Based on the theory of mode coupling, 3mm band second-harmonic complex cavity gyrotron inner TE0.3-TE0.2- TE0.1 mode converter and collectors were discussed in detail. By adopting structure of corrugated wavegnide with radius tapered and different phase rematch technique, the reliable optimal geometry parameters were obtained. Corrugated waveguide mode converter of 94GHz gyrotron was designed with compact bulk and high efficiency, and the burned patterns measured at the ends of converter were obtained for the gyrotron.
牛新建,顾玲,喻胜,李宏福.94GHz二次谐波回旋管波纹波导模式转换[J].红外与毫米波学报,2007,26(2):117~120]. NIU Xin-Jian, GU Ling, YU Sheng, LI Hong-Fu. CORRUGATED WAVEGUIDE MODE CONVERSION FOR 94GHz SECOND-HARMONIC GYROTRON[J]. J. Infrared Millim. Waves,2007,26(2):117~120.]