensing satellites using star flux [J]. Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2017, 36(5): 581-8.

    • [26]

      Wei L, Xiao X, Wang Y, et al. Research on the shortwave infrared hyperspectral imaging technology based on Integrated Stepwise filter [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2017, 86:90-7.

    • [27]

      Wen M, Wang Y, Yao Y, et al. Design and performance of curved prism-based mid-wave infrared hyperspectral imager [J]. Infrared Physics and Technology, 2018, 95:5-11.

    • [28]

      Hu Z, Su X, Li X, et al.A method for the characterization of intra-pixel response of infrared sensor.Optical and quantum electronics[J]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11082-019-1790-3.

    • [29]

      Li X Y, Su X F , Hu Z Y, et al. Improved distortion correction method and applications for large aperture infrared tracking cameras[J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019.,98:82-88.

  • 版本信息:
  • 收稿日期:2018-10-14  修回日期:2019-05-24  录用日期:2019-03-21  出版日期:2019-09-06
  • 出版网址:http://journal.sitp.ac.cn/hwyhmb/hwyhmben/article/html/180400
  • 出版方式:正式出版
  • 出版文件: PDF DOCX HPDF
  • 中图分类号:  文献标识码: A
  • 发布人:刘霞
  • 引用格式:WANG Yu-Du,SUN Xiao-Jin,ZHANG Heng,et al.A new approach for extrapolating star flux using cross-matching multiple catalogues[J].Journal of INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES,XXXX,XX(XX):1-7.
  • 王誉都

    机 构:

    1. 中国科学院智能红外感知重点实验室,上海 200083

    2. 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海 200083

    3. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049


    1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Infrared Perception , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083

    2. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China

    3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

    邮 箱:wangyudu@gmail.com



    机 构:

    1. 中国科学院智能红外感知重点实验室,上海 200083

    2. 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海 200083


    1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Infrared Perception , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083

    2. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China


    机 构:

    1. 中国科学院智能红外感知重点实验室,上海 200083

    2. 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海 200083


    1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Infrared Perception , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083

    2. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China


    机 构:

    1. 中国科学院智能红外感知重点实验室,上海 200083

    2. 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所,上海 200083


    1. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Infrared Perception , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083

    2. Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200083, China

    角 色:通讯作者

    Role:Corresponding author

    邮 箱:cfs@mail.sitp.ac.cn


    αLyrA0 VJuly 23, 1991
    αCMaA1 VJuly 29, 1991
    αTauK5 IIIMarch 5, 1992
    βPegM2.5 II-IIIMarch 10, 1992
    αBooK1 IIIApril 28, 1993
    βAndM0 IIIOctober 15, 1993
    βGemK0 IIISeptember 12, 1994
    αHyaK3 II-IIIDecember 12, 1993

    exp C2λjT-1exp C2λkT-1=Ejλj5ΔλkEkλk5Δλj=αj,k.







    通道名称λiso/μmFλ/(W cm-2 μm-1λiso/μmFλ/(W cm-2 μm-1

    表1 目前可用的模型和复合光谱

    Table 1 Model and composite spectra currently available

    表2 外推精度分析

    Table 2 Extrapolation accuracy analysis

    表3 Vega和Sirius通量数据

    Table 3 The flux of Vega and Sirius

    图 1 通量数据及外推结果对比 -- (a) Vega数据及外推结果(a) Data and extrapolation result of Vega

    Fig. 1 Comparison of flux and extrapolation result -- (a) Data and extrapolation result of Vega

    图 1 通量数据及外推结果对比 -- (b) Sirius数据及外推结果(b) Data and extrapolation result of Sirius

    Fig. 1 Comparison of flux and extrapolation result -- (b) Data and extrapolation result of Sirius

    表4 部分定标星表(Wcm-2

    Table 4 Catalog of calibration stars(Wcm-2)

    image /








  • References

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      WANG Yue-Ming, CHEN Jian-Xin, LIU Yin-Nian, et al. Study on two-point multi-section IRFPA nonuniformity correction algorithm [J]. Journal of Infrared millimeter Waves(王跃明,陈建新,刘银年,等. 红外焦平面器件二点多段非均匀性校正算法研究, 红外与毫米波学报), 2003, 22(6): 415-8.

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      WANG Yue-Ming, ZHU Qian, WANG Jian-Yu, et al. Characterization of background radiation in SWIR hyperspectral imager [J]. Journal of Infrared Millimeter Waves(王跃明,祝倩,王建宇,等. 短波红外高光谱成像仪背景辐射特征研究), 2011, 30(3): 279-83.

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      Cohen M, Wheaton W A, Megeath S T. Spectral irradiance calibration in the infrared. XIV. The absolute calibration of 2MASS [J]. Astron. J., 2003, 126(2): 1090-6.

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      Lu N, Smith P S, Engelbracht C W, et al. Absolute calibration and characterization of the multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer. IV. The spectral energy distribution mode [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac., 2008, 120(865): 328-38.

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      Shirahata M, Matsuura S, Hasegawa S, et al. Calibration and performance of the AKARI far-infrared surveyor (FIS) - slow-scan observation mode for point-sources [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2009, 61(4): 737-50.

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      Takita S, Ikeda N, Kitamura Y, et al. Slow-scan observations with the infrared camera (IRC) aboard AKARI [J]. Publ. Astron. Soc. Jpn., 2012, 64(6):1-8.

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      Rieke G H, Blaylock M, Decin L, et al. Absolute physical calibration in the infrared [J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2012, 135(6): 2245.

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      Bohlin R C, Gordon K D, Rieke G H, et al. Absolute flux calibration of the irac instrument on the spitzer space telescope using hubble space telescope flux standards [J]. Astron J., 2011, 141(5):1-12.

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