国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0101002);国家自然科学(31470090,11504372,11604332);重庆市科学技术委员会项目(cstc2013yykfC00007, cstc2014jcyjA10002, cstc2015jcyjA10057, YJ500061LH1)Foundation items: Supported by the National Key Research and Development Program (2016YFC0101002), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31470090,11504372)and the Chong Qing Science Technology Commission(cstc2013yykfC00007, cstc2014jcyjA10002, cstc2015jcyjA10057, YJ500061LH1)
College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology;Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Food Science and Technology, Henan University of Technology,Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University;Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Multiscale Manufacturing Technology of Chongqing, Chongqing Institute of Green and Intelligent Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
李莹莹,刘钟栋,杨忠波,汤明杰,云小玲,何石轩,施长城,魏东山,王化斌.硫酸软骨素掺假鉴定的太赫兹和红外光谱对比[J].红外与毫米波学报,2017,36(1):75~81]. LI Ying-Ying, LIU Zhong-Dong, YANG Zhong-Bo, TANG Ming-Jie, YUN Xiao-Ling, HE Shi-Xuan, SHI Chang-Cheng, WEI Dong-Shan, WANG Hua-Bin. Detection of chondroitin sulfate adulteration using terahertz and infrared spectroscopy techniques[J]. J. Infrared Millim. Waves,2017,36(1):75~81.]