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投稿时间:2024-12-10  修订日期:2024-12-18  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 60
全文下载次数: 0
王 浩* 陆空基信息感知与控制全国重点实验室 陕西省西安市雁塔区丈八东路10号
徐顶国 西安现代控制技术研究所,陕西 西安 
中文关键词:制导飞行器  隐身技术  目标特性  红外辐射特性  离散传递法
Simulation Research on Infrared RadiationCharacteristics of Guided Aricraft
Abstract:Stealth technology is one of the most important directions to improve penetration capability and synthesize strike efficiency of guided aircrafts, where research on infrared radiation characteristics serves key position. This study takes AGM-88 high speed anti-radiation aircraft for example, carries out research on infrared radiation characteristics of tactic aircraft under multi work conditions. It adopts Reynold average turbulent model for fluid field simulation, and discrete transfer method for infrared radiation field simulation, then compares infrared radiation characteristics under different flow conditions, wave lengths, and detection angles. The results indicate that Mach has great impact on temperature and infrared radiation strength, where infrared radiation strength increases rapidly with the increase of Mach. Besides, maximum infrared radiation brightness appears at engine zone, coming with high temperature, low pressure, low velocity, and reverse flow, and head cone, wing, and rudder also gets relatively high pressure and temperature, and contributes infrared radiation. Thirdly, detection angles shows important influence on infrared radiation strength, where those from the head and tail directions of the aircraft takes just about 5% of the peak. Fourthly, infrared radiation under 8~14μm band is much intensive than that under 3~5μm, and the difference decreases with the increase of Mach. Finally, atmospheric absorption has significant attenuation influence on infrared radiation.
keywords:guided aircraft  stealth technology  target characteristics  infrared radiation characteristics  discrete transfer method
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